1. SF/Chaos Plains Farm Is NOT Causing the Drop in Ecto Prices; Rather Hysteria about SF/Chaos Plains Farm Is Causing It.
- SF/Chaos Plains Farm Is NOT Causing the Drop in Ecto Prices.
Ecto price is set by supply and demand. There is an illusion that the chaos plains farm is causing a huge spike in supply. It's not. After 3 years of farming and hording ectos, there are already so many of them out there that the chaos plains farm cannot make a very large impact on the supply, except over a very long period. The farm has virtually no impact on demand (which would have stayed constant had people behaved rationally). Thus, since the farm has only a small impact on supply, and no impact on demand, it has only a small impact on price.
- Hysteria about SF/Chaos Plains Farm Is Causing the Drop in Ecto Prices.
The hysteria over the possibility that ecto prices might fall is, in fact, the reason that they've fallen. Chatter in ToA and "a-net U must nerf teh SF/Chaos Planes cuz it will ruin teh economyz" threads on the forums have convinced some people that prices would fall. This has affected supply by leading people to sell their ectos short and it has affected demand by leading people not to buy ectos who otherwise would. It's a classic "self-fulflling prophecy"/"run on the bank" scenario.
2. A Drop in Ecto Prices Is NOT Bad for the Economy.
Even if SF was behind the drop in ecto prices, it wouldn't matter because a drop in ecto prices is not bad for the economy.
- The ecto price affects only ectos; nothing else will be affected.
Let's say you wanted to sell an item for 100k+10e back when ecto were at 5.5k. That means you were really trying to sell it for 155k. Let's say the ecto price falls all the way to 1k. ("ectoz R 1k?!?! OMG teh economy iz runed!!!!111") What do you do? You mark your item up to 100k+55e and go on your merry way because it's still worth 155k -- exactly the same amount it was worth before ecto prices dropped. As you can see, ecto prices only affect ectos. Other items are not impacted.
A couple of small caveats:
- The opportunity cost of a small class of very high-end trades will increase. The trade window can only hold 100k + 1750 ectos. That means that, at 5.5k per ecto, it could hold 9725k; but, if ectos fall all the way to 1k, then it could only hold 1850k. That means that, for those high-end trades that fall between those two values, the buyer is going to have to spend the time to convert some ectos to armbraces if ecto prices fall, but not if ecto prices stay high.
To this I say, "boo fricking hoo." I couldn't care less if someone trading an item worth more than 1,850,000g has to take some time to buy armbraces. I've never even seen an item that valuable, and neither has 99% of the playerbase. For the vast majority of us, this is a non-issue.
- Extremely rich people will have less storage space. If ecto prices fall from 5.5k all the way to 1k, then the 1375k that could be "stored" in 1 stack of ectos at 5.5k/ecto will instead require 5 & 1/2 stacks at 1k/ecto.
Again, "boo fricking hoo." If you're so rich that you have trouble finding a place to put all your ecto, you can always just give some to me.
- The opportunity cost of a small class of very high-end trades will increase. The trade window can only hold 100k + 1750 ectos. That means that, at 5.5k per ecto, it could hold 9725k; but, if ectos fall all the way to 1k, then it could only hold 1850k. That means that, for those high-end trades that fall between those two values, the buyer is going to have to spend the time to convert some ectos to armbraces if ecto prices fall, but not if ecto prices stay high.
- The Rationales for WHY a Low Ecto Price Is Bad for the Economy Are Faulty.
Often, posters in the "a-net U must nerf teh SF/Chaos Planes cuz it will ruin teh economyz" threads don't provide any rationale at all. They seem to take for granted that a low ecto price means the end of the world. But they never explain why a low ecto price is bad for the economy. Largely, their reasoning follows this progression: 1. Ecto prices drop. 2. ???? 3. "Oh noez, teh economy is ruined!" This is poor reasoning, and unconvincing.
Sometimes, they provide an explanation, but it's faulty. Pretty much every explanation of why a low ecto price is bad for the economy boils down to one of two faulty arguments:
- 1. "A low ecto price is bad for the economy because it means my stacks of ecto are worth less."
Well, that's certainly bad for you, but you are not the economy. Someone else is gaining as much relative buyer power as you are losing, so the net effect for the economy is a wash. If anything, it's actually good for the economy because it might motivate you to become more productive in order to reestablish your relative buying power.
- 2. "A low ecto price is bad for the economy because it means other people will be able to get the same FoW + Chaos Gloves + Dread Mask outfit as me!!"
Again, that may be bad for your e-peen, but your e-peen is not the economy either. More importantly, you should take a good look at what exactly you're saying here -- you're asking a-net to act to prevent other people from achieving their goals so that you can continue to feel superior to them. That is selfish, petty, and, frankly, pathetic.
(A marginally more valid argument for a nerf would be that, since your FoW + Chaos Gloves + Dread Mask outfit is so horrifically tacky, people should be prevented from making more of them on aesthetic grounds.)
- 1. "A low ecto price is bad for the economy because it means my stacks of ecto are worth less."
Short Summation:
SF/Chaos Plains farm is NOT causing the drop in ecto prices. Rather, hysteria about SF/Chaos Plains farm is causing it. Even if SF was behind the drop in ecto prices, it wouldn't matter because a drop in ecto prices is not bad for the economy. Why? Because ecto prices affect only ectos and nothing else. The two reasons commonly given for why a low ecto price is bad for the economy are wrong because they confuse what's bad for one's personal pecuniary interest or one's e-peen with what's bad for the economy. You are not the economy. Your e-peen is not the economy.
Good day.