Our alliance leader bought this guild from another player. I then bought it from him. Looking for active people to refill the ranks(officers and members). Only real requirement is that you are active and friendly. We have TS and I recently made a forum for our alliance. www.outcastofchaos.freeforums.org North American timezones preferred.
We enjoy Title hunting, AB...whatever as long as we're having fun. 'Cuz that's what it's all about right?
If you're interested please either make a post on the forum telling a little about yourself, what times you usually play, and your ign. I'll send you an invite the first time I see that you're one. Other wise my IGN is Trickski Ethiks. Pm if you see that I am on. Usually around 8:00pm PAC. Hope to see ya!
Spiritual Chaos(DARK) Xi lf new members.