Overrated Armor Thread
Obby is by far the ugliest armor on 95% of all proffessions male or female.
Chaos gloves were actually desireable for about 5 min until everyone jumped on the glowy hand bandwagon, now d1 in any town looks like a friggin all night rave party. 400k+ for a pair of gloves that everyone has is hands down the most overrated.
Chaos gloves were actually desireable for about 5 min until everyone jumped on the glowy hand bandwagon, now d1 in any town looks like a friggin all night rave party. 400k+ for a pair of gloves that everyone has is hands down the most overrated.
Monks with black dyed fow armor and mask of the Mo Zing, that's just hideous.
FoW armor, I think it looks hideous except on female monk and female paragon.
Nemesis Xero
I think a lot of obsidian armors look very nice actually, got ranger fow myself and although it isn't that special I really like it... And yes it's black and I don't care because it looks awesome in my opinion
I don't think any armor is "overrated", it's just a matter of taste. I let my characters wear what I think looks cool, even if it's very expensive, and I have to admit I do like all kinds of things that look leet

Originally Posted by makosi
Black dyed monk FoW with the Mo Zing Mask and Chaos Gloves - both genders. Seriously, do people strive to be clones of eachother?
The other armor combination that looks retarded is female warriors with an elite gladiator top and vabian whatever + the botton.
Most underated armor is the tyrian set for male warriors.

I like how people look at armors such as chaos gloves and mask of the mo zing or whatever the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO its called and say its ugly probably because they cannot afford it.
Whatever the matter may be I have always thought that all rit armors look like shit.
Whatever the matter may be I have always thought that all rit armors look like shit.
Originally Posted by Shuuda
So, there's nothing wrong with people thinking that the earth is flat, and that creationism is true?
Opinions can be wrong. And Black FoW being good is one of them. |
Originally Posted by MMSDome
I like how people look at armors such as chaos gloves and mask of the mo zing or whatever the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO its called and say its ugly probably because they cannot afford it.
I look at most of the GW:EN extras (chaos gloves, ninja mask, bandana, whatever) and think they're ugly because they're ugly, not because I lack the funds to buy them. I've got plenty of cash in storage, I just actually think that they're ugly.
Originally Posted by thedarkmarine
Congrats. You just showed that you have at most one brain.
And to all though going "It's all about taste" " there is no overrated armour." Etc etc. Tell me that all them people that get FoW and dye it black have because it makes them look cool have "good taste". It's pretty clear that most of them people only go for (and the same for chaos glove mask combos with FoW) Because it shows how rich they are, regardless of whether it actually well designed, colour coordinated etc.
Nemesis Xero
Most people don't buy stuff if they don't like it, so taste does matter. And liking something because it makes you look rich/leet is just human I think. Maybe FoW armor lost some of its status, but if you wanna buy it you still have to do a lot more effort then when you wanna buy some 1k armor. If I see someone wearing FoW armor I don't think "Eww that person just wants to show how rich (s)he is, gross...", because not all people wearing obsidian are very rich. I'm not rich, I've just played the game for a long time, saved some money and eventually got it after 2 years. Same for a guildie of mine, she is now saving up to get ele fow, she's not rich, she's not farming like hell, she just wants it because she thinks it's cool and she has to do a lot more to get it then when she would buy 1k armor. So I don't think FoW/Vabbian/... armor is overrated, it has prestige because you have to do a lot (more) to get it. Ok eventually they're all just as strong as 1k armor but then all 15k armors are overrated as well...
Miss Puddles
i have yet to see a player with eotn mask or gloves that looks good.
ok i take that back, i saw a mesmer with chaos gloves that looked really nice with that particular armor. but come on guys, stop making characters with fow armor + chaos gloves + dread mask + tormented shield + ele sword.
if you do, the terrorists win.
ok i take that back, i saw a mesmer with chaos gloves that looked really nice with that particular armor. but come on guys, stop making characters with fow armor + chaos gloves + dread mask + tormented shield + ele sword.
if you do, the terrorists win.
Some people don't know an exaggeration when they see one? Besides, I don't see the contradiction. I didn't want to say "All of them people" because I would more likely be accused for generalising.
well, let's say that if you go to doomlore dis 1, you'll see a lot of monks with chaos gloves/fow armor and that ninja mask.
so, most overrated is surely chaos gloves. Good money sink, thought
so, most overrated is surely chaos gloves. Good money sink, thought
Originally Posted by Abedeus
Btw. Not all obsis are bad. Mesmer one is nice, female... |

Tender Wolf
Oh my, so much activity! lol
Okay as a reminder, yes this thread is all about opinion, not meant for people to fight or anything. Everyone has the right to his or her own opinion and it's okay if you don't agree.
Now, with that being said...
I don't call a five+ page thread dumb or one that needs to be closed. Want a solution? Don't read it, and don't bother commenting on it just to get a +1 post count.
It's been stated that it is about personal tastes. Overrated could mean something that you see everywhere or facts that you know such as people buying certain armor just to be "leet".
Since most of the comments in here are about obsidian armor, I will give my personal opinion on which ones I think are the ugliest, coolest, and in the middle.
Ranger: Middle
Warrior: Middle
Monk: Middle (seen sooo much though, and I agree that it's kinda ugly with the Chaos gloves & Mo Zing mask)
Necromancer (male and female): Awesome
Mesmer: Awesome
Elementalist: Ugly
Assassin: Ugly (too boring for me, hardly "leet")
Ritualist: Middle (minus the hat, which does make it look like a teapot as was mentioned before)
Paragon: Awesome
Dervish: Awesome
So those are my opinions on the FOW armor. As for the comments about the dread mask and warrior primeval armor, I do have to agree that they're pretty ugly.
Primeval for the elementalist and necromancer takes the winner for ugliest primeval in my book though.
Okay as a reminder, yes this thread is all about opinion, not meant for people to fight or anything. Everyone has the right to his or her own opinion and it's okay if you don't agree.
Now, with that being said...
Originally Posted by Mr. Undisclosed
This thread is dumb, /delete or /close.
Originally Posted by Exoudeous
This thread is dumb, no armor set is overated in this game, its all up to personal tastes.
if you really wanted to talk about overated, youd talk about the stats instead. |
Since most of the comments in here are about obsidian armor, I will give my personal opinion on which ones I think are the ugliest, coolest, and in the middle.
Ranger: Middle
Warrior: Middle
Monk: Middle (seen sooo much though, and I agree that it's kinda ugly with the Chaos gloves & Mo Zing mask)
Necromancer (male and female): Awesome
Mesmer: Awesome
Elementalist: Ugly
Assassin: Ugly (too boring for me, hardly "leet")
Ritualist: Middle (minus the hat, which does make it look like a teapot as was mentioned before)
Paragon: Awesome
Dervish: Awesome
So those are my opinions on the FOW armor. As for the comments about the dread mask and warrior primeval armor, I do have to agree that they're pretty ugly.

Obsidian, Primeval, and Ancient are good sets.I personally like Obsidian on any class and I think I may be alone on that one. I feel the exact same about Primeval, I like all of those sets. Well, Ancient is nice for Warrior, Assassin, and Ritualist. The thing I can't stand is how many people buy those chaos gloves and dread masks. I would probably buy them to if I had the gold to get it, but that would be long after I got a set of Obsidian armor and nice weapons.
Originally Posted by Shuuda
Opinions can be wrong. And Black FoW being good is one of them.
I could say that song x has no substance/is simplistic/whatever or that artist y has no talent, and hey, I might be right, but that doesn't make the song or artist actually bad (heh heh). Same thing goes for FoW armor - even if it looks horribly generic and doesn't seem to have had much thought put into it, that doesn't make it wrong for someone else to like it.
(The lack of anything truly special or distinctive, combined with the price, does discourage me from ever wanting it though.)
Sparks Dawnbringer
No matter how many armors you have in the game someone is not going to like them. you have to pick and choose, if you want fancy elite you can have it, if you want to spend less money you can find an elite more to your budget. You can't please all of the people, all of the time. Yous have to be happy with pleasing some of the people most of the time and giving them a big enough selection to pick from. Find the one you like the most and buy it, it dosen't matter if everyone else likes it or not just that it makes you happy.
I used white dye unmixed on my Dervish along with Sliver / white dyed chaos gloves because I liked the whole "holy warrior look". From the inception of the Dervish and through 6 elite armor sets, its always been white.
Holly Herro
Originally Posted by Arcain
I used white dye unmixed on my Dervish along with Sliver / white dyed chaos gloves because I liked the whole "holy warrior look". From the inception of the Dervish and through 6 elite armor sets, its always been white.