Guildwars x2?
Spyda Prince
is this program legal, running two accounts on 1 computer should not be a problem, I normaly have 3 comps to run my 3 accounts but 1 is down and i used GWx2 a friend told me about, but got into a debate with an alliance member who said it was illegal. Is it??
No, it isn't Illegal. It is allowed, but A-Net does not support it, they will take no responsibility for anything you break/damage/mess up at all.
Bryant Again
Just like Texmod, it's not supported nor condoned.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Just like Texmod, it's not supported nor condoned.
That's the modding page on GWWiki. I see no version history for TexMod, only download sites.
Politeness never killed anyone, either.
Politeness never killed anyone, either.