Feel silly asking about this glitch...
Sal Pancho
Considering some people are having MUCH larger problems, but when I'm in the character creation screen one click on any of the customization buttons (hair, face, etc.) make it cycle through two or three options. Not one at a time....
Anyone know whats up with that?
Anyone know whats up with that?
Could be an install error of some type, or just a very weird mouse. Whats your click speed set at? I have the odd problem with my mouse of click / hold, it will release whatever I'm dragging around sometimes even if my finger doesn't let go. (Not often, but its annoying when moving music files around.)
This happens to me as well, if I hold the mouse button any longer then a quick click. Very quick click. Then it scrolls about 3 styles. It was an annoyance, but nothing that I really needed to fix so I left it as is. If you do find a solution though, let me know!
Sal Pancho
I have one of the Logitech MX cordless mice...its one of the new ones.
I should look and see if I even have a click speed option. I haven't noticed the problem in windows, or even in the game itself. It's only in the creation screen. Maybe I'll test it on some other programs, I just can't think of a similar case that would be good to test with..
I should look and see if I even have a click speed option. I haven't noticed the problem in windows, or even in the game itself. It's only in the creation screen. Maybe I'll test it on some other programs, I just can't think of a similar case that would be good to test with..
Im using a non-wireless logitech gaming mouse, and im having the problem. So I doubt its the wireless. Could be a logitech problem!
In the Control Panel there is the mouse options.
And as a general rule as a FPS gamer, I never use cordless. It could be lag interference as the mouse sends the signal to the receiver.
And as a general rule as a FPS gamer, I never use cordless. It could be lag interference as the mouse sends the signal to the receiver.
i'm also having this problem, logitech as well
I use a cheapo mouse, not even sure of brand. (optical though) and don't have this issue.
Could be a logitech driver problem?
Could be a logitech driver problem?
Sal Pancho
It's certainly possible...I'm curious if everyone having this issue has a Logitech cordless.
I would just assume it's lag, but this mouse has awesome response time, and plays really smooth in FPS games. Maybe it's too sensitive...I'll check the options when I get home.
In the meantime, I'll just be greatfull that this is the ONLY problem I'm having
I would just assume it's lag, but this mouse has awesome response time, and plays really smooth in FPS games. Maybe it's too sensitive...I'll check the options when I get home.
In the meantime, I'll just be greatfull that this is the ONLY problem I'm having

I had the same problem. I have an MX1000 as well.
Sal Pancho
Originally Posted by adam.skinner
I had the same problem. I have an MX1000 as well.
Maybe we could notify them, or check for a driver update. I don't think I ever even installed the Logitech software, it's just running on Windows drivers.
Oh, well at least we know...
Hmmm, I have a Logitech MX300 and don't have that problem. You might check your button options. I know that one of them allows you to click once to drag and click again to free the pointer. Maybe you have that enabled.
the same happened to me, but after cycling through the entire set of whatever, it showed them like it should be.
Sal Pancho
Originally Posted by cristidam
the same happened to me, but after cycling through the entire set of whatever, it showed them like it should be.
Awesome...works like a charm.
Thanks for the workaround!
Yeah, after you cycle through all of em, it lets you do one at a time, I think it's because it tries to load the faces as you scroll through them or somesuch.
Guess that works as a temporary fix. You could try downloading the latest mouseware (or I guess there's also a new program/driver "setpoint") from Logitech: http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/do...S/EN,CRID=1792 and look through for your mouse. This is the software downloads page for these mice.