Anyone else gettin sick of BS rules in Guru?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006


Killas On Pay Roll


The morons in this website changing the rules constantly to cause pain among its users. These guys are forum Nazzis that will ban you for the simplest things such as closing your own auction forum after selling the item months later. I myself am tired of these people banning innocent members and want to hear about what the majority of the users here think.



Join Date: Apr 2005

Thank you for raising concerns about moderating. To quote from our forum rules:

• A moderator has closed a thread (or done some other action) and I don't agree it was the right thing to do. What should I do?

PM the moderator and talk to him or her about it. Hint: explanations work better than accusations if you want to be listened to. Remain calm and explain your reasons clearly and carefully.

• I PM'ed a moderator, but he or she didn't agree with me and did not reverse what was done. What should I do?

Understand that not everyone is going to agree on what is or is not appropriate, and where to draw the line. However, it's the moderator's job to make that decision, to determine where to draw that line, whether people agree or not. They are the referees of these discussions, and their calls are final.

Do not start yet another thread disagreeing with the action that was taken in the previous thread. PM the mod, and if after that you still really believe the mod's actions are truly out of line, above and beyond a simple disagreement on where that line should have been drawn or what should have been done, see the next question.

• I believe a moderator is being abusive, or has moderated unfairly. What should I do?

First, PM the moderator and talk to him or her about it. After that, if you still feel the moderator was being abusive and feel the issue is sufficiently grievous, PM the Site ADMINISTRATOR’s about it and explain the situation and what you did to try to resolve it. The Site Administrators will then resolve the situation as he or she deems appropriate.

• At what point can I start a public thread to discuss the issue?

Never! Whether your disagreement is with a user or a moderator, it is never an appropriate action to start a public thread about it. Disagreements with individuals are to be handled in PM's, period. If you start a thread to "call out" or complain about any individual, it is a personal attack, and whether justified or not, this is a violation of forum guidelines that may result in disciplinary action against you. Please respect the rules, and take any disputes you have with any individual (user or moderator) to PM's with the appropriate people as specified above.

In short, if you have any questions or issues regarding moderation, either with another user or with a moderator, send a PM to the appropriate moderator or site administrator. In so many words, if you feel that you are treated unfairly, please follow the described procedure to voice your issues. A list of contacts can be found here.