N00 RPG - Prophets of the Gods (A trip into the land of the Northlands)
King Adelbern was restless that night. He had been trying to sleep, but ever since the Charr had been driven back into the Northlands he had been a little pessimistic about the future of Ascalon. He knew that things should have been looking up, but what he really wanted to know was what had driven the Charr from the Northlands, a nation with seemingly limitless room for expansion.
"Sir, where are you going at this time of night?", asked Warmaster Stromgard, the current Palace Guard.
"Just a walk in the garden, Carther"
"Well Sir, just call if you need help. There are still a few Charr remnants, you know. "
"Yes, I will."
Adelbern walked out to the garden, and relaxed in the peaceful tranquility of the garden.
"You may get what you deserve, Charrslayer"
Adelbern looked around. "Am I hearing things?", he wondered.
The very next thing he knew, he was at the gate into the Underworld.
Another person was having a restless night. Her name was Reia, and she was an oracle. Some called her a seer, some called her a prophet, but for some reason she always referred to herself as an oracle.
As she tossed and turned in her bed, a dream crept over her, but if anything, it was a nightmare. In her dream, she Saw the King of Ascalon clutching his heart and collapsing, a second wave of Charr destroying Ascalon, then Kryta, and then the very jungle that she slept in the heart of. She Saw evil overlords commanding the Charr to do their bidding, overlords with hearts of ice and bodies of fire. But none of this was the most startling thing she saw in her vision. The most startling thing she Saw was a man, smothered in flames, with jet black eyes, set in the cruelest expression she had ever seen or Seen, in reality or in vision. Finally, she Saw a young man, with a heart of gold, and a vigor none of the kings of Ascalon had had for years. He was kneeling, and a young lady was placing a crown on his head. Then she woke.
Reia immediatly reported her dream to Dream Master Arance, and soon Reia was explaining her vision to no less then Lord Governor Tiden.
1. No "God" playing, as in, "suddenly a bolt of lightning struck _____ down."
2. Leave NPC's to me, I know where this RPG is going. ^_^
3. If you want to leave don't just drop off, get to a battle and get killed or something. Make it make sense!
4. Have fun!
--RPG CLOSED FOR NEW PEOPLE... Sorry, don't want a spamfest or anything--
King Adelbern was restless that night. He had been trying to sleep, but ever since the Charr had been driven back into the Northlands he had been a little pessimistic about the future of Ascalon. He knew that things should have been looking up, but what he really wanted to know was what had driven the Charr from the Northlands, a nation with seemingly limitless room for expansion.
"Sir, where are you going at this time of night?", asked Warmaster Stromgard, the current Palace Guard.
"Just a walk in the garden, Carther"
"Well Sir, just call if you need help. There are still a few Charr remnants, you know. "
"Yes, I will."
Adelbern walked out to the garden, and relaxed in the peaceful tranquility of the garden.
"You may get what you deserve, Charrslayer"
Adelbern looked around. "Am I hearing things?", he wondered.
The very next thing he knew, he was at the gate into the Underworld.
Another person was having a restless night. Her name was Reia, and she was an oracle. Some called her a seer, some called her a prophet, but for some reason she always referred to herself as an oracle.
As she tossed and turned in her bed, a dream crept over her, but if anything, it was a nightmare. In her dream, she Saw the King of Ascalon clutching his heart and collapsing, a second wave of Charr destroying Ascalon, then Kryta, and then the very jungle that she slept in the heart of. She Saw evil overlords commanding the Charr to do their bidding, overlords with hearts of ice and bodies of fire. But none of this was the most startling thing she saw in her vision. The most startling thing she Saw was a man, smothered in flames, with jet black eyes, set in the cruelest expression she had ever seen or Seen, in reality or in vision. Finally, she Saw a young man, with a heart of gold, and a vigor none of the kings of Ascalon had had for years. He was kneeling, and a young lady was placing a crown on his head. Then she woke.
Reia immediatly reported her dream to Dream Master Arance, and soon Reia was explaining her vision to no less then Lord Governor Tiden.
1. No "God" playing, as in, "suddenly a bolt of lightning struck _____ down."
2. Leave NPC's to me, I know where this RPG is going. ^_^
3. If you want to leave don't just drop off, get to a battle and get killed or something. Make it make sense!
4. Have fun!
--RPG CLOSED FOR NEW PEOPLE... Sorry, don't want a spamfest or anything--
Name: Elias Heartsigh
Character Age: 31 Years Old
Profession/Fighting Style: Monk Protector
Where From: Lions Arch Nobility
Elias Heartsigh was always a rebel. As a young boy, he demanded that all call him Eli. When he turned 17, he promptly left his rich, noble family in Lions Arch, to join a fighting party going to tame the jungle. When Eli saw the damage being done by the White Mantle, he immedietly joined the Shining Blade, and eventually helped destroy the Lich. Now returned to Lions Arch and grown old, Eli has never quite quenched his desire for adventure.
Eli woke up that morning with quite the hangover. The party last night had been very much a success, but now was not the morning for a hangover. His assistant had woken him up with the news that the King of Ascalon had died and that a party from the Maguuma Jungle was leaving for the Northlands on the dream of a seer.
"Well sign me up. Do we know anybody who is already joined?"
"Well Dream Master Arance from the Jungle has been assigned to lead the party from the jungle. And I do believe that Ol' Tarks from the old army joined."
"Well if Tarks is fit enough to fight then I am too. Sign me up."
"Righto, Eli."
Elias decided to arrange a meeting in the Town Circle for all willing hands to join.
Character Age: 31 Years Old
Profession/Fighting Style: Monk Protector
Where From: Lions Arch Nobility
Elias Heartsigh was always a rebel. As a young boy, he demanded that all call him Eli. When he turned 17, he promptly left his rich, noble family in Lions Arch, to join a fighting party going to tame the jungle. When Eli saw the damage being done by the White Mantle, he immedietly joined the Shining Blade, and eventually helped destroy the Lich. Now returned to Lions Arch and grown old, Eli has never quite quenched his desire for adventure.
Eli woke up that morning with quite the hangover. The party last night had been very much a success, but now was not the morning for a hangover. His assistant had woken him up with the news that the King of Ascalon had died and that a party from the Maguuma Jungle was leaving for the Northlands on the dream of a seer.
"Well sign me up. Do we know anybody who is already joined?"
"Well Dream Master Arance from the Jungle has been assigned to lead the party from the jungle. And I do believe that Ol' Tarks from the old army joined."
"Well if Tarks is fit enough to fight then I am too. Sign me up."
"Righto, Eli."
Elias decided to arrange a meeting in the Town Circle for all willing hands to join.
Lord Artan
age: unknown
profession: w/r
fighting style:nailing his enemies to trees from a distance and when they get near, cut them in two with his sword
Artan was found with approx 12 years, uncouncious, by an old man who was collecting wood. He took him home and gave him food, but the boy never said a single word. The old man kept him for a while, but after some days, the boy was costing him too much money, so he decided to give him to the king. So he went to Ascalon and explained the situation to Jassyn, one of the kings best men. Jassyn said that he would keep the boy, his only son had died in a battle. Jassyn treated the boy wich much care. Soon he loved him as he had loved his own son, but the boy still dint say a word. After three months he finally said, at lunch "my name is artan"
Then Jassyn, happy that the boy had speaked, bengun questioning him about his past, but the boy only said that he didnt remeber.
So they lived some years peacefully, loving each other as father and son.
But soon the war with the Charr became worst, and Artan told Jassyn that he wanted to fight for the peace. Jassyn didnt like the idea, because he had already lost a son to the war, but Artan was stubborn. He joined an warriors academy where he the best of the students, being his skills with a sword without mach. One day they had to destroy some stalkers that were killing the sheep, as a test of worth. Surprisingly, Artan, didnt kill any stalkers, but he became friends with one. The stalker, wich he named Krall, followed him everywhere and also prioved his worth in combat. Soon Artan was a complete warrior and was ready to beat the crap out of the charr;;;
just copy/pasted from the bios didnt wanna make a new one...
age: unknown
profession: w/r
fighting style:nailing his enemies to trees from a distance and when they get near, cut them in two with his sword

Artan was found with approx 12 years, uncouncious, by an old man who was collecting wood. He took him home and gave him food, but the boy never said a single word. The old man kept him for a while, but after some days, the boy was costing him too much money, so he decided to give him to the king. So he went to Ascalon and explained the situation to Jassyn, one of the kings best men. Jassyn said that he would keep the boy, his only son had died in a battle. Jassyn treated the boy wich much care. Soon he loved him as he had loved his own son, but the boy still dint say a word. After three months he finally said, at lunch "my name is artan"
Then Jassyn, happy that the boy had speaked, bengun questioning him about his past, but the boy only said that he didnt remeber.
So they lived some years peacefully, loving each other as father and son.
But soon the war with the Charr became worst, and Artan told Jassyn that he wanted to fight for the peace. Jassyn didnt like the idea, because he had already lost a son to the war, but Artan was stubborn. He joined an warriors academy where he the best of the students, being his skills with a sword without mach. One day they had to destroy some stalkers that were killing the sheep, as a test of worth. Surprisingly, Artan, didnt kill any stalkers, but he became friends with one. The stalker, wich he named Krall, followed him everywhere and also prioved his worth in combat. Soon Artan was a complete warrior and was ready to beat the crap out of the charr;;;
just copy/pasted from the bios didnt wanna make a new one...
Name: Rianna Wraithcaller
Age: 25
Profession: Necromancer/Monk
Fighting Style: Minion Master. Rianna mainly leaves the production of the first few corpses to others but she can use life stealing hexes and damage from her staff in a pinch. After corpses are present, she exploits and raises minions from them. It is definitely better, when facing Rianna, to be the first to die. Those that die later see, as their last breath escapes, the terrified eyes of their former comrades inside the tortured flesh of the minions. Yes, it is much better to die first.
Born into a matriarchal family of mesmers, Rianna’s future was forever altered by a promise her mother made to Grenth. Rianna would have to train as a primary Necro in return for a small favor granted by Grenth to her mother.
Rianna’s older sister had run off to adventure in Cantha and had never returned. Rianna had completed her training but returned to the local area after her desert trials, eventually moving from the Ascalon settlement to Lions Arch where she was working at a small tavern called The Lions Tale. It had always seemed that her life was meant to be payment for someone else’s sins. She was to young for the Canthan adventure when the ships sailed away with her sister and as a necromancer she was not comfortable around the rest of her family, nor they with her.
Now this morning there was news that King Adlebern had died and there was to be a meeting in the Town Circle for those that would depart for the Northlands! Something about a seer’s dream?? She didn’t listen to all the gossip. She told the owner of the Lions Tale, Old Barston, that she had to run out for a bit.
“And what of my tables, lass? Who will tend them while you’re off ………and where are you going anyway?” His yelling degenerated into curses and mumblings but Rianna was already gone.
She ran quickly to Town Circle and saw a small group gathered there. She joined them, trying to appear more confident than she felt.
Age: 25
Profession: Necromancer/Monk
Fighting Style: Minion Master. Rianna mainly leaves the production of the first few corpses to others but she can use life stealing hexes and damage from her staff in a pinch. After corpses are present, she exploits and raises minions from them. It is definitely better, when facing Rianna, to be the first to die. Those that die later see, as their last breath escapes, the terrified eyes of their former comrades inside the tortured flesh of the minions. Yes, it is much better to die first.
Born into a matriarchal family of mesmers, Rianna’s future was forever altered by a promise her mother made to Grenth. Rianna would have to train as a primary Necro in return for a small favor granted by Grenth to her mother.
Rianna’s older sister had run off to adventure in Cantha and had never returned. Rianna had completed her training but returned to the local area after her desert trials, eventually moving from the Ascalon settlement to Lions Arch where she was working at a small tavern called The Lions Tale. It had always seemed that her life was meant to be payment for someone else’s sins. She was to young for the Canthan adventure when the ships sailed away with her sister and as a necromancer she was not comfortable around the rest of her family, nor they with her.
Now this morning there was news that King Adlebern had died and there was to be a meeting in the Town Circle for those that would depart for the Northlands! Something about a seer’s dream?? She didn’t listen to all the gossip. She told the owner of the Lions Tale, Old Barston, that she had to run out for a bit.
“And what of my tables, lass? Who will tend them while you’re off ………and where are you going anyway?” His yelling degenerated into curses and mumblings but Rianna was already gone.
She ran quickly to Town Circle and saw a small group gathered there. She joined them, trying to appear more confident than she felt.
Name: Mylena Swiftwind
Age: 25
Profession: Ranger/Elementalist, fire spike
Where from: Born in Ascalon, Mylena became an orphan at 3 years old, and could not recall her parents. She lived in an orphanage for two years, until it closed down. Following this, she nearly starved to death, until she was taken in by an agency. After a few more years, she was given to a child-caring group, where she was well nourished and looked after. When she was 13, however, this closed down, and a sinister slave-trading group that had sneaked into Ascalon took her along with many others to the west. They went over the Shiverpeak mountains to Kryta, where they were displayed in a black market for sale, mostly to Canthan dealers. However, one day Mylena was bought by a mysterious figure. This person drugged her and took her by horse to the jungle. There, she was given to the Shining Blade, who brought her up and tought her to be a ranger. She learned the ways quickly, and chose to adopt the elementalist flame powers to deal heavy damage with a bow. When the adventurers from Ascalon came, she joined them, going to the Crystal Desert, the Shiverpeak Mountains, the Ring of Fire islands, and even the Underworld. Recently, she had returned to the jungle, living amongst others in the various small settlements there.
Now, it seemed something new had arisen. There were calls for willing hands to come to the Town Circle, to discuss travelling to Ascalon to head out into the Northlands, and a somewhat urgent matter. So, she made her way out of her house and down to the Town Circle, where she saw a group of people gathering. She joined them, wondering what she was getting herself into.
Age: 25
Profession: Ranger/Elementalist, fire spike
Where from: Born in Ascalon, Mylena became an orphan at 3 years old, and could not recall her parents. She lived in an orphanage for two years, until it closed down. Following this, she nearly starved to death, until she was taken in by an agency. After a few more years, she was given to a child-caring group, where she was well nourished and looked after. When she was 13, however, this closed down, and a sinister slave-trading group that had sneaked into Ascalon took her along with many others to the west. They went over the Shiverpeak mountains to Kryta, where they were displayed in a black market for sale, mostly to Canthan dealers. However, one day Mylena was bought by a mysterious figure. This person drugged her and took her by horse to the jungle. There, she was given to the Shining Blade, who brought her up and tought her to be a ranger. She learned the ways quickly, and chose to adopt the elementalist flame powers to deal heavy damage with a bow. When the adventurers from Ascalon came, she joined them, going to the Crystal Desert, the Shiverpeak Mountains, the Ring of Fire islands, and even the Underworld. Recently, she had returned to the jungle, living amongst others in the various small settlements there.
Now, it seemed something new had arisen. There were calls for willing hands to come to the Town Circle, to discuss travelling to Ascalon to head out into the Northlands, and a somewhat urgent matter. So, she made her way out of her house and down to the Town Circle, where she saw a group of people gathering. She joined them, wondering what she was getting herself into.
Sentao Nugra
*note that this is my first attempt at doing RP, so i may be a little weak with my story*
Name: Sesha Nugra
Age: 23
Profession: Mesmer/Elementialist
Character note: Sesha has NOT experienced the main storyline (missions and quests)
Where from: When Sesha was a young girl, she had a great affection for magic. From her first wand, to her first days training with Lady Althea, to learning every written trick, to inventing a few of her own tricks. Sesha accomplished this in a short time period, albeit later in her lifetime. Coming from a poor family, she had to first get a job caring for Boba's Yaks in Yak's Bend. After she raised enough money, she decided to quit her job and move to a quaint little house in Ashford.
It was 3 years until anything signifigant happened for Sesha. She had been practicing her spells with Lady Althea when she first saw the sky turning black. It was at first a cloudy day, but a single black could had appeared over the charr lands, and it was expanding. She dismissed the initial sighting, and went on practicing.
After she had lunch in the theater, Sesha decided to go to Ascalon City to see if anyone else had noticed the strange cloud. The town was buzzing with chatter. King Adelburn was recruiting for the Ascalonian Army, to finally push the charr back, and destroy them.
Sesha pondered her situation. She had a fairly normal life, but craved for some excitement. At this point, her life would change forever. She had decided to join the Army.
There were challenging tasks to be done before being conscribed as a soldier, which Sesha had easily passed through. She graduated at the top of her class from The Academy, and was pulled aside by her favorite professor, Dr. Vokura, after the graduation ceremony. He handed Sesha a note, and said, "You must follow the instructions in this note very carefully, Sesha, for it will decide your future..." Without time to ask any questions, the Docter walked away.
Congratulations on your recent graduation from the academy. I am most impressed with your work there. However, I request of your assistance on an urgent military matter. Arrive at the Town Center promptly at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will meet you there. Again, congratulations.
King Adelburn
Sesha's mind raced as she read the letter. What could he be speaking of? Why me?
As morning came, Sesha sipped her tea and reread the letter from the King many times. When the clocktower in Ascalon struck eight times, Sesha gathered her things and headed to the town center.
After arriving in the city, Sesha realized that there was no laughing, no hustle-and-bustle, and no minstrels playing in the streets. Looking out into the town center, she saw only a few people. What could have happened so soon, why is everyone so grim? Millions of questions raced through her head as she tracked down to the group of people.
Whatever it was, she was ready.
Name: Sesha Nugra
Age: 23
Profession: Mesmer/Elementialist
Character note: Sesha has NOT experienced the main storyline (missions and quests)
Where from: When Sesha was a young girl, she had a great affection for magic. From her first wand, to her first days training with Lady Althea, to learning every written trick, to inventing a few of her own tricks. Sesha accomplished this in a short time period, albeit later in her lifetime. Coming from a poor family, she had to first get a job caring for Boba's Yaks in Yak's Bend. After she raised enough money, she decided to quit her job and move to a quaint little house in Ashford.
It was 3 years until anything signifigant happened for Sesha. She had been practicing her spells with Lady Althea when she first saw the sky turning black. It was at first a cloudy day, but a single black could had appeared over the charr lands, and it was expanding. She dismissed the initial sighting, and went on practicing.
After she had lunch in the theater, Sesha decided to go to Ascalon City to see if anyone else had noticed the strange cloud. The town was buzzing with chatter. King Adelburn was recruiting for the Ascalonian Army, to finally push the charr back, and destroy them.
Sesha pondered her situation. She had a fairly normal life, but craved for some excitement. At this point, her life would change forever. She had decided to join the Army.
There were challenging tasks to be done before being conscribed as a soldier, which Sesha had easily passed through. She graduated at the top of her class from The Academy, and was pulled aside by her favorite professor, Dr. Vokura, after the graduation ceremony. He handed Sesha a note, and said, "You must follow the instructions in this note very carefully, Sesha, for it will decide your future..." Without time to ask any questions, the Docter walked away.
Congratulations on your recent graduation from the academy. I am most impressed with your work there. However, I request of your assistance on an urgent military matter. Arrive at the Town Center promptly at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will meet you there. Again, congratulations.
King Adelburn
Sesha's mind raced as she read the letter. What could he be speaking of? Why me?
As morning came, Sesha sipped her tea and reread the letter from the King many times. When the clocktower in Ascalon struck eight times, Sesha gathered her things and headed to the town center.
After arriving in the city, Sesha realized that there was no laughing, no hustle-and-bustle, and no minstrels playing in the streets. Looking out into the town center, she saw only a few people. What could have happened so soon, why is everyone so grim? Millions of questions raced through her head as she tracked down to the group of people.
Whatever it was, she was ready.
Just to remind you all, this is currently in basically, a medium size city (like Pre Searing Ascalon City). It is built OVER the Henge of Denravi.
Dream Master Arance set her glass of water on the table, and stood up to explain this gathering. When Elias had asked her to speak at this gathering she had had no idea just how big of a gathering he meant. Arance was never one for speeches, and the speech she had prepared seemed, to her, a mockery of the grandiose speeches of the kings. She took a deep breath and starting speaking.
"When Reia, one of my Seers, saw the king of Ascalon collapsing, it seemed bad. When we recieved word that he was dead, we knew that the call of this dream must be heeded. I stand before you and plead that you join this party headed to the Northlands of Ascalon. This trip will not be easy, and those who may be fragile are better off staying here. In the meantime, if you wish to join, please speak to one of the scribes at these nearby tables."
"Well," Arance thought, "that went well."
Dream Master Arance set her glass of water on the table, and stood up to explain this gathering. When Elias had asked her to speak at this gathering she had had no idea just how big of a gathering he meant. Arance was never one for speeches, and the speech she had prepared seemed, to her, a mockery of the grandiose speeches of the kings. She took a deep breath and starting speaking.
"When Reia, one of my Seers, saw the king of Ascalon collapsing, it seemed bad. When we recieved word that he was dead, we knew that the call of this dream must be heeded. I stand before you and plead that you join this party headed to the Northlands of Ascalon. This trip will not be easy, and those who may be fragile are better off staying here. In the meantime, if you wish to join, please speak to one of the scribes at these nearby tables."
"Well," Arance thought, "that went well."
(its been a while since ive done an RP so bear with me for a little while)
Name:Laris Glume
Age: 21
Profession: Ranger, Long ranged bowman
Where From: Laris lived a happy life with his mother and father in Kryta, until the day the Charr attacked the Ascalon walls. Soon after, his family traveled to what was left of Ascalon to help the survivers, Laris was only eight however, so a friend of his father's, named Juscular Tarlon, taught Laris how to use a bow. While his parents had gone for Ascalon, they insisted that he stayed with Juscular Tarlon, so he did. As time passed, he only recieved a couple of letters a year from his parents, until the letters stopped comming. e joined the White Mantle after forgetting his parents, after vigorously training with the While Mantle. Over the next 13 thirteen years, he heard stories of a band of men and women that slayed many White Mantle, and made it through the Magumma Jungle alive. One day, he found his letters from his parents, and decided to quit the White Mantle and head out into the forest, following the men and women who were supposedly from Ascalon, to see if he can find and news of there whereabouts.
Laris pushed aside a large bushy plant that was in his way, stepping through the mud and thinking, "Ever since those travelers came here many years ago, the forest has greatly calmed down...I wonder why...". After two nights of traveling, he came a crossed a large gathering in a town, it was peculier to him, to see this in the forest, "How long has this town been here?" he thought to himself. He grew closer to the crowd, trying not to be spotted. He ended up lying down in a large bush behind someone who wasi n the crowd.
Name:Laris Glume
Age: 21
Profession: Ranger, Long ranged bowman
Where From: Laris lived a happy life with his mother and father in Kryta, until the day the Charr attacked the Ascalon walls. Soon after, his family traveled to what was left of Ascalon to help the survivers, Laris was only eight however, so a friend of his father's, named Juscular Tarlon, taught Laris how to use a bow. While his parents had gone for Ascalon, they insisted that he stayed with Juscular Tarlon, so he did. As time passed, he only recieved a couple of letters a year from his parents, until the letters stopped comming. e joined the White Mantle after forgetting his parents, after vigorously training with the While Mantle. Over the next 13 thirteen years, he heard stories of a band of men and women that slayed many White Mantle, and made it through the Magumma Jungle alive. One day, he found his letters from his parents, and decided to quit the White Mantle and head out into the forest, following the men and women who were supposedly from Ascalon, to see if he can find and news of there whereabouts.
Laris pushed aside a large bushy plant that was in his way, stepping through the mud and thinking, "Ever since those travelers came here many years ago, the forest has greatly calmed down...I wonder why...". After two nights of traveling, he came a crossed a large gathering in a town, it was peculier to him, to see this in the forest, "How long has this town been here?" he thought to himself. He grew closer to the crowd, trying not to be spotted. He ended up lying down in a large bush behind someone who wasi n the crowd.
Maximus Decimus Meridius
Dhagon Ghent
Age: 25
Profession:: Axe Warrior
BIO: Dhagon was first recruited and undergone rigorous training, recognized for his stunning weapon mastery, at a very young age. The tough start was only the start of a horror-filled life. The military training was no walk in the park for Dhagon, being so young, he was often pushed around by people jealous of his talents. After several years, his harsh preparement was over, and he was forced to participate in many battles against charr invasions. The terrifying things he had experienced in these battles delt a hard blow to the still young mind of Ghent. Friends he have made dying left and right to the blades of the charr. If not for his steel mind, one would think he would have gone completely insane.
And then it came. The apocalypse. The searing. In just a few moments, the sky went black, the world around him darkened, fire, and brimstone rained from the "heavens", demolishing anything under it the falling rubble. The once glorius city, toppled. But one thing stood out amongst all the horror. He had failed. The one thing, his whole life was set on, the miserable existance he has been pit through to prepare, and devoted to, destroy. Just. Like. That.
Dhagon is now a cruel, stone-hearted man. It is as if the man has completely discarded the part of his brain that held emotions. The ideal warrior. Ruthless, cunning, calculating, strong, unmerciful. But most interesting of all...vengeful.
A dark menacing figure moved about the town circle of the town. He was armored from head to toe with armor that resembled a dragon, it was clearly a work of blacksmithing mastership. On his head was a rare helm, a blackened helm, some called it..."The Fissure Helmet". On his waist was a 'Sephis' model axe, and a large oblongate-daimond shaped shield ((Think Tanzit's Defender)) on his arm.
While moving about, the Dream Master had caught his attention. He was preaching a mission toward the now destroyed Ascalon and moving to the northlands. Where the Charr were. Dhagon cracked his neck, and moved toward a scribe..
The scribe looked up at Dhagon from his table.
"Well, hello there.."
He sat stunned, staring at the huge menacing figure across from him.
"Erm...If you would like to join this...group...please...sign on this sheet.."
Dhagon snatched the quill from the trembling hand of the small scribe, and signed
-Dhagon Ghent
on the parchment.
The scribed thanked Dhagon, and looked back down at his papers, trying to avoid the dark stare of Dhagon. Because when he did, he saw nothing but horror, despair, and utter blackness. The scribe was depressed for the rest of the week.
With that, Dhagon walked over to a lamp post, leaned his back on it with crossed arms, and awaited further instruction, while contemplating future events.
[EDIT Deleted note;; Edited in Sign in]
[Edit2 Edited in a small part;; fixed grammar & typos]
Age: 25
Profession:: Axe Warrior
BIO: Dhagon was first recruited and undergone rigorous training, recognized for his stunning weapon mastery, at a very young age. The tough start was only the start of a horror-filled life. The military training was no walk in the park for Dhagon, being so young, he was often pushed around by people jealous of his talents. After several years, his harsh preparement was over, and he was forced to participate in many battles against charr invasions. The terrifying things he had experienced in these battles delt a hard blow to the still young mind of Ghent. Friends he have made dying left and right to the blades of the charr. If not for his steel mind, one would think he would have gone completely insane.
And then it came. The apocalypse. The searing. In just a few moments, the sky went black, the world around him darkened, fire, and brimstone rained from the "heavens", demolishing anything under it the falling rubble. The once glorius city, toppled. But one thing stood out amongst all the horror. He had failed. The one thing, his whole life was set on, the miserable existance he has been pit through to prepare, and devoted to, destroy. Just. Like. That.
Dhagon is now a cruel, stone-hearted man. It is as if the man has completely discarded the part of his brain that held emotions. The ideal warrior. Ruthless, cunning, calculating, strong, unmerciful. But most interesting of all...vengeful.
A dark menacing figure moved about the town circle of the town. He was armored from head to toe with armor that resembled a dragon, it was clearly a work of blacksmithing mastership. On his head was a rare helm, a blackened helm, some called it..."The Fissure Helmet". On his waist was a 'Sephis' model axe, and a large oblongate-daimond shaped shield ((Think Tanzit's Defender)) on his arm.
While moving about, the Dream Master had caught his attention. He was preaching a mission toward the now destroyed Ascalon and moving to the northlands. Where the Charr were. Dhagon cracked his neck, and moved toward a scribe..
The scribe looked up at Dhagon from his table.
"Well, hello there.."
He sat stunned, staring at the huge menacing figure across from him.
"Erm...If you would like to join this...group...please...sign on this sheet.."
Dhagon snatched the quill from the trembling hand of the small scribe, and signed
-Dhagon Ghent
on the parchment.
The scribed thanked Dhagon, and looked back down at his papers, trying to avoid the dark stare of Dhagon. Because when he did, he saw nothing but horror, despair, and utter blackness. The scribe was depressed for the rest of the week.
With that, Dhagon walked over to a lamp post, leaned his back on it with crossed arms, and awaited further instruction, while contemplating future events.
[EDIT Deleted note;; Edited in Sign in]
[Edit2 Edited in a small part;; fixed grammar & typos]
Originally Posted by Maximus Decimus Meridius
ASSUMPTION: I'm assuming this is based on the main storyline, as Adelburn did not die in pre-searing. :P Of course its after searing. I only say a garden in Adelberns palace cuz stuff is regrowing.
Anyways, I think here would be a good time to restrict new entries.
--Guys, sign up to one of the scribes!--
Laris notices a dark looking man walk up to a table and sign something. Since he was still beliveing all the beliefs of the White Mantle, he saw everyone here an enemy. Thinking that he could get a promotion, or mybe something better, he decided to act as a "spy". Laris moves up to the scribe that the man had talked to, he listened to what he said and signed it
-Laris Glume
He looked over his shoulder, suspisiously, and moved towards a crowd of peop,e relaxing a little. He waited to see what might happen.
-Laris Glume
He looked over his shoulder, suspisiously, and moved towards a crowd of peop,e relaxing a little. He waited to see what might happen.
Sentao Nugra
Sesha, after hearing the speech from Dream Master Arance, was quite confused. The man who wrote her a note to meet today, was now dead. A man in perfectly good health, vanishing right out of thin air. Whover had done this would pay.
Sesha immediately walked over to a table, and signed into the group. Now a little more ashured of the happenings, she began to use her keen sense of hearing to eaves drop on some of the conversations around town.
Sesha immediately walked over to a table, and signed into the group. Now a little more ashured of the happenings, she began to use her keen sense of hearing to eaves drop on some of the conversations around town.
The undead Mesmer
OOC: darnit cant join annymore my necromancer whas willing to kill you all :P annyway good story so far (not that i readed everything
) but good nevertheles.

Originally Posted by The undead Mesmer
OOC: darnit cant join annymore my necromancer whas willing to kill you all :P annyway good story so far (not that i readed everything
) but good nevertheles.
you didnt read it....lol


you didnt read it....lol
The undead Mesmer
I know :P thats why i say that its good ^^ i wotn post here annymore because some strange people like megalomaniac act kinda STRANGE.
Rianna moved to one of the tables to sign up. She was behind a huge warrior type. He seemed to have a disorienting effect on the scribe because when it was her turn to sign the scroll her questions about their departure time-line only drew a trembling blank stare from the scribe. She shrugged and stepped away from the table, figuring someone would have the information....she would just have to wait.
The imposing axe warrior was leaning against a lamp post looking generally pissed off at the entire situation. Rianna decided to leave him to his own thoughts so she took up a spot beside a small statue and watched the sign-ups continue.
The imposing axe warrior was leaning against a lamp post looking generally pissed off at the entire situation. Rianna decided to leave him to his own thoughts so she took up a spot beside a small statue and watched the sign-ups continue.
Sentao Nugra
As Sesha continued to persue details over the recent happenings, she sat on a fountain in the center whilst eavesdropping.
One of the people in the crowd cought her eye. She was a ranger, given away by her bow and quiver. But something was different, there was an extra pouch on her belt, and a small object dangling from it. It reminded Sesha of the times when she would go out hunting aloes. Her mother used some sort of preperation that set the arrow tips on fire, and would ignite the target for a brief moment.
Sesha, having some knowledge about rangers, decided to walk up to the girl and instantiate a conversation.
OOC: When starting a conversation between two characters; can one person type up the text of the conversation or does it have to go back and forth between many posts?
One of the people in the crowd cought her eye. She was a ranger, given away by her bow and quiver. But something was different, there was an extra pouch on her belt, and a small object dangling from it. It reminded Sesha of the times when she would go out hunting aloes. Her mother used some sort of preperation that set the arrow tips on fire, and would ignite the target for a brief moment.
Sesha, having some knowledge about rangers, decided to walk up to the girl and instantiate a conversation.
OOC: When starting a conversation between two characters; can one person type up the text of the conversation or does it have to go back and forth between many posts?
Originally Posted by Sentao Nugra
OOC: When starting a conversation between two characters; can one person type up the text of the conversation or does it have to go back and forth between many posts? I think its best if you try to capture what the person would normally say but try to stay on the topic and not stray from what they would seemingly say. If you made my char say "will you marry me" well thats OOC for him.
Sentao Nugra
Originally Posted by Rafe
I think its best if you try to capture what the person would normally say but try to stay on the topic and not stray from what they would seemingly say. If you made my char say "will you marry me" well thats OOC for him.
thats what i thought, thanks for clarification...
OOC: Sorry been absent a bit, finding little free time recently but hopefully it will clear up.
I will post later, for now feel free to have a conversation with my character.
I will post later, for now feel free to have a conversation with my character.

Symeon scared people away.
Elias sighed, reading the scout's report from the archives sent from Ascalon. What a mess!
"Went into Nrthlnds starting at Pkn Sqr.
Followed Charr trcks to NW Surry pnt.
Rsted at West Surry
met up wth charr axe lord at a hot spring
could not continue - walled off.
Will rturn by dwn.
EDITORS NOTE: This note was apparently given to the scout's dog. The scout never returned, presumably dead.
Elias sighed, reading the scout's report from the archives sent from Ascalon. What a mess!
"Went into Nrthlnds starting at Pkn Sqr.
Followed Charr trcks to NW Surry pnt.
Rsted at West Surry
met up wth charr axe lord at a hot spring
could not continue - walled off.
Will rturn by dwn.
EDITORS NOTE: This note was apparently given to the scout's dog. The scout never returned, presumably dead.
Mylena walked straight into the crowd, and saw a table with several papers on it. Behind the table were a few scribes, who looked tired and overwhelmed. It appeared people were moving forward to sign up to something.
Adventure? Mylena simply joined the queue. Eventually she made it to the table, and signed the paper. Her eyes briefly skimmed something about Ascalon, the King's death, and a party heading to the Northlands.
'Is this a group to go to the Northlands? That's a long way away,' she said to the scribe.
'Yes, and you will soon understand the meaning of it all,' replied the scribe.
Mylena nodded and moved away from the table, She noticed someone looking and moving towards her...looking closely Mylena saw the person was a female mesmer.
'Are you on this adventure?' the mesmer asked as she reached Mylena.
'Yes...though it is quite a long way to go from here...' Mylena said wonderingly.
'Is that pouch on your belt...'
'Yes, I kindle my arrows with the tools inside it,' Mylena said, seeing where the mesmer was looking. 'Not only that...I have skills in the line of the fire element...'
'You can conjure the flame?'
'Somewhat, yes.'
'I am an elementalist by secondary class,' said the mesmer. 'You know, my mother kindled her arrows, too. Though, it was only for hunting aloes, that was probably nothing compared to you skill...'
'I like to think that I can do more damage than a ranger normally would with these skills,' mumbled Mylena. 'Not that I -'
She broke off as someone began to make an announcement.
Adventure? Mylena simply joined the queue. Eventually she made it to the table, and signed the paper. Her eyes briefly skimmed something about Ascalon, the King's death, and a party heading to the Northlands.
'Is this a group to go to the Northlands? That's a long way away,' she said to the scribe.
'Yes, and you will soon understand the meaning of it all,' replied the scribe.
Mylena nodded and moved away from the table, She noticed someone looking and moving towards her...looking closely Mylena saw the person was a female mesmer.
'Are you on this adventure?' the mesmer asked as she reached Mylena.
'Yes...though it is quite a long way to go from here...' Mylena said wonderingly.
'Is that pouch on your belt...'
'Yes, I kindle my arrows with the tools inside it,' Mylena said, seeing where the mesmer was looking. 'Not only that...I have skills in the line of the fire element...'
'You can conjure the flame?'
'Somewhat, yes.'
'I am an elementalist by secondary class,' said the mesmer. 'You know, my mother kindled her arrows, too. Though, it was only for hunting aloes, that was probably nothing compared to you skill...'
'I like to think that I can do more damage than a ranger normally would with these skills,' mumbled Mylena. 'Not that I -'
She broke off as someone began to make an announcement.
Sentao Nugra
thanks for typing that up symeon, i never got around to doing it.
i guess ill wait for someone to make this "announcement" before i post some story line
i guess ill wait for someone to make this "announcement" before i post some story line
Originally Posted by Sentao Nugra
thanks for typing that up symeon, i never got around to doing it.
i guess ill wait for someone to make this "announcement" before i post some story line I was hinting at Rafe to do it
Hey Rafe
i guess ill wait for someone to make this "announcement" before i post some story line I was hinting at Rafe to do it

Hey Rafe

Originally Posted by King Symeon
I was hinting at Rafe to do it
Hey Rafe OOC:
Hey Symeon, I'm American! I have School!
Dream Master Arance stood up once more. She pulled up her staff and walked to the podium once more. "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the last call to leave for the Northlands. We leave in an hour. I have also recieved a scouts report from the Ascalon Archives - north and east of Piken Square is a very dangerous area where larger Charr then ever have been spotted. This is not a place for just anyone. Now I will let my old friend Elias take a turn to speak"
Elias stood up, retied his cape, and came to the podium.
"I do not wish to scare anyone off, but this land is extremely dangerous. I suggest you leave a will to tell friends and family what to do if you don't arrive"
*All run to homes, leave notes, etc, pack belongings. Travelers with no family just stay :P... One hour passes*
"Men, and ladies, we depart!"
As the party left the city, a small crowd thronged nearby where the party left from. One man, wearing a cloak, said, "This will very much displease Lord Aquola. Very much indeed." The man ran to his house, and went to the birdcage. "Hello, dear message bird". He stroked the bird's neck, but the bird began nipping at his hand and he pulled back. "Fiesty, eh?"
The unnamed man begin to tie a message to his bird, when a dagger came to his throat. The first man turned around slowly to find himself in the arms of an assassin. The assassin said, with a tone of despise, "Aquola scum. His henchmen will never live to see the sun while I live. For I am the legendary Tuatha Mos"

Hey Rafe OOC:
Hey Symeon, I'm American! I have School!

Dream Master Arance stood up once more. She pulled up her staff and walked to the podium once more. "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the last call to leave for the Northlands. We leave in an hour. I have also recieved a scouts report from the Ascalon Archives - north and east of Piken Square is a very dangerous area where larger Charr then ever have been spotted. This is not a place for just anyone. Now I will let my old friend Elias take a turn to speak"
Elias stood up, retied his cape, and came to the podium.
"I do not wish to scare anyone off, but this land is extremely dangerous. I suggest you leave a will to tell friends and family what to do if you don't arrive"
*All run to homes, leave notes, etc, pack belongings. Travelers with no family just stay :P... One hour passes*
"Men, and ladies, we depart!"
As the party left the city, a small crowd thronged nearby where the party left from. One man, wearing a cloak, said, "This will very much displease Lord Aquola. Very much indeed." The man ran to his house, and went to the birdcage. "Hello, dear message bird". He stroked the bird's neck, but the bird began nipping at his hand and he pulled back. "Fiesty, eh?"
The unnamed man begin to tie a message to his bird, when a dagger came to his throat. The first man turned around slowly to find himself in the arms of an assassin. The assassin said, with a tone of despise, "Aquola scum. His henchmen will never live to see the sun while I live. For I am the legendary Tuatha Mos"
Laris walked out of the city with the others who had decided to come along for the adventure to the Northernlands. He looked around, still feeling a little like he was some where where he shouldn't be. He glanced over at the others that were traveling aorund him, with his dark oddly shaped bow over his shoulder, and his quiver on his other shoulder, fully packed. Laris noticed something move very quickly to his right. He quickly unleashed his bow and pulled an arrow out. He closed his eyes and listened for the movment of his hidden enemy. The others looked at him and finaly relized what he was doing. When Laris finaly found his target he pulled his bow string back and let it go. As soon as he saw his awwor stop he heard the shriek of a women. He walks over, and sees a pool of blood on the ground. "Hmph..." Laris breaths. He glanced over at the others and nodded to them, to continue on.
Maximus Decimus Meridius
Dhagon was the last in line of the group departing from the city, walking arms crossed, eyes studying, probing.
He took every moment he could to study his companions, taking in facts, observing behavior, all the while remaining silent, unnoticed.
Activaty suddenly sprung up from where the ranger named Laris was, whose bow was drawn, he had shot someone.
Dhagon strode over to where the corpse was, studying it. The arrow penatrated his lung. The figure looked suspisious. He wanted to ask the barely alive man, for any useful information, but he could not speak.
That idiot! He thought to himself, this man could've known something useful.
'Bah!' he continued to think, 'no use to it now'.
With that, he drew his axe, and decapitated the injured character.
He found items of much value, and looted them, without so much of a second thought to it.
With that, he strode over to the head scribe.
"You, elder, how long?" he asked.
"Oh, it promises to be a long journey, I--"
Dhagon had left before he could finish. He had the information he wanted.
He took his place behind all the rest, arms crossed, thinking.
He took every moment he could to study his companions, taking in facts, observing behavior, all the while remaining silent, unnoticed.
Activaty suddenly sprung up from where the ranger named Laris was, whose bow was drawn, he had shot someone.
Dhagon strode over to where the corpse was, studying it. The arrow penatrated his lung. The figure looked suspisious. He wanted to ask the barely alive man, for any useful information, but he could not speak.
That idiot! He thought to himself, this man could've known something useful.
'Bah!' he continued to think, 'no use to it now'.
With that, he drew his axe, and decapitated the injured character.
He found items of much value, and looted them, without so much of a second thought to it.
With that, he strode over to the head scribe.
"You, elder, how long?" he asked.
"Oh, it promises to be a long journey, I--"
Dhagon had left before he could finish. He had the information he wanted.
He took his place behind all the rest, arms crossed, thinking.
Rianna was packed and ready to go and had been swept along near the middle of the group of adventures as they filed out of town, She was keeping to herself so far, not speaking to anyone, just listening and watching.
The trip promised to be a long one and there was plenty of time for meeting people. There was a scream from the rear of the group but she didn't turn to see. She would not have been able to see anyway, there were many people between her and the source of the scream. Suddenly the hair on the back of Rianna's neck stood up and she trembled slightly as a rush of power briefly infused her. "Someone has died", she said to no one in particular. She resisted the urge to raise a minion and just kept walking.
The trip promised to be a long one and there was plenty of time for meeting people. There was a scream from the rear of the group but she didn't turn to see. She would not have been able to see anyway, there were many people between her and the source of the scream. Suddenly the hair on the back of Rianna's neck stood up and she trembled slightly as a rush of power briefly infused her. "Someone has died", she said to no one in particular. She resisted the urge to raise a minion and just kept walking.
"Follow them, Krall! Follow the trace" whispered Artan to his stalker, who promptly disappeared into the shadows. "Today is going to be a good day" he said, smiling, as he followed his stalker.
Laris didn't have to be a mesmer or elementalist genious to know that they were being followed. When the Head Scribe called for a rest stop at a spring, he knew something was bound to happen. He decided it was someone elses turn to deal with these trouble-some fools. As he knelt down, he dipped his hands in the spring and brought them back and drank from his cupped hands. While doing so, he heard the sound of something he wasn't quite sure of what it was.
Elias saw the enemy seconds before it happened. A small band of humans, eight people strong, leapt out of the undergrowth and began attacking.
Elias cryed out, "Dwayna! Help me guard these men from enemies who provoked us!"
As he cryed this out a white layer of armor formed around the team.
Elias cryed out, "Dwayna! Help me guard these men from enemies who provoked us!"
As he cryed this out a white layer of armor formed around the team.
As he was walking, following his prey cautiously, Artan heard a noises ahead. The prey was fighting. This was not how it was planned. The prey shouldn't be harmed. His master would not be pleased if one of prey was harmed. He stopped, wondering what to do next. His stalker watched him silently, expecting an order. He decided to remain behind, and wait, hoping that the party would survive the attack. He petted his stalker, and whispered "The prey is mine, Krall. Their blood is mine. Mine! Soon enough, i will get what i seek...our master will be pleased, Krall."
He sat down, and listened to the distant fight, absorbing every single movement of the nature, gaining strenth from it. "Soon we will have blood, Krall" he whispered.
He sat down, and listened to the distant fight, absorbing every single movement of the nature, gaining strenth from it. "Soon we will have blood, Krall" he whispered.
Maximus Decimus Meridius
The attack was unexpected, but Dhagon did not flinch.
He looked around, and saw that the others had caught on.
The monk had even casted a protection spell already.
Dhagon decided it was best to conserve energy, and he also wanted to see his companions in combat. He wanted to study them, sight their weaknesses, observe their individual strengths, so that someday, he might use them to his advantage..one way or another..
He leaned himself on a nearby tree, a good distance, crossed his arms, and began to observe, as he has done so many times.
In the shadows, a small man, wielding a knife, crept up on the Dhagon. He licked his lips, and moved closer.
Just close enough or a quick slash to the throat he thought, and chuckled to himself.
The chuckle was enough for Dhagon to notice him.
Slowly, he looked over his shoulder, and right into the assassin's eyes. They glew green, and then black, and the poor man with the knife, was reduced to a pile of ash. {OOC: Skill - Vampiric Gaze}
Dhagon laughed harshly, and looked back upon the battlefield.
As predicted, the group was having no trouble dealing with these amateurs.
He looked around, and saw that the others had caught on.
The monk had even casted a protection spell already.
Dhagon decided it was best to conserve energy, and he also wanted to see his companions in combat. He wanted to study them, sight their weaknesses, observe their individual strengths, so that someday, he might use them to his advantage..one way or another..
He leaned himself on a nearby tree, a good distance, crossed his arms, and began to observe, as he has done so many times.
In the shadows, a small man, wielding a knife, crept up on the Dhagon. He licked his lips, and moved closer.
Just close enough or a quick slash to the throat he thought, and chuckled to himself.
The chuckle was enough for Dhagon to notice him.
Slowly, he looked over his shoulder, and right into the assassin's eyes. They glew green, and then black, and the poor man with the knife, was reduced to a pile of ash. {OOC: Skill - Vampiric Gaze}
Dhagon laughed harshly, and looked back upon the battlefield.
As predicted, the group was having no trouble dealing with these amateurs.
As the band of eight bandits were worn down to three in only a few moments, he saw one of the bandits forgetting his comrads in need, sneak around the side to a bush. The bandit has his eyes set on one of the scouts from the Shining Blade. The Scout only intended on taking the group out of the jungle and then resume his post. The bandit watched his second comrad slain, and wormed his way towards him. He drew his short dagger, and had it aimed towards the Shining Blade Scout's neck. Laris watched the bandit and pulled out his bow, but remembered his life as a White Mantle, and how he was supposed to hate the Shining Blade, how he could still hate the Shining Blade. He hesitated, but closed his eyes in regret and killed the bandit.
Maximus Decimus Meridius
Originally Posted by Maximus Decimus Meridius
Wait...what? Thats what I want to know too. o_0
Wait...what? Thats what I want to know too. o_0
?? whats confusing?
I'm confused on two points. One, how does the shining blade fit in? The shining blade scout.....where did he come from , how long has he been watching our party? You said, "The Scout only intended on taking the group out of the jungle and then resume his post." What group? Why did the bandit want to kill him?
Point two: Artan, Who is his master? Who is "the prey" ? Isn't Artan a member of our group?
Point two: Artan, Who is his master? Who is "the prey" ? Isn't Artan a member of our group?
Originally Posted by Synapse
Point two: Artan, Who is his master? Who is "the prey" ? Isn't Artan a member of our group? no he isnt. He didnt sign in. The rest will come. Sorry if im a bit lame but i havent done Rping for more than a year...
Originally Posted by Synapse
I'm confused on two points. One, how does the shining blade fit in? The shining blade scout.....where did he come from , how long has he been watching our party? You said, "The Scout only intended on taking the group out of the jungle and then resume his post." What group? Why did the bandit want to kill him?
ok, the shining blade scout was just a watch man in the city that went with the party (all of us), just to help them a certain distance and then return back to his post in the city or what ever. The bandit wanted to kill him cause...well there raiding party obviously didnt work, and if your a bad guy like him you''' want to take some one down if your going down. Laris didnt want to let the Shining Blade guy live because he was once a While Mantle, and they hated the Shining Blade, but he didnt want to "get his cover blown", so he let him live by killing the bandit.
ok, the shining blade scout was just a watch man in the city that went with the party (all of us), just to help them a certain distance and then return back to his post in the city or what ever. The bandit wanted to kill him cause...well there raiding party obviously didnt work, and if your a bad guy like him you''' want to take some one down if your going down. Laris didnt want to let the Shining Blade guy live because he was once a While Mantle, and they hated the Shining Blade, but he didnt want to "get his cover blown", so he let him live by killing the bandit.