The whole setup is bunk. You can't use addons. A great MMO has a community dedicated to creating UI mods. Allowing all who play the game, to personalize their experience. Not on GW
PvE is horrible. Well, it isn't bad. There is no decent endgame to talk of. In fact, it's so bad. You HAVE to play Pve, in order to unlock items for PvP. That's how they keep people playing the PvE part of GW.
I completed the game, and I only joined a group once. This is not true MMO style. There's only a few areas in the game that it's a must have real players, and that's because GW makes you have real players join your group.
The skill bar. Wow, well. It's freakin horrible setup. GW allows you to have just 8 skills available at any time. Now GW brain washed people in to believing that it makes it a more difficult experience, with you having to pick and chose skills that fit what you're trying to achieve. Like bullcrap. I earned, unlocked, bought my skills. I want to use them where ever the hell I go, whenever the hell I want.
Petty stuff being able to tell how much adrenaline you have. Like wtf? It's a damn guessing game for adrenaline users. You have no clue how much adrenaline you have until your buttons light up.
Gear is horrible. GW players use the excuse, it's not a gear based game, it's based game. Which is just another brain wash by GW creators, to excuse the lack of development of gear. Gear is horrible in this game. It's all generic crap that everyone can get their hands on. Stats on gear aren't even 100% realiable. You have to get hexed or enchanted, or have HP at a certain percentage for it to be activated. Then even after that, some stats are based on a pertentage chance.
PvP. Hmm...GW users really brag about PvP in this game. While it's the worst I've ever played. You just sit there and pound on someone until they die. Very very genric PvP. There's no real experience that puts GW PvP aside from other MMO PvP. Not to mention how boring it is. You have to purchase yet more crap from GW to compete with the best people. You can't just play the game you bought, you need to purchase more and more packages.
Way too easy to heal in this game for PvP. Everyone can heal. Everyone, if they setup to be that way. Totally bunk.
Suprised it's coming from a former WoW player? Probably not. I quit WoW after 15 months, partly because I got burnt out, partly because I needed to quit playing. I don't intend on playing it again. Nor do I intend on playing GW again.
If I had to chose, I wouldn't think twice. I'd reinstall WoW in two seconds. GW is just that bad. There is nothing in this game that would keep me playing it. I lvled one char to 20, tried out PvP, and it was just horrible.
WoW kills GW in all aspects of both games. PvE by a long shot. Skills, gear, exploration, teaming, community, and by more than 5000 miles PvP. $15 a month doesn't seem like much when you check other games on the market, like GW. You wouldn't mind paying $20 to Blizzard after playing GW.
But thankfully I'm done with MMOs, no more for me. I figured I'd let you GW have a little thought from a one and done GW player. This is not a skill based game, this is a game based around lack of development and creativity. And using "skill based" as just that excuse.
Again, just a horrible game.