Changing my heroes names!
A post like this was probably posted yesterday. lol
I would like to change my heroes names just like you can do with ranger pets. IT would give a little more uniqueness in the game.
I would like to change my heroes names just like you can do with ranger pets. IT would give a little more uniqueness in the game.
Sir Pandra Pierva
not needed but would be fun to have
Yeah would be cool addition. Won't happen though. For sure...
Dorian Orenda
I say why not ? Great idea. Are we supposed to believe that everyones pet has the same name, so why not heroes. Not everyones warrior has to be named "Koss".

Yes, and then every time you re-name a Hero, the voice actors can go through and re-do all the cutscenes.
/notsigned for obvious reasons.
/notsigned for obvious reasons.
/not signed.
And if you can't figure out why, I'm sure that Jora can explain to you better than I why she wouldn't want to be renamed "honey-buns" or some such non-sense.
And if you can't figure out why, I'm sure that Jora can explain to you better than I why she wouldn't want to be renamed "honey-buns" or some such non-sense.
sure why not, but they arent going to do a small thing like this, not now anyway although like MStarfire said they would most certainly not do this due to having to spend more money on actors and how will they know what your gonna name, and kook i would love to have my jora named honey-buns, she'll be awsome
Shiro's Prophet
/not signed. This would screw up the campaigns too much IMO. A lot of cinematics have the names of some heroes in them, and everything would have to be changed. it'd be nice to have, but too much work.
/notsigned only because it would screw up the cutscenes.
It would be nice to name:
Koss -> Bucky
Anton -> Homer
Pyre Fierceshot -> Lenny
Jora -> Tamatha
Talhkora -> Victoria
It would be nice to name:
Koss -> Bucky
Anton -> Homer
Pyre Fierceshot -> Lenny
Jora -> Tamatha
Talhkora -> Victoria
Hm... I'm not against changing the name of the heroes when you go though certain parts of the plot:
- Tahlkora: Princess Tahlkora (After beating Tihark ORchard)
- Master of Whispers: Jura (After beating Daznogur Bastion)
- Magrid the Sly: Magrid Godslayer (After beating Gate of Desolation with her).
But manually change them? NO!
- Tahlkora: Princess Tahlkora (After beating Tihark ORchard)
- Master of Whispers: Jura (After beating Daznogur Bastion)
- Magrid the Sly: Magrid Godslayer (After beating Gate of Desolation with her).
But manually change them? NO!
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Hm... I'm not against changing the name of the heroes when you go though certain parts of the plot:
- Tahlkora: Princess Tahlkora (After beating Tihark ORchard) - Master of Whispers: Jura (After beating Daznogur Bastion) - Magrid the Sly: Magrid Godslayer (After beating Gate of Desolation with her). But manually change them? NO! |
Changing hero names freely just isn't workable. Imagine being the Anet employee who would have to moderate all that crap.
from my programming knowledge, I'd assume that those names are hard-coded. Along with the other problems already brought up, it just wouldn't be feasible.
Um...Would be nice but it would totally mess up the storyline and voice acting and blah blah blah
Konig Des Todes
Nice Idea. Although the cutscene is a problem. So here's my solution to this suggestion:
Solution 1: Follow what MithranArkanere said. After missions you can have the name changed to certain (spoiler related) names.
Solution 2: Can only change "side" hero names. (i.e. Jin, Anton, Razah, etc)
Solution 3: Names only change for Explorable Areas and Missions, NOT cutscenes and quests (this one is iffy, but allows every hero to be changed)
/signed only because I want to rename gwen as Queen of Darkness, or some other old nickname for gwen created by the beta end
Solution 1: Follow what MithranArkanere said. After missions you can have the name changed to certain (spoiler related) names.
Solution 2: Can only change "side" hero names. (i.e. Jin, Anton, Razah, etc)
Solution 3: Names only change for Explorable Areas and Missions, NOT cutscenes and quests (this one is iffy, but allows every hero to be changed)
/signed only because I want to rename gwen as Queen of Darkness, or some other old nickname for gwen created by the beta end

Shayne Hawke
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Hm... I'm not against changing the name of the heroes when you go though certain parts of the plot:
- Tahlkora: Princess Tahlkora (After beating Tihark ORchard) - Master of Whispers: Jura (After beating Daznogur Bastion) - Magrid the Sly: Magrid Godslayer (After beating Gate of Desolation with her). But manually change them? NO! |
/signed for name change through plot, /notsigned to manual changes.
Elite God
Bah you don't like the name Koss or Razah?
I would name Koss....Jack, just because I could...
But yah
Because it would be funny
Not logical
I would name Koss....Jack, just because I could...
But yah
Because it would be funny
Not logical
This idea is too much fuss for too little gain so...
/not signed
/not signed
/Signed if only for the hope of 7 hero's one day which i can rename to Hue,Pue, Barney,Macgrew, Cuthbert,Dibble and Grubb!
Ah! I forgot:
Koss -> Koss Dejarin (After him being acepted again by his father)
Koss -> Koss Dejarin (After him being acepted again by his father)
Originally Posted by ilipol
This idea is too much fuss for too little gain so...
/not signed |
Captain Herbalife
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Hm... I'm not against changing the name of the heroes when you go though certain parts of the plot:
- Tahlkora: Princess Tahlkora (After beating Tihark ORchard) - Master of Whispers: Jura (After beating Daznogur Bastion) - Magrid the Sly: Magrid Godslayer (After beating Gate of Desolation with her). But manually change them? NO! |
I like this idea. But alas prolly wont happen at this late stage in the game.
Originally Posted by Captain Herbalife
I like this idea. But alas prolly wont happen at this late stage in the game.