The Lulzy AB Spiek Spiek Clan is an Xfire based clan formed for one purpose: to construct and use AB team builds, which usually consist of 4 rangers with forked arrow. Being a simple AB guild who play for the lulz (and for the epic lux faction), we don't want to pull you away from your normal guild duties, and thus we are an Xfire Clan. This way, you may stay with your guild while still playing with us. I know. Ingenious. But if you need a guild, we got one. (Off Doing Better Things [afk])
If you're interested, please message me over xfire (sn= nopantsrepublic) or pm me in game (sn= Monkatize Me Capn)
No requirements to join, just keep things casual and fun. Actually, there is one requirement: have both Skype and Ventrilo, since we will be communicating over one of these programs while playing.
The Lulzy AB Spiek Spiek Xfire Clan (luxon)