Rujiyo Missions, worth doing?
Topic. Are they? Don't they give like 50 tokens for hours and hours of pulling and scouting monsters pops?
I always thought the reward was 200-250 but the missions are quite hard to do with 4 people.
They take 20 minutes with heroes, but the token reward isn't worth it, no.
Unless you can do them without leaving your chosen ring - no.
Okay, I decided not to do it.
The mobs there also drop ectos. But its still not worth it as a token or ecto farm.
Not worth it IMO.
For loot, no they're not worth it. But if you just want to to them for the challenge, then I say go for it and have fun!
The prizes are meh. But they're fun little mini missions to do with friends for a change of pace. Give them a poke if you haven't done em before.
Just do them for fun. That's what video games are for after all, F-U-N!
After getting wiped 3 times in a row I decided not to bother. It was like HARD mode. I did not enjoy it at all. At least if they made it doable I might try them. Endless 28th and 24th lvl pop ups just made it too frustrating.
I remember them from last year. I plan to not do them this year unless someone sends me a PM saying to join with their group.
All the cool kids are doing the Rujiyo missions
Mark Nevermiss
Hero-way'd one and did another with guild mates. The process is fun but the reward is worthless. Very thoughtful a-net <.<
pumpkin pie
hehehee , i've never completed it before... anyone has any good pointers as to how to do this successfully? with heros? and build?
Originally Posted by Ekelon
Just do them for fun. That's what video games are for after all, F-U-N!
on a serious note, i don't care...i still do the missions despite the reward its just a little fun
Neo Nugget
Don't they give more tokens as the festival goes on? Like 50 today, 75 tomorrow and 100 on sunday?
shadows of hob
This is one of the easiest, just finished it while eating with modded sabway (flesh golem ftw) and myself as a sf spammer with mindbender and just KDing and cripling the warriors/ele's with YMLAD. Just watch the pop ups and don't lure too many. Easily doable <30 min, but it is still not worth it. :P
50 tokens for going along a path of endless suffering that lasts 20 minutes?
NO WAI!!!!!1!1111
NO WAI!!!!!1!1111
What's funny is you can do them in Hard Mode this year.
Don't think there's any change to their level, but they seem to have the faster movement and recharges.
Don't think there's any change to their level, but they seem to have the faster movement and recharges.
how longs hard mode been out, im pretty sure this was available last year, i could be wrong
Kemal X
Oooh these missions are lots of fun. Especially when you get 4 people, totally random professions (we had no healers) to do it. It doesn't take that long to do it, and is guaranteed fun (as long you don't take it too seriously). Henched it second time, so not as much fun.. So my advice: If you want to have fun with some other people, go for it.. otherwise, leave it be
Tokens are falling everywhere in pre I got 30 in 2 hrs and what can we use them on.
The forth fly
did it for a laugh,it was easy ripped through it with ursan to see what we would get awful drops and 50 tokens,but as i had 6 stacks of them it was a total waste of time (sold 5 stacks and bought tickets)
Honestly, if you like the challenge do them, but the rewards are not worth it and there's nothing to show for it anyway. So just tell go tell people you did it, they can't prove you didn't.
I did all of them last year it wasn't worth it.
As someone who just wasted a solid 15 on Haiju Lagoon - no. Not in the least.
They're worth it for the experience of doing them, but not for the in game rewards.
Originally Posted by cellardweller
They're worth it for the experience
Did the Lagoon one yesterday, as I never finished one in previous festivals.
After two heroes died a couple of times, we managed to finish it. Just remember to take out the ele's & mezzies out quick.
It's more for the "sense of accomplishment", I guess.
After two heroes died a couple of times, we managed to finish it. Just remember to take out the ele's & mezzies out quick.
It's more for the "sense of accomplishment", I guess.
NOT worth it... >.>
12 chars lolwut
12 chars lolwut
Phoenix Tears
nope, absolutely not worth it...
the rewards are bullshit, because wen you just want to collect the 250 Victory Tokens, its much easier to make the 4 little Quests. Completign them earns you 240 tokens, then jusr make some rollerbeetle races to get the last 10 tokens and you have enough tokens for your mask..
it would be rewarding, if players would receive instead of tokens big amounts of party items, alc or sweets.
Then that would be really rewarding.
the rewards are bullshit, because wen you just want to collect the 250 Victory Tokens, its much easier to make the 4 little Quests. Completign them earns you 240 tokens, then jusr make some rollerbeetle races to get the last 10 tokens and you have enough tokens for your mask..
it would be rewarding, if players would receive instead of tokens big amounts of party items, alc or sweets.
Then that would be really rewarding.
Originally Posted by Ekelon
Just do them for fun. That's what video games are for after all, F-U-N!
To have any re-try attractive they MUST give 50 tokens for EACH Rift closed, WHEN you close the rift, EVEN if you lose.
Otherwise they are good to try once and forget about them.
I find The Wall much more fun to retry than any of those.
Did the last mission in like 15 mins for 75 tokens...
Miska Bow
Its nice to see that Anet kept in mind the casual players for those missions.
All you can read about them in local chat is how so many fail at them.
Doing them for the sake of it, but not really enjoying them. I think they are a bit too hard core for most players.
All you can read about them in local chat is how so many fail at them.
Doing them for the sake of it, but not really enjoying them. I think they are a bit too hard core for most players.
I like these missions.
They reveal how BAD people are at playing this game, but unfortunately this is not an incentive for them to become better.
In GW2, you cannot fail. Your fail will be rewarded a title and precious items.
The future of GW? Hopefully not.
GW2 hopefully gradually challenges people more and more so that they become better players automatically, enabling them to do some more sophisticated missions. "Easy and accessible" often spells the doom of boredom on every not super casual gamer.
They reveal how BAD people are at playing this game, but unfortunately this is not an incentive for them to become better.
In GW2, you cannot fail. Your fail will be rewarded a title and precious items.
The future of GW? Hopefully not.
GW2 hopefully gradually challenges people more and more so that they become better players automatically, enabling them to do some more sophisticated missions. "Easy and accessible" often spells the doom of boredom on every not super casual gamer.
Nope. Not at all worth it. Never have been, never will be (unless Anet is proactive about this issue and fixes the reward for those missions so that they become reasonable).
Tatyana K
Did two of them with heroes just to prepare for vanquishing 4 men areas in Tyria. I don't care for reward (I'm the one of those that do them just for fun), but they could make new mission appear every hour and not every 4 hours - this way I can only catch 1 mission in a day.
i got destroyed 4 times... im not use to build for a 4 man team. the strategy is just to different. plus your healer actually has to do something unlike in a 2-monk backline.
back to the rings...
back to the rings...
Originally Posted by [DE]
All the cool kids are doing the Rujiyo missions