Giving You Stuff Just Because
This is something I'd like to ask. If someone in my guild, friend, or someone I meant, gave me a rare item, gold or anything, I am afraid I'll get banned.
What is ANETS comment on this?
I have seen alot of people get banned for this. Just because.
What is ANETS comment on this?
I have seen alot of people get banned for this. Just because.
Kyomi Tachibana
If someone gets banned for this, they should go and contact support to explain the situation, getting the person who gave the item to do so as well.
I doubt it's "just because."
What with the plethora of 'hacking' incidents there has been, Anet is probably just being cautious. If they ban the person, and the person comes and explains the situation, along with the second person to back them up if needed, it's not likely a hacker. However if the person that was banned doesn't come forward and try to get their account back, or they lack a proper arguement, it's likely a hacker or they were on the account without permission.
I doubt it's "just because."
What with the plethora of 'hacking' incidents there has been, Anet is probably just being cautious. If they ban the person, and the person comes and explains the situation, along with the second person to back them up if needed, it's not likely a hacker. However if the person that was banned doesn't come forward and try to get their account back, or they lack a proper arguement, it's likely a hacker or they were on the account without permission.
I'm pretty sure they check up on these things before going over to banning if they notice it at all. If they see you're in same guild, or can probly check if you've played together for a while they'll see nothings wrong. If you get banned anyways send in a support ticket with info on what happened etc you should be unbanned quickly.
I've given/been given rare items, lots of ecto etc. by friends to hold onto transferring between accounts etc, and recently some things from a longtime friend who quit guildwars and never had problems with it.
I've given/been given rare items, lots of ecto etc. by friends to hold onto transferring between accounts etc, and recently some things from a longtime friend who quit guildwars and never had problems with it.
I've had no problems with getting gold and rare items from people who used to play and quit whom I've never met in game before yet know from real life. I don't see why this would be a problem.
Lawrence Chang
Anet bans for anything suspicious such as large money/item transfers.
To be safe, when he/she gives u gold/items, you add in a few useless items to make it seem like a trade. Anet can't tell the diff between values of items.
To be safe, when he/she gives u gold/items, you add in a few useless items to make it seem like a trade. Anet can't tell the diff between values of items.
I've moved millions of gold and hundred of ecto between 2 accounts without any issue. People who say they were banned for that reason are probably only telling you half the story.
Originally Posted by KamikazeChicken
I've moved millions of gold and hundred of ecto between 2 accounts without any issue. People who say they were banned for that reason are probably only telling you half the story.
Anyways, if someone is giving you some gold/ectos, don't worry about it, unless they give you a lot frequently. However, I think if you receive gold/items from someone who ANet suspects is a gold seller, you will receive a permanent ban. Don't quote me on that, though.
I got 50e from a guildie to go towards my fissure armour, no problems yet (1 week after)
Screen the transfers too, that gives you hard evidence to use.
I always keep a few crappy gold items laying around in case i ever recieve something from a friend that might be ban worthy. Just throw the items in there to trade them with to be safe...
Dealing with a ban and having to contact support is something i'd just rather not have to deal with.
Dealing with a ban and having to contact support is something i'd just rather not have to deal with.
if you suspect it an illegal item dont except it. if its legit dont worry. i really dont see the reason to question unless you thought it was a duped item or something like that. peopl in this game give things away all the time. i give greens away left and right. i got them all legitment so there no problem
There might be some type of script that is triggered if only one side trades. Users have posted stories of being banned while moving things across accounts. Are they true? I don't know. All I do know is when I move things I always put some gold, 1gp, 10 gps.... something.
The forth fly
i lent a m8 100k +10 ectos the other day,took screens of the trade,he paid me back a day later and that was over 2 weeks ago and we didnt get banned,i think it flags you but they look at the chat logs "m8 can i borrow 100k+10" and "yeah m8 np" dosent look like buying gold online
I gave away items worth ~100k if I bothered to sell them. Or I gave 30k for GH, the other day I borrowed my friend 50k... which he gave back after 2 months -.-
I think it looks more like buying gold online. ,,Hey, I'm not looking forward to buy that 100k + 500ecto. But I would like to pay for the run few days ago. Okay, 100k + 500ecto please. Thank you''.
flags you but they look at the chat logs "m8 can i borrow 100k+10" and "yeah m8 np" dosent look like buying gold online |
Ate of DK
Ecto's @ 3,7K. 
Don't think anyone gets banned for giving away ecto's
Anyway, what has become of this game when you have to take screenshots of trades with friends because you have to fear that Anet might ban you.
Don't think anyone gets banned for giving away ecto's
Anyway, what has become of this game when you have to take screenshots of trades with friends because you have to fear that Anet might ban you.
It's an autoban for 3 days, and there's no review by any staff members.
The ban is (afaik) only for gold, and some important money items such as zaishen keys and ectos. Trading rare items won't trigger the autoban.
Also, it's not every time that it triggers off large gold trades. I've personally traded a lot of stuff between my accounts, but I've also heard people that got both accounts banned by transferring a mere 500k or so.
And I wouldn't bother with screens or anything. The temp bans are only 3 days, and it'll take about 2-3 days to contact Anet, send them the right information, for them to review it, and for them to make a decision on the ban.
The ban is (afaik) only for gold, and some important money items such as zaishen keys and ectos. Trading rare items won't trigger the autoban.
Also, it's not every time that it triggers off large gold trades. I've personally traded a lot of stuff between my accounts, but I've also heard people that got both accounts banned by transferring a mere 500k or so.
And I wouldn't bother with screens or anything. The temp bans are only 3 days, and it'll take about 2-3 days to contact Anet, send them the right information, for them to review it, and for them to make a decision on the ban.
Originally Posted by holymasamune
And I wouldn't bother with screens or anything. The temp bans are only 3 days, and it'll take about 2-3 days to contact Anet, send them the right information, for them to review it, and for them to make a decision on the ban.
Originally Posted by Lawrence Chang
Anet bans for anything suspicious such as large money/item transfers.
To be safe, when he/she gives u gold/items, you add in a few useless items to make it seem like a trade. Anet can't tell the diff between values of items. |
if you got banned , or someone got banned there is most likely another reason behind it.
multiple trades of 100k from one acc to another within a certain timeframe may trigger an alarm however, im uncertain as i havent the $$ to test

I traded stuff between the two accounts I have and the one a friend gave me, I've recently gotten a gift from a friend, I gave some of my friends ectos and shards for their armors... never got banned. Of course nothing exceeded the value of 100k, gold trades between my own accounts were in the 5-30k range...
Ignatius Tremere
Well its a few days since the last post but whatever, I Have received a ban for trading a mere 100k to a friend, It happened last night. He purchased a new account and wanted to flash 100k at some guy, so i zoned to him (Great Temple of Balt) opened trade put in 100k and we both accepted, Less than 30 seconds later he traded the 100k back to me. We both went on our merry ways playing the game. About 20 Mins Later, i get kicked out of the game and when i log back in it says i've been banned for buying gold. Honestly this is EXTREMELY annoying. But other than the lame excuse for submiting a support request there is nothing we can do, so Anet is probably going to rip me off 100k, and not let me play the game for a few days for helping a friend out. I find this very wrong that they can do this and on the support site it plainly says "THERE IS NO APPEALS" So anet can randomly ban you and take gold from you whenever they feel like it. YAYYY, GO ANET.....
I doubt you'll be banned for simply accepting an item for free, but you have to be wary of it I guess. If your friend is giving you a stack of ambraces, it might be advisable not to accept. If hes giving you a gold bronze spear, I don't think you have to worry too much about it.
Only worry if it is a lot of gold, and stacks of some rare items.
I have traded a tons of golds to people for free, i have even been given a few rare items and ecto.
Also i transfer my gold to storage account so i dont spend it xD (save that for armours)
Not had trouble so far.
I would keep trading gold out of temple of Balth, as thats the breeding ground for gold sellers.
I have traded a tons of golds to people for free, i have even been given a few rare items and ecto.
Also i transfer my gold to storage account so i dont spend it xD (save that for armours)
Not had trouble so far.
I would keep trading gold out of temple of Balth, as thats the breeding ground for gold sellers.
Some tips:
1- If I trade between my own accounts, or give stuff to friends, I always to it in my guild hall. You can guest invite friends if they're not already in your alliance for a mere 100g. Stay away from Temple of Balthazar.
2- If the trade exceeds 100k, have the other person trade something back. Useless gold items or whatever. You can always just give those items back later.
3- If you still feel unsafe, just make a party with the other person, and type in the team-chat what you're trading and why. Then make a screenshot of the trade with the chat visible. You can always send that in if you do get banned and explain the situation with hard proof.
I've got a big art contest ending soon, with 500k+ in prize money. When I'm handing out the prizes after the contest ends in july, I'll ask the winners to trade me something useless, and invite them to my GH. I'll also tell them in the chat window what they've won for partaking in my competition, which is on guru, AMP and INC. I screen that, and that should be that.
1- If I trade between my own accounts, or give stuff to friends, I always to it in my guild hall. You can guest invite friends if they're not already in your alliance for a mere 100g. Stay away from Temple of Balthazar.
2- If the trade exceeds 100k, have the other person trade something back. Useless gold items or whatever. You can always just give those items back later.
3- If you still feel unsafe, just make a party with the other person, and type in the team-chat what you're trading and why. Then make a screenshot of the trade with the chat visible. You can always send that in if you do get banned and explain the situation with hard proof.
I've got a big art contest ending soon, with 500k+ in prize money. When I'm handing out the prizes after the contest ends in july, I'll ask the winners to trade me something useless, and invite them to my GH. I'll also tell them in the chat window what they've won for partaking in my competition, which is on guru, AMP and INC. I screen that, and that should be that.
Originally Posted by Ignatius Tremere
Well its a few days since the last post but whatever, I Have received a ban for trading a mere 100k to a friend, It happened last night. He purchased a new account and wanted to flash 100k at some guy, so i zoned to him (Great Temple of Balt) opened trade put in 100k and we both accepted, Less than 30 seconds later he traded the 100k back to me. We both went on our merry ways playing the game. About 20 Mins Later, i get kicked out of the game and when i log back in it says i've been banned for buying gold. Honestly this is EXTREMELY annoying. But other than the lame excuse for submiting a support request there is nothing we can do, so Anet is probably going to rip me off 100k, and not let me play the game for a few days for helping a friend out. I find this very wrong that they can do this and on the support site it plainly says "THERE IS NO APPEALS" So anet can randomly ban you and take gold from you whenever they feel like it. YAYYY, GO ANET.....
To be quite blunt, thats a pretty poor reason to even trade your friend 100k just so he could flash it to some person in game to make himself look like he has 100k. And honestly I could see why the block took place as your friend has a "new" account and you traded him 100k. A new account that gets 100k traded to them would throw up some flags.
Anyway, Gaile has stated on her wiki page about account to account transfers
Guy, guys, guys! "Auto-ban = bad choice of words!" ![]() ![]() |
The Red Messenger
one way to do it without risk of being banned this way is to party with them, go out into an explorable. drop the item on the ground so they can pick it up. the large-onesided-trade-ban cannot trigger if a trade didnt take place...
Sha Noran
I love the people who post evidence that the bans don't happen, then immediately reveal that their evidence is insubstantial due to the amounts they were experienced trading versus the kind of amounts that might trigger a ban. No, you're right, no one cares if you trade sums of less than 100k less than every day, and no one cares about a bunch of gold items being traded around, and no one cares about a dozen ecto or a single Armbrace.
The suggestion (and fact, actually...) is that it's possible to receive a ban for trading massive sums of gold to another account without anything in return; it probably flags you at 100k, and just shuts you off at any amount OVER a million, because that's just retarded. There's probably some other nifty variables thrown in, like the age of the account gradually lessening the likelihood of such a ban, stuff like that.
If you're trading those kinds of sums for a legitimate purpose then you're probably quite rich, which means that you're likely relatively experienced and happy with the game; i.e. if you're legit, it probably won't be hard to work out.
The suggestion (and fact, actually...) is that it's possible to receive a ban for trading massive sums of gold to another account without anything in return; it probably flags you at 100k, and just shuts you off at any amount OVER a million, because that's just retarded. There's probably some other nifty variables thrown in, like the age of the account gradually lessening the likelihood of such a ban, stuff like that.
If you're trading those kinds of sums for a legitimate purpose then you're probably quite rich, which means that you're likely relatively experienced and happy with the game; i.e. if you're legit, it probably won't be hard to work out.
Originally Posted by Kyomi Tachibana
If someone gets banned for this, they should go and contact support to explain the situation, getting the person who gave the item to do so as well.
I doubt it's "just because." What with the plethora of 'hacking' incidents there has been, Anet is probably just being cautious. If they ban the person, and the person comes and explains the situation, along with the second person to back them up if needed, it's not likely a hacker. However if the person that was banned doesn't come forward and try to get their account back, or they lack a proper arguement, it's likely a hacker or they were on the account without permission. |
After being given a 3 day ban for helping a friend transfer items between accounts, I just contacted Anet support and I was unbanned within 4 or 5 hours.
Like other people have said, I would avoid the Great Temple of Balthazar.
Like other people have said, I would avoid the Great Temple of Balthazar.
I had a guildie trade me 100k, then 50k then 30k and i wasnt banned. I think youll be pretty safe.
*shrug* I've given guildies lots of gold items etc. Given away hordes of greenies/unneeded items and pets to new players, transfered cash between my accounts, played mule to my husband while he transfered gold/items and vice versa. Never had a problem.
Of course mistaken bannings happen. From what I've seen, these are rectified in a reasonably quick fashion. They are without doubt a very small minority. How many transfers and give aways occur vs how many bannings vs how many mistaken bannings.
Of course mistaken bannings happen. From what I've seen, these are rectified in a reasonably quick fashion. They are without doubt a very small minority. How many transfers and give aways occur vs how many bannings vs how many mistaken bannings.
Originally Posted by Sha Noran
I love the people who post evidence that the bans don't happen, then immediately reveal that their evidence is insubstantial due to the amounts they were experienced trading versus the kind of amounts that might trigger a ban. No, you're right, no one cares if you trade sums of less than 100k less than every day, and no one cares about a bunch of gold items being traded around, and no one cares about a dozen ecto or a single Armbrace.
The suggestion (and fact, actually...) is that it's possible to receive a ban for trading massive sums of gold to another account without anything in return; it probably flags you at 100k, and just shuts you off at any amount OVER a million, because that's just retarded. There's probably some other nifty variables thrown in, like the age of the account gradually lessening the likelihood of such a ban, stuff like that. If you're trading those kinds of sums for a legitimate purpose then you're probably quite rich, which means that you're likely relatively experienced and happy with the game; i.e. if you're legit, it probably won't be hard to work out. |
traded 181 zkeys between accounts and no problems, so...
my husband and I routinely exchange stuff ----HOWEVER, we always make sure that if he gives me something-I give him something as well be it something like a few bones, 5 gold, my minipet wallow----whatever just so we are exchanging and not just giving one way (he usually gives the wallow back...dang thing has been traded so many times it probably has a complex by now).....
and usually they look for larger a free dye or tome probably wont do it....but a bunch of gold weapons or lots of plat might set the detector off!
another thing you might do is pull up the chat box with the person you are giving the stuff to and tell them why you are giving the stuff (happy birthday, congrats on legendary survivor, you won this in our guild giveaway etc) and take a screenshot of it---
yes I am paranoid.
and usually they look for larger a free dye or tome probably wont do it....but a bunch of gold weapons or lots of plat might set the detector off!
another thing you might do is pull up the chat box with the person you are giving the stuff to and tell them why you are giving the stuff (happy birthday, congrats on legendary survivor, you won this in our guild giveaway etc) and take a screenshot of it---
yes I am paranoid.
So we only have to wait now before those Gold Sellers start asking you to trade them three bones for their 100k to circumvent the Ban Flagging?
Lord Sojar
Just remember... if your friend gives you 50mil SWG credits, and then he gives you 255 ectos + 100k in GW, you get banned and they uphold it because that is against the EULA. 
^ true story.

^ true story.
Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
Just remember... if your friend gives you 50mil SWG credits, and then he gives you 255 ectos + 100k in GW, you get banned and they uphold it because that is against the EULA.
![]() ^ true story. |

I suspect in like 90% of the cases where someone is crying about being banned for receiving a 'gift' they were simply getting what they paid real money for. There's always that other 10% that was wrongfully banned, and hopefully anet reviews their case and unbans them, but I'm always skeptical when people cry about how someone just randomly gave them 100k or 250 ectos and they got banned unfairly.
I randomly gave a friend 300k, and we're both still breathing. So yeah, most of the "I've been banned because I gave someone money"'s are bogus imo and of course it's safe to give away some stuff... it's not like being generous is breaking any rules. If you periodically make trades of large sums of money to other characters, then some alarm bells will go off, but just live by the rule that if you're innocent, nothing will happen. At least not in GW.
Ignatius Tremere
No the "I've been banned because i gave someone money" are not bogus, i posted eariler in this thread about getting a temp ban because of a 100k trade to a friend. And Guess what, i opened a trouble ticket with anet, and the politely told me too bad so sad. I mean get real this is a joke, people getting banned when its OBVIOUSLY not a gold purchase, for those who don't want to scroll up, i traded him 100k, he decided he didn't need it and traded it back, all within about 1 min. time frame. 15 mins later i'm temp banned and he's perma banned. Pretty lame in my opinion.
Originally Posted by KamikazeChicken
I've moved millions of gold and hundred of ecto between 2 accounts without any issue. People who say they were banned for that reason are probably only telling you half the story.
I've had friends who have been banned for this though, but it's because they were participating in activities that violate the EULA.
That being said, there are probably several accounts of where innocent people got the short end of the stick.