Regina in LA int Dis 03/07/2008
aaje vhanli
HoM should be priority. Clipping issues are more important than stupid skill nerfs.
Please Anet, nerf Ursan. It is completely ruining my gaming experience to the point where I can do nothing more than QQ about it on a forum instead of enjoying your game.
Seven of Nine
Please Anet, nerf Golgotha and all the cry babies who whine and QQ to you about things that have no effect on their game play at all.
Originally Posted by Jamster
If she's gonna say what her favourite colour is, she might as well tell us what the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow is.
No news on this, at least she showed up...
If they dont nerf/buff ursan, lots of people on guru gets pissed off, if they nerf it, lots of people will QQ at ToA....either way, it will be entertaining ^_^ I don't mind whatever they do.
on a similer note: I tried Ursan today, me and my girlfriend went as R8 ursans, with heroes (Sabway, prot monk, heal/prot monk and SF nuker) and we cleared out the entire UW after doing the first bit of clear the chamber quest. We then finished that quest and did escort of souls but didn't have time for anything else.....
All without using consets and this was only R8 ursans and heroes.....why people ask for R10 Ursans + Consets I will never know >_< we didn't even go for speed, we just waited when we needed to til our energy recovered, then continued, and didn't care about the time.
If Ursan got nerfed, it would be no big deal to me, plenty of builds for doing UW clears/almost clears (XD), Ursan just makes it slightly faster consets or no consets imo.
And yes it did require brains to use it, if we didn't use our brains, we would just run in regardless of energy/how far we are from the next enemys but nope, we waited ^^ paitence and all.
(I am sort of hoping for an ursan nerf though because it feels like FOREVER since I saw people looking for different things other than Ursans in ToA)
wish I saw regina though, never seen any times when Galie showed up, so I would have liked to have seen how things went with Regina but maybe next time
on a similer note: I tried Ursan today, me and my girlfriend went as R8 ursans, with heroes (Sabway, prot monk, heal/prot monk and SF nuker) and we cleared out the entire UW after doing the first bit of clear the chamber quest. We then finished that quest and did escort of souls but didn't have time for anything else.....
All without using consets and this was only R8 ursans and heroes.....why people ask for R10 Ursans + Consets I will never know >_< we didn't even go for speed, we just waited when we needed to til our energy recovered, then continued, and didn't care about the time.
If Ursan got nerfed, it would be no big deal to me, plenty of builds for doing UW clears/almost clears (XD), Ursan just makes it slightly faster consets or no consets imo.
And yes it did require brains to use it, if we didn't use our brains, we would just run in regardless of energy/how far we are from the next enemys but nope, we waited ^^ paitence and all.
(I am sort of hoping for an ursan nerf though because it feels like FOREVER since I saw people looking for different things other than Ursans in ToA)
wish I saw regina though, never seen any times when Galie showed up, so I would have liked to have seen how things went with Regina but maybe next time
Same old, same old. Looking at ursan isn't enough, y'know. You'd have to, damn, I don't know, NERF IT?
People who're going to quit because ursan gets nerfed are bad players. We don't need bad players.
What do you think will happen to all those Ursan players once it's nerfed? Most of them will likely quit. |
Ursan is at the top of QQ brother hood list.............once that gets hit, if it ever does? Consets will be next.
Originally Posted by Riceboi
Nerf ursan anet, piss off all the people that grinded for it. Lose more possible customers for gw2.
Originally Posted by Darkobra
I'm sure they'll miss the $200 from people quitting over this.
Originally Posted by underverse_ninja
Ursan Nerf won't cost them many gamers................Diablo 3 will destroy them.

Originally Posted by underverse_ninja
Ursan Nerf won't cost them many gamers................Diablo 3 will destroy them.
But yeah. A lot of people are looking forward to Diablo 3. Me, not so much. I'd rather see how well the game is made first-hand than believe reviews and praise.
Seven of Nine
Originally Posted by Golgotha
What do you think will happen to all those Ursan players once it's nerfed? Most of them will likely quit.
All right, this thread has become full of insults, flaming, is being derailed and is really going nowhere. All this has been discussed and is being discussed in numerous other threads. So I'm going to close it.