Please Sirs may we have some New Content!

Sparks Dawnbringer

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Los Angeles



Since there has been on information forthcoming on release date of GW2. Admit that it won't be done for quite some time and give us some NEW CONTENT in existing areas.

Based on the proposal that nothing in life is free and realizing that there is no monthly fee built into GW for improvement. If you don't want to spend the money, you don't have to,

I would suggest the following:

1. Add 10 dungeons to each continent of GW. Charge for this dungeon pack about 30 dollars per account. Give us an end game chest like GWEN. Make them available in normal and hard modes. Give us a dungeon book for each continent and mode witch when completed we can take to a NPC and get a key to a very high end chest. One key given for normal two for hard mode.

Tada! We get more content, you get more money and time to finish GW2 as it should be done and not hurried.

Edited by Celestial Beaver: Removed ideas 2 and 3. As stated in the guidlines only one idea per thread please.

Xx Da Best Xx

Xx Da Best Xx

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2008


I like the ideas, but I wouldnt be willing to pay money for them



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006


the dungeon idea is nice but make at least 5 of them H/Hable in NM, I haven't done more than 1/5 of the eots dungeons purely because I don't like PuGs and am not in a guild.

Shayne Hawke

Shayne Hawke

Departed from Tyria

Join Date: May 2007

Clan Dethryche [dth]


How about they fix what material they have in the game right now instead of half-assing some new stuff? That, and I'd rather let them work on GW2.




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006



/signed for dungeons (I'd love to see kurzicks/luxons dungeons/dungeon books, that would help getting these faction titles.)

Operative 14

Operative 14

Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006

Arizona, USA

[OOP] Order of the Phoenix I

The first one would be nice, though I'm not much of a dungeon person myself. I would buy it if it were released into stores, but other than that I wouldn't bother.

However, none of these are things I could actually buy. Separately, they are too cheap to distribute to stores for a profit. That being the case, I couldn't actually buy any of these items because I don't have a credit card I could use online, nor would I want to.

I would, though, be happy if they bundled these things in another expansion pack-ish package with the BMP and sold it for the same price as the other games in real stores.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


Please sir... I'd like a few thousands of man hours of content added to the game.

Have you done DoA? Tombs? All the dungeons? UW and FoW clear? Vanquish? GvG? Won halls?
If not... then why complain about the lack of content if you haven't used up all the content they already have.

Anyway, as for your other two ideas... the minipet slot one has been suggested before. I'm not going to bother replying to those though since this thread breaks the "couple of ideas" forum rule (please read the sticky before posting).



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

standing on your last control point, while the rest of your team is to busy killing mine

The Luminaries [Lumi]


I'd be playing a Korean MMO if I wanted to play a Korean MMO.
/not signed

Konig Des Todes

Konig Des Todes

Ooo, pretty flower

Join Date: Jan 2008

Citadel of the Decayed

The Archivists' Sanctum [Lore]


Originally Posted by Sparks Dawnbringer
Based on the proposal that nothing in life is free and realizing that there is no monthly fee built into GW for improvement.
Um, why not have ANet go back to how they were around the time of prophecies and let them add FREE new content? Sorrow's Furnace comes to mind...

1. Add 10 dungeons to each continent of GW. Charge for this dungeon pack about 30 dollars per account. Give us an end game chest like GWEN. Make them available in normal and hard modes. Give us a dungeon book for each continent and mode witch when completed we can take to a NPC and get a key to a very high end chest. One key given for normal two for hard mode.
No need for that many dungeons, your asking for 30 additional dungeons, and who knows how many of those will be reskinned/used levels from EN. Also, each continent has at least one dungeon already (Prophecies: Sorrow's Furnace+Catacombs|Factions: Undercity|Nightfall: Hidden City and that Cavern place), no need for more imo. Also, a very high end chest Miner's Key, Deeproot Key, Forbidden Key, Deep Jade Key, Demonic Key, Obsidian Key, Phantom Key, and Lockpicks? Those are as high end as we get. Where would new "very high end" chests be located?

Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Have you done DoA? Tombs? All the dungeons? UW and FoW clear? Vanquish? GvG? Won halls?
If not... then why complain about the lack of content if you haven't used up all the content they already have.
I don't think he has done all of those, but might as well take out HoH and GvG as it seems he's a PvEer .

New Content=good
Pay for New Content thats not a new game=not so good
These ideas=not even that "new" for content... only the dungeon idea is new content really... and that idea sucks.

/notsigned for these ideas, /signed for different (and better) ideas for new content

Edited by Celestial Beaver: Deleted removed quotes


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006



I agree that Anet should give us some new content to hold us over, but I don't think dungeons are the way to go. I don't know about you, but I thought most of the dungeons in GW:EN were incredibly boring.

I know it's been mentioned hundreds and hundreds of times, but I personally think Anet would be better off adding more realms for Melandru, Lyssa, and Dwayna.

Hell, I'd be happy if Anet just added a few new armor sets. Perhaps a design-an-armor set competition?

I'm not really sure how they'll save their player base, but something tells me they still have something up their sleeve. If Anet's smart, they'll give us something.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2006

Lady Ainowa

why dungeons ?I quite had enough with doing all GWEN dungeons in hm and nm.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2007

Since newest info released on GW2 is a delay (who didn't see this coming?) they may remove one body part from another body part long enough to realize no new content is a bad thing if you want to keep some of your customers. Anyone else notice people dissappeared after AoC was released?

I would like some new dungeons as long as there is a better way access them, spend 1/2 hour waiting for friends to show up then take an 1/2 running (fighting to the dungeon) then 1.5 hours actually in the dungeon and your reward for 2.5 hours is an onyx gemstone. I would like to have a staging (outpost) right at the beginning of the dungeon like CoF and Snowman. Its not because of laziness either, it is called time and some of us just don't have enough and saving 30 minutes would help a great bit.

romeus petrus

romeus petrus

Jungle Guide

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Urgoz Warren

Legion of Doom [LOD] Home of PWNZILLA

Originally Posted by R.Shayne
I would like some new dungeons as long as there is a better way access them, spend 1/2 hour waiting for friends to show up then take an 1/2 running (fighting to the dungeon) then 1.5 hours actually in the dungeon and your reward for 2.5 hours is an onyx gemstone. I would like to have a staging (outpost) right at the beginning of the dungeon like CoF and Snowman. Its not because of laziness either, it is called time and some of us just don't have enough and saving 30 minutes would help a great bit.
QFT. The current dungeon design is very flawed and gives no incentive to do any dungeon. Compare all those new GWEN Dungeons to Urgoz/Deep/Tombs or even SF back in the day.

I dont think the problem is that we need more dungeons, we have more than enough already that anyone can do even with H/H. If there is a new design to be introduce, that will require players to purchase, it has to be along the lines of the old DoA. Something that would require a lot of effort to get through; and at the same time offers a good incentive to those who finish it.


Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


/not signed

dungeons are kinda boring IMHO, they are only used for farming nowadays.. I would say add a new BMP, i want to know about the kicking of the gods and maybe abbadon's history. They are largely shrouded in mystery and i want some story line, most of all i want to play as a god...

Lawrence Chang

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2007

United States



Whats the point of adding "new" content to GW? From day one, all addon and packs were basically reskin. New dungeon? a level based on an existing floor plan. New dungeon rewards/chest? Simple a reskin of what weapon/item we already have. New monsters? Reskined monsters using the same skills. New armors? Reskined. Sorry, GW is build on the balanced mentality, and there is not much things to build on/add on to the existing model. Addons would also have to reflect the "balance" idea, which would simply lead to more reskin.

Phoenix Tears

Phoenix Tears

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

I'm too for more content. I was from the begin on at the opinion, that the EotN Add on is just a crappy half cut Version of what we would have got, if anet just had given us the full final 4th Campaign Utopia.

Then we would have now for example 12 Professions, under them the very unique Chronomancer and what please is better new content, than to explore 2 completely new professions, with a 4th campaign ,that would give us also 2 new chara slots.

Yes, even the so loooooooong wished realms of the other Gods would be much better new content, then more Dungeons, even if i personaly wld really like to see, that Cantha and Elona also should receive some Dungeons.
Say like 5 or so per Continent, so together 10 new Dungeons.

Also new good Content would be, to finally make it for us possible, to create for example Canthan Characters with tyrian face and elonian hair styles, if we own all campaigns - so the character creator should take all styles and not only that of a certain campaign, where the new character should start. YES for MORE Individuality !!! ANd thne they should add more new Face and Hair Styles and increase also the Hair Color Range through adding a full Rainbow Color Field, where you click with the mouse then in to receive your hair color.

More Armor Sets would be naturally ever nice, as long they are no stupid Reskins. This game has really enough reskins now -.- Sucks enough ,that this game has even Reskin-Skills >.> aka Clone Skills that this game absolutely doesn't need.

Also nice new gameplay Improvements would be, to make it finally possible for people, which have played through all Dungeons in Hard Mode, to use the Asura Gate Icon on the Maps to warp to the Dungeons Entrance at Stage 1 direct, after repairing the dungeon's Asura Gates inside, so that this dumb icon on the Map finally receives a good usage and makes somehow sense for existence, other then to warp us to the fist EotN outpost, to which we can warp also normally, once we were there our first time through clicking it on the map.

New Content could be some new PvE only Skills for example for Sun Spear and Lightbringer Title, those 2 have compared to the 4 race Titles so less Skills.

New Content could be more explorable Places, god when i think on, that just only like 30% of our game world is explorable and the other 70% are just only retarded FILLER thats unexplorable, I could throw up.

New Content could be some new senseful Titles, like the missing reputation titles for prophecies

-Shining Blade Title & White Mantle Title, but those woul need to be made really good and thought out, so that the story of prophecies gets not destroyed or so at that part that has to do wih. Together with that then again some new PvE only Skills for those Titles.

New Content, good content could be some new helpful NPC's, like a MINIATURE NPC, that will reproduce for us to our HoM dedicated Minis, like that Festival Hat NPC for 10g, so that we Mini Collectors finally receive more Storage Space again, without that anet has to give us really more space.

Or a NPC would be nice, where we can trade our countless of unused Skill Points in for Skill Tomes.

Good new content would be, to add into the Elite areas some new farmable mosnters, which will drop things like Alcohol ,Sweets and Party Stuff, sothat we players don't have to rely only onto buyign all the shit from other players/or npc or to wait months for the next party event -.- as long you fools don't make finally those grind titles account based.

I could surely come up with more ideas, but those aloe would be all good enough new small to medium content, which would have big effects to improve the overall gameplay of GW or just to give us somethign to do for all those players, that PvP interests a shit and that have played through all campaigns, eotn in both modes and have also completed all elite areas and which have nothing to do now anymore, than to work on grind titles, like Sweettooth & Co., which are nearly on the goal to reach max GWAMM.
(like me - 27/30, only grind left to do *sigh*, nothign anymore left, what would be an achievement, like vanguishing)

The coolest dungeon i could imagine would be like a 100 stock big Tower Dungeon, from which you could receive at the top then a nice far view over Tyria with clouds in the near. "Sky Tower" would be sure a nice dungeon ^^ and every stock would have an End Boss *gggg*

Stock 1-20 = enemies all lvl 10
Stock 21-40 =enemies all lvl 15
Stock 41-60 =enemies all lvl 20
Stock 61-80 = enemies all lvl 25
Stock 81-100= enemies all lvl 30
So weaker the Enemies level wise, so far more monsters are on the Stocks

muahahahahah, the best possible Elite Dungeon ever XD For that one, the party would need to be REALLY prepared, otherwise nobody would surely come far

PS" The Sky Tower could be ya eventually the Elite realm for Dwayna ,which leads at the Top to the Temple of Dwayna, which is the Goddess of Life & Air ^^



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jan 2007



The coolest dungeon i could imagine would be like a 100 stock big Tower Dungeon, from which you could receive at the top then a nice far view over Tyria with clouds in the near. "Sky Tower" would be sure a nice dungeon ^^ and every stock would have an End Boss *gggg*

Stock 1-20 = enemies all lvl 10
Stock 21-40 =enemies all lvl 15
Stock 41-60 =enemies all lvl 20
Stock 61-80 = enemies all lvl 25
Stock 81-100= enemies all lvl 30
Same thing is in Ragnarok Online (official server of course).

102 levels in an Infinity Tower (or Endless, depending on the translation - the concept stays the same). There are 4 levels with normal monsters (starting from level 1-3 mobs) + one miniboss or a bit harder mob. Then on the 5th level there is a boss with his ,,bodyguards'' - weak monsters in pretty large numbers (9-15).

Then there are 6, 7, 8 and 9 levels with harder monsters, boss + bodyguards on 10th and up to 96. Then there are few mini bosses on a level or 2 bosses, room 99 is a bunch of random monsters level 90+, level 100 is filled with very very hard bunch of monsters + even harder boss.

A labyrinth on level 101 (so when like 20 or 30 people came, there might be a chance not everyone will get to the last level), and level 102 is filled with killer monsters, mini bosses and a boss so hard that probably only few teams killed him so far.

Oh, and on boss levels people are spawned randomly. This is to avoid pwning lone bosses. No teleport skills allowed, either ;d

But it's almost like DoA - very hard normal monsters, long, requires preparation (or required before Ursan) and last part is not a guaranteed success, even if the previous ones were easy.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2007

Jay To Much [SrE]


Originally Posted by willypiggy
the dungeon idea is nice but make at least 5 of them H/Hable in NM, I haven't done more than 1/5 of the eots dungeons purely because I don't like PuGs and am not in a guild.
Believe it or not, all of the Guild Wars dungeons are hero/henchable in both Normal Mode and Hard Mode if you are capable of making your own builds.
I do not think more content is needed, if you are really that bored go for titles.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Psycho Titans


I was just read the updated GW2 FAQ and was coming on here to post a thread of this very nature. Someone beat me to it, so I'll add my two cents.

ANet are running a very high risk of losing some of their customer base. The Beta Test for GW2 wont be happening until at least 2009. That's a long time for existing players to drift away with no new content to keep their interest.

Myself and a lot of people in my guild have been playing since the commercial launch. There's not many of us left that still play with the dedication we once had. The simple reason for this is that there's nothing left to do for a lot of us. This is not just limited to my guild either.

ANet need to add content to this game, doesn't matter what it is. Dungeons, new God realms, extra explorable map areas, anything. Anything to keep existing players playing and to entice new players to pick up a copy and join in. At the moment there's very little to convince new players that this game is going to stay fresh and having Regina say that GW is nearing the end of it's life cycle really really doesn't help. She hardly plays, she never appears in game to answer questions. IMO she should be replaced by someone that has a passion for the game like Gaile did. Someone that at least appears to LIKE the game would be better.

Sorry this turned into a mini-rant but I feel better for it.

In short, ANet, we need new content or you're going to have a small audience for GW2. Thanks. Feel free to flame me now. I'm off for a sandwich.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006



30 dungeons would take an immense amount of time to perfect, and most likely they would end up just like the EotN dungeons, which are done twice and then forgotten (except maybe Slaver's).

I'd rather 3 more Realm of the Gods that can't be Ursaned or SF'ed, with an armor set for all 3. Those might have at least some replay value.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


Originally Posted by Marverick

30 dungeons would take an immense amount of time to perfect, and most likely they would end up just like the EotN dungeons, which are done twice and then forgotten (except maybe Slaver's).

I'd rather 3 more Realm of the Gods that can't be Ursaned or SF'ed, with an armor set for all 3. Those might have at least some replay value.
I would like to see that 3 more realms and make them free as well no 1 K entry free as to have ecto and shard drops and to have reshrines.I wouldn't put the big chest or rares that you get in the UW or FoW as to a no entry fee.

I would just like to see a version of The Catacombs in post.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2007



They could just chop up pieces of other campaigns, put them together, instance them, put a chest in, and call it a dungeon. That is basically what GWEN dungeons are.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2007

Englandshire, England.

The International Association of Mending Wammos


"Ya sure, we'll just put GW2 on hold whilst we shift all our designers and environment artists back onto GW1 so that they can bang out 10 new dungeons for each continent."

/what the christ

Edit: as a more constructive reply, there would be one thing that they could do, which wouldn't require a huge amount of work (I don't think): basically a Realm of the Gods type region, that is essentially exactly the same as Pre-Searing, but with high-level monsters. It's basically a ghostly "echo" of Pre-Searing Ascalon that lingers in The Mists, but is packed with really tough monsters.

Still next to no chance of it happening though.

Sparks Dawnbringer

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Los Angeles



Actually, when I started this thread I was thinking about all the people I have heard complaining of being bored. I have done a lot of the PvE parts of the game and am not a PvP player at all. But I don't necessarly believe that every part of the game will apeal to every player. I picked dungeons because I felt they could be implemented into the maps we have. I felt that there were places where Anet intended to put more areas or dungeons in the campaigns we have and they did not get around to it for reasons of time and money.

I don't understand why you all feel that paying for something is such a bad thing. I understand that everyone wants something for nothing, but in real life you need to pay the rent. If you want more you are going to have to pay for it. You are getting an amazing game with a huge amount of content for your money with NO MONTHLY FEE! You can get more buy buying the other campaigns. Why adding a mini campaign into the existing ones in the form of dungeons or elite areas is less desirable than a whole new continent baffles me. Dungeons could be big and explorable and have outposts too! I do feel that the new content has to be quality content what ever it is. I was very unhappy that there was so much dungeon repeating in Gwen. They reused the dungeon maps and mixed the levels up and repopulated them, then called it a new dungeon. I thought it was a bit of a cheat. That said, I did like the dungeons there and have done all of them at least once, and have just started to go back and do them in HM.

I personally think any new content should probably be a bit of everything. Some elite areas and some normal areas. I asked for chests because everyone seems to like the Gwen chests and the new Zaishen one if you PvP. New content could even take the form of quests, especially like the baby moa quest. I don't care what type of new content we get, just that we get some. I felt that paying the piper might grease the wheels and give Anet some insentive to give us the new content. And be real, they don't want to take people off GW2 to create more GW1. So they would have to hire new people to do the new work and the only way I see them getting a salary is to charge for the new content.

I feel we need new content especially now after Anets GW2 press release which hinted release of GW2 might be out sometime in 2009, maybe. I will state again we NEED new content to make everyone happy. We need a bit of everything to interest the maximum of players, the old and the new. Something for everyone.