PvP Skill contest
Fril Estelin
I think Anet should think about organising a new format of PvP games (GvG, HB) where players/teams specifically have the same skillbar and gears (they may change during different rounds?). It will reveal who is really good in a way quite different from existing formats. Maybe these guys should even have a specific emote!
This would be like a permanent Costume Brawl (why not simply re-use this format, but with the ability to choose your team?).
This would be like a permanent Costume Brawl (why not simply re-use this format, but with the ability to choose your team?).
Sai Rith
I like the concept of the idea, but it is quite easy to tell who is a good player, a bad player, or a Champ Range player.
Rhamia Darigaz
i wouldn't get your hopes up about seeing whos "really" a good player.
the really good players are already in the top 100 gvg guilds,
and if you're not one of them you're not one of the really good players
inb4whoru. gw is hard and i suck at it
the really good players are already in the top 100 gvg guilds,
and if you're not one of them you're not one of the really good players
inb4whoru. gw is hard and i suck at it
i like that idea but it dosnt necessary show hows better then who
Shayne Hawke
I love that kind of gameplay, where everyone has the same bars, and victory and defeat is determined by players' abilities.
Rhamia Darigaz
Originally Posted by Shayne Hawke
I love that kind of gameplay, where everyone has the same bars, and victory and defeat is determined by players' abilities.
/signed |
/notsigned again
pumpkin pie
hrmz ....
i like it, like costume brawl. i will own! :P~ so /signed.
Rhamia Darigaz, you do know your statement can goes both way...
i like it, like costume brawl. i will own! :P~ so /signed.
Rhamia Darigaz, you do know your statement can goes both way...
Rhamia Darigaz
Originally Posted by pumpkin pie
hrmz ....
i like it, like costume brawl. i will own! :P~ so /signed. Rhamia Darigaz, you do know your statement can goes both way... |
Originally Posted by Rhamia Darigaz
if by both ways you mean that ppl who are good at gw are not necessarily good at the suggested format then yes, i know. i dont see how that changes my point though, which was that the format is not guild wars gameplay, and would not reveal who the "real" good players are.

I like costume brawl, but the game is too dead to reveal any new talent, since anyone that is remotely good will have made it to the top (or somewhere close to it) if they actually bothered trying.
i have been a strong supporter of this for a long time. i think it would be perfect way to show how skilled you actually are and it would also teach people how to use skills.
all year dragon arena?
I like this.
But I would go a bit more far ... all of PvP only with premade bars, preferably several per profession.
Removes all gimicks if done right. Nerfing/Buffing would consist purely from adding/removing skills to said premades, while skill based balance would be somewhat more rare ...
If community has its word in what bars are out there, it could work quite well for highend as well as lowend (highend reaping benefits of ballanced gameplay with 0 gimmicks, low end reaping benefits of ensured good builds instead of creative ones.) And give back devs ability to easily balance PvP and not to drown in new skills/classes.
Basically, "U" inversion, premades for PvP, not for PvE.
But I would go a bit more far ... all of PvP only with premade bars, preferably several per profession.
Removes all gimicks if done right. Nerfing/Buffing would consist purely from adding/removing skills to said premades, while skill based balance would be somewhat more rare ...
If community has its word in what bars are out there, it could work quite well for highend as well as lowend (highend reaping benefits of ballanced gameplay with 0 gimmicks, low end reaping benefits of ensured good builds instead of creative ones.) And give back devs ability to easily balance PvP and not to drown in new skills/classes.
Basically, "U" inversion, premades for PvP, not for PvE.
Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
I think Anet should think about organising a new format of PvP games (GvG, HB) where players/teams specifically have the same skillbar and gears (they may change during different rounds?). It will reveal who is really good in a way quite different from existing formats. Maybe these guys should even have a specific emote!
This would be like a permanent Costume Brawl (why not simply re-use this format, but with the ability to choose your team?). |
How about a PvP arena where skills are tied to a point value system and you have to 'buy' them or you have to choose your 8 from 20, depending on your profession combo? Like each attribute line gets only five skills to use. The skills could change every month. Wouldn't that show who can make a build from a forced pool and beat another team selecting from that same small pool of skills?
How about a PvP arena where skills are tied to a point value system and you have to 'buy' them or you have to choose your 8 from 20, depending on your profession combo? Like each attribute line gets only five skills to use. The skills could change every month. Wouldn't that show who can make a build from a forced pool and beat another team selecting from that same small pool of skills?
Yeah. Put an areana, give everyone a Brawling set and a pair of brawling knucles, and let them enter an area.
They'll punch themselves to death.
They'll punch themselves to death.