The idea is based around existing content in Temple of Ages. Currently, we can use Grenth for The Underworld and Balthazar for The Fissure of Woe. There are however, 3 unused statues (Melandru, Lyssa and Dwayna) that are, at present, redundant. Therefore, open these up for 3 new "elite" areas.
The beauty I think with this is the following:
- The new areas are not constricted to Prophecies skill sets. Therefore these new areas would be open to all 3 (and GW:EN) skill sets. Thus PermaSins and the likes could easily be countered, which is currently not the case for UW/FoW atm. I maybe wrong here but AreaNet cannot introduce non-Prophecies skills into UW/FoW since the areas are based on Tyrian design (thus skill sets).
- The new areas could be designed to prohibit Ursans from going in by not allowing Elite-PvE only skills in the skill bar. Ursan Blessing, Raven Blessing, Volfen Blessing and Lightbringer Signet are these skills. That may annoy alot of people but it means people can still enjoy Ursaning if they wish but must understand these areas could not be entered with thus skills. Hopefully this would bring the fun into balanced teams (for some) again.
- 3 new rare-crafting materials (1 in each area). Therefore making ecto obsolete (which it is really anyway) and thus give the ecomony something to use for high-end trading.
- In conjunction with the 3 new rare materials, a new "leet" armour set is created (e.g. Divine armour). This would be made up of ALL 5 rare materials available from ToA/Corridor/Chantry entry. Making this glow (akin to chaos gloves possibly) would be a nice addition.
- Areanet hold a design-an-armour competition. I think most people agree that most of the GW:EN armour designs were somewhat lame. Because the armour comes from the community, I think this would give it some extra kudos (not to mention ANet having to spend less on the design artwork
). These armour sets must be allowed to be on display in HoM too!!
- Add a new title for all statues completed (UW, FoW, New Area 1, New Area 2, New Area 3, The Deep, Urgoz Warren, Domain of Anguish and Sorrows Furnace). Gives us something else to work on
Yes I know that AreaNet have said that no more new content is to be added before GW2 but, given the state of the game and that GW2 is still quiet a way off, this would be a nice addition to the game that, hopefully, will give people a new injection of life in GW (as well as maybe giving some life back to the ecomony).
Gotta try something though!!
Some of the above has been mentioned in snippets here and there in this thread