Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
Well, I think that's also a good thing for PvE. Humans can big selfish, nasty, unfriendly, judgemental, angry, unsympathetic, condescending, ignorant, aggressive, hypocrite, narrow-minded, intolerant, racist, elitist...
True, but that doesn't really change the environment unless if they are just bad and aggro the whole map.
Assuming you are playing with actual good players (because it's just fair, my PvP example only really counts if you're playing with good players who aren't trying to sabotage you), the human element doesn't matter much at all in PvE.
I think you too have a problem with understanding what I wrote (and maybe misjudge me on why I wrote it? please notice the question marks). But, human nature being what it is, I'm not going to try to explain it to you because you will not (voluntarily or not) understand.
Try me.
I'll let you "win" this thread now (it's exactly like PvP, there can only be winners and losers), no more disturbances from me.
Tch, it's not about winning or losing, it's about what you learned along the way.
]Theres lot of variables in PVE that make it just as skillfull as PVP. I hardly think most pvp players could solo fight to droknars without max armor or elite skills.
So, it's more skillfull because you're not doing something to the best of your ability?
This is why PvPers wouldn't do this.
Lemme change your statement to fit PvP
I hardly think most PvE players could solo fight in GvG without max armor or elite skills.
It's not more skillfull, it's just more challenging because you're gimping yourself. It's hard to make a similar parallel however, because you can easily solo run droknars without max armor or elite skills thanks to terrible AI and knowing the area, yet you wouldn't be able to beat even the worst guild 1v8 in GvG without max armor or elite skills.
If anything the PVP part of this game could easily be dismissed just be the sheer numbers of people playing PVE game if you wanna play that way majority rules then PVP doesnt count in Guild Wars and is just a side attraction to the main game PVE.
Devs say you are wrong:
Section #2.
Just because its called PVE doesnt mean there isnt PVP or peopel competing in it, everyones competeing on some level be it getting titles or nice armours or getting the most gold and letting it be known, thats a competition and it takes skill. PVP doesnt always mean killing someone, PVP is anything thats a form of competition and the PVE game is full of it.
It's a different kind of competition. It doesn't take skill to get the most titles, or the most armors, or the most gold. It takes time. Divine got r6 koabd, and I doubt he would say he used a ton of skill to get it. Just knowledge (which anyone can get from reading a wiki) and time (which he seems to have a lot of). Does some skill go along with it? Sure, I've mastered the art of rolling my face over my keyboard as a paragon. But it's not even close to the same kind of skill, and I just PvE to relax since I don't even have to try to beat it. I only take 1 weapon set, 3 heroes (when I'm not playing with others, and I never have to flag or change anything on them), never chiizu dance, etc. It's just a relaxation for me, because it's not difficult in the least. You could argue that's because I PvP, but I could argue that's because the entire game mode is faulty and not well designed. I have gotten more of a work out from really bad guilds.
Infact I think all skills should be balanced for PVE, since the meat of the content and the majority of the playerbase (a large majority) is pvp'ing in the PVE game it would makes sense that extra attention and care be put into balancing the PVE with mob AI, skills, etc.
Let me know when they offer real money prizes for PvE that will affect monsters leaving (hint: monsters are replaced by players in PvP) when the game is imba and I'll agree with you!!
Dont get me wrong im a hard core pvp'er, FPS's are my favourite genre, but in this game teamdeathmatch is just a mini game for me and the real competition is inside the towns where I tink Anet needs to start focusing their attention on. - the PVP game in the PVE world, which no isnt deathmatch. Theres better PVP games out there, there isnt any better PVE games , the focus needs to be on their strength.
Guild Wars
is the best PvP game in its genre. World of Warcraft is completely laughable in the PvP area compared to GW, Fury is dead, EQ2 just got PvP tacked on and its pretty lol, and AoC has Rangers that can mass snare people and do Assassin dps. GW isn't CC based (ie: WoW, where your goal is to take the most people out of the game for the longest) and relies on movement, and isn't class based R-P-S (hello WoW again, where as I rogue I only die to a Hunter when they have Bestial Wrath on them. A short long recharge buff. Yeah.)
The PvE is really really bad though. A lot of other games in the genre do way better.
Basically, your entire post relies on the faulty logic that the majority rules and knows whats good and should get all the attention. If this is the case, then go play World of Warcraft. It has 10,000,000+ players, thats a majority compared to Guild Wars. It
must be good.
No. PvP games in general get less players than PvE games because PvP is a whole different ballgame. There is a lot more people playing Bejeweled than there is Counterstrike 1.6 or whatever hell FPS you play. There always will be, because PvP is always more competitive and always more hardcore than a lot of people care for.
But that is no reason to alienate PvP games from the world.