GW Crash


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2008


Whenever I play GW it crashes within a short period of time. This can be within a minute or after a couple of hours and it's very annoying. I hope you can help me so I'll post the details below:

*--> Crash <--*
App: Gw.exe
ProgramId: 1
Build: 26066
When: 7/10/2008 15:16:33
Flags: 0

*--> Thread 0xfffffffe <--*
eax=fffffffe ebx=00a2124c ecx=00a2124c edx=009e5354 esi=009e5354 edi=009e5354
eip=004026d1 esp=018cfca0 ebp=018cfcb4
cs=200206 ss=001b ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0023 gs=003b efl=00000000

ebx-32 00A2122C 00000015 0339b5e8 00000416 000003ff
ebx-16 00A2123C 00000050 00000400 00000300 00000000
ebx +0 00A2124C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ebx+16 00A2125C 00000000 057f27fc 00000000 00000000
ebx+32 00A2126C 00000000 00000010 031dbff0 034472a0
ebx+48 00A2127C 0000000c 0033ce90 00000008 00000008
ecx-32 00A2122C 00000015 0339b5e8 00000416 000003ff
ecx-16 00A2123C 00000050 00000400 00000300 00000000
ecx +0 00A2124C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ecx+16 00A2125C 00000000 057f27fc 00000000 00000000
ecx+32 00A2126C 00000000 00000010 031dbff0 034472a0
ecx+48 00A2127C 0000000c 0033ce90 00000008 00000008
edx-32 009E5334 70632e79 00000070 654b7246 70632e79
edx-16 009E5344 00000070 6f467246 632e6d72 00007070
edx +0 009E5354 6f467246 632e6d72 00007070 6f467246
edx+16 009E5364 632e6d72 00007070 6f467246 632e6d72
edx+32 009E5374 00007070 00720046 006d0061 003a0065
edx+48 009E5384 00460020 00690061 0065006c 00200064
esi-32 009E5334 70632e79 00000070 654b7246 70632e79
esi-16 009E5344 00000070 6f467246 632e6d72 00007070
esi +0 009E5354 6f467246 632e6d72 00007070 6f467246
esi+16 009E5364 632e6d72 00007070 6f467246 632e6d72
esi+32 009E5374 00007070 00720046 006d0061 003a0065
esi+48 009E5384 00460020 00690061 0065006c 00200064
esi-32 009E5334 70632e79 00000070 654b7246 70632e79
esi-16 009E5344 00000070 6f467246 632e6d72 00007070
esi +0 009E5354 6f467246 632e6d72 00007070 6f467246
esi+16 009E5364 632e6d72 00007070 6f467246 632e6d72
esi+32 009E5374 00007070 00720046 006d0061 003a0065
esi+48 009E5384 00460020 00690061 0065006c 00200064

*--> Code <--*
004026B1 e80aad18 0083c40c 5ec39090 90909055 ........^......U
004026C1 8bec83ec 0c56578b f28bf9e8 00000000 .....VW.........
004026D1 8f45f454 8f45f855 8f45fc85 f68bd675 .E.T.E.U.E.....u
004026E1 05bad4d5 9a008b4d 088d45f4 50518bcf .......M..E.PQ..
004026F1 e80a0000 005f5e8b e55dc204 00909055 ....._^..].....U
00402701 8bec81ec f0030000 53568d85 10fcffff ........SV......

*--> Trace <--*
Pc:004026d1 Fr:018cfcb4 Rt:0060310b Arg:0000007c 057ecedc 018cfcdc 005fb9cc
Pc:0060310b Fr:018cfcc4 Rt:005fb9cc Arg:018cfcd4 05c6cd08 43110000 00000000
Pc:005fb9cc Fr:018cfcdc Rt:005fc7f2 Arg:018cfd1c 057ecedc 0000000c 057ecedc
Pc:005fc7f2 Fr:018cfd4c Rt:005fc534 Arg:018cfd64 018cfdd4 00fd47e0 00000000
Pc:005fc534 Fr:018cfd7c Rt:005f16d5 Arg:031d8fe4 0000000c 3d08c933 3d0b4396
Pc:005f16d5 Fr:018cfda0 Rt:005f0714 Arg:00000002 00fd4578 018cfe60 00000002
Pc:005f0714 Fr:018cfde0 Rt:005eac86 Arg:00fd45ac 031d8fd8 00000004 018cfe60
Pc:005eac86 Fr:018cfe1c Rt:005ea95f Arg:00000004 00fd47e0 00000000 00000001
Pc:005ea95f Fr:018cfe64 Rt:005ea481 Arg:018cff20 018cff1c ffffffff 00000002
Pc:005ea481 Fr:018cff14 Rt:005a5ae2 Arg:005ea300 00000001 00000002 ffffffff
Pc:005a5ae2 Fr:018cff34 Rt:005a974b Arg:7c913d00 00f88178 0033fe08 001234de
Pc:005a974b Fr:018cff68 Rt:005a3606 Arg:00000002 7c913d00 0033fe08 0033fe08
Pc:005a3606 Fr:018cff80 Rt:0080f41e Arg:00f88178 7c913d00 ffffffff 0033fe08
Pc:0080f41e Fr:018cffb4 Rt:7c80b683 Arg:0033fe08 7c913d00 ffffffff 0033fe08
Pc:7c80b683 Fr:018cffec Rt:00000000 Arg:0080f3bf 0033fe08 00000000 01bb0000

*--> Stack <--*
018CFCA0 057ecedc 057ece70 004026d1 018cfca0 ..~.p.~..&@.....
018CFCB0 018cfcb4 018cfcc4 0060310b 0000007c .........1`.|...
018CFCC0 057ecedc 018cfcdc 005fb9cc 018cfcd4 ..~......._.....
018CFCD0 05c6cd08 43110000 00000000 018cfd4c .......C....L...
018CFCE0 005fc7f2 018cfd1c 057ecedc 0000000c .._.......~.....
018CFCF0 057ecedc 42a20000 429a0000 43150000 ..~....B...B...C
018CFD00 43110000 442eb99a 43d0f333 44424667 ...C...D3..CgFBD
018CFD10 43f80ccd 442eb99a 00600c17 00000000 ...C...D..`.....
018CFD20 17fd9e58 17fd9ce8 018cfd44 005f8f23 X.......D...#._.
018CFD30 00024904 00000134 000000ad 42880000 .I..4..........B
018CFD40 42880000 44800000 44400000 018cfd7c ...B...D..@D|...
018CFD50 005fc534 018cfd64 018cfdd4 00fd47e0 4._.d........G..
018CFD60 00000000 442eb99a 43d0f333 44424667 .......D3..CgFBD
018CFD70 43f80ccd 429c6668 429c6668 018cfda0 ...Chf.Bhf.B....
018CFD80 005f16d5 031d8fe4 0000000c 3d08c933 .._.........3..=
018CFD90 3d0b4396 00fd47e0 031d8fe4 3d08c933 .C.=.G......3..=
018CFDA0 018cfde0 005f0714 00000002 00fd4578 ......_.....xE..
018CFDB0 018cfe60 00000002 00000002 00000004 `...............
018CFDC0 018cfddc 00fd47e0 00000001 00000000 .....G..........
018CFDD0 005a1af7 031d8fe4 00fd45a5 00000000 ..Z......E......
018CFDE0 018cfe1c 005eac86 00fd45ac 031d8fd8 ......^..E......
018CFDF0 00000004 018cfe60 00fd47e0 00000001 ....`....G......
018CFE00 00fd4578 00000000 00fd4738 00000000 xE......8G......
018CFE10 018cfe10 018cfe11 00000002 018cfe64 ............d...
018CFE20 005ea95f 00000004 00fd47e0 00000000 _.^......G......
018CFE30 00000001 00000002 00fd4578 8001c232 ........xE..2...
018CFE40 00000002 00fd4578 8001c232 00000000 ....xE..2.......
018CFE50 00000000 00fd4578 2dd4d4cd 00000001 ....xE.....-....
018CFE60 00000022 018cff14 005ea481 018cff20 ".........^. ...
018CFE70 018cff1c ffffffff 00000002 8001c232 ............2...
018CFE80 018cfeb4 7c809512 00000001 00000002 .......|........
018CFE90 00000000 0000009c 000000a0 00fd47cc .............G..
018CFEA0 e515e870 819b63b8 f477cba0 8056b065 p....c....w.e.V.
018CFEB0 e5b90052 00000014 00000001 00000000 R...............
018CFEC0 00000000 00000010 00000000 00000000 ................
018CFED0 0000004d 7ffdc000 7ffdb000 f477cbec M.............w.
018CFEE0 018cfec8 018cfe94 00fd4578 00000001 ........xE......
018CFEF0 00000000 00000e5f 7c80a43b 018cfe6c ...._...;..|l...
018CFF00 001234de 018cffa4 00583424 00961fa0 .4......$4X.....
018CFF10 00000000 018cff34 005a5ae2 005ea300 ....4....ZZ...^.
018CFF20 00000001 00000002 ffffffff 8001c232 ............2...
018CFF30 00000002 018cff68 005a974b 7c913d00 ....h...K.Z..=.|
018CFF40 00f88178 0033fe08 001234de 00000000 x.....3..4......
018CFF50 2dc9f9a3 00000001 8001bfde 8001c232 ...-........2...
018CFF60 0000009c 000000a0 018cff80 005a3606 .............6Z.
018CFF70 00000002 7c913d00 0033fe08 0033fe08 .....=.|..3...3.
018CFF80 018cffb4 0080f41e 00f88178 7c913d00 ........x....=.|
018CFF90 ffffffff 0033fe08 00000000 018cff8c ......3.........
018CFFA0 f477cc98 018cffdc 00583424 0098b0f8 ..w.....$4X.....
018CFFB0 00000000 018cffec 7c80b683 0033fe08 ...........|..3.
018CFFC0 7c913d00 ffffffff 0033fe08 7ffdb000 .=.|......3.....
018CFFD0 823c4600 018cffc0 822c91d0 ffffffff .F<.......,.....
018CFFE0 7c839aa8 7c80b690 00000000 00000000 ...|...|........
018CFFF0 00000000 0080f3bf 0033fe08 00000000 ..........3.....
018D0000 01bb0000 00330050 00000000 00000000 ....P.3.........
018D0010 002e0000 002e0000 00000b50 00000b00 ........P.......
018D0020 1a74664d 00006d44 00000000 0001ea32 Mft.Dm......2...
018D0030 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
018D0040 00000020 00030000 00000000 00000000 ...............
018D0050 a786c400 00000000 000f1ee8 00030000 ................
018D0060 00000000 511ea072 a86b9a00 00000000 ....r..Q..k.....
018D0070 002df4b0 00030000 00000000 8297dde1 ..-.............
018D0080 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
018D0090 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

*--> LogQueue <--*

*--> DirectX Device Info <--*
VendorId = 0x10de
DeviceId = 0x0343
Version = 6.14.0010.5673
Description = NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700LE (Microsoft Corporation)
Compat = 0x01400001
VidMem = 256 MB

*--> DirectSound Device Info <--*
3D channels = 32
2D channels = 32
EAX support = None
Device count = 2

Thank you



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

Change your Video card.. / download new drivers




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


Please post your system specs, as well as what exactly the machine does when it "crashes" i.e. BSOD, freezing, etc.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007

Originally Posted by Pleikki
Change your Video card.. / download new drivers
Don't change it before doing some tests.

Download something called Prime95 and run it in torture test mode for a few hours. If you're computer crashes then you may have a memory issue or an overheating related issue.

If you can run prime95 for hours _without errors_ (it will tell you that something went wrong if your memory has issues) then try running a video card benchmark for hours (something like 3dmark).

If primer95 reveals memory issues then verify the finding with a diagnostics program from your computer manufacturer or at least run memtest86 or memtest86+. Both memtest versions should also complain if your memory has problems.

Hope this helps.

Originally Posted by Katsumi
Please post your system specs, as well as what exactly the machine does when it "crashes" i.e. BSOD, freezing, etc.

It is not a BSOD, he is actually showing the dump information from gw.exe. It sounds like a memory issue or overheating of the CPU or GPU.

<Forgot the links>


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2008


I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for but here it is any way : AMD Athlon XP 2400+, 512MB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700LE

The game freezes

also sometimes my computer just reboots when I'm playing GW but that can just as well be a different problem because of course in that case I don't get an error report.

Thank you for your help so far




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


I know, Chico, that was only an example.

It sounds like your card may be overheating or failing all together. You can try running the tests that Chico recommended. At least that'll rule out the memory as an issue.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2008


Well, I did those tests you asked me to do. My PC managed to do fine and I start to think that it could indeed by an error caused by my drivers. I had some problems with that before, can some one point out for me what drivers I should download?

Thanks !!

Tamuril elansar

Tamuril elansar

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2007


when your computer reboots it could be caused by overheating of something in the PC.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2008


Originally Posted by Tamuril elansar
when your computer reboots it could be caused by overheating of something in the PC.
I have tested if there are heat related problems but the result showed that there were none heat-related problems..

another question: how can I find the drivers that suit my PC? and where do I download them?



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


Your crash dump tells us that you have a NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700LE - which was pretty meh in 2004...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2008


yea I know it isn't the best you can get but I have always been able to play GW with it I installed the new drivers and I'm about to test it now!!


EDIT: It seemed to work but after 0.5-1hour my PC rebooted but no GW error occured so that problem is solved I guess. You might think that this is caused by overheating but I doubt that because I have run the heating test with Prime95 and when I feel the tempreture of my PC by hand I don't notice anything unusual. Is there any other possible way that could make my PC reboot ?




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


I'm still thinking heat. That's one of the few things that can cause a PC to reboot spontaneously.

Just because it doesn't feel hot on the outside doesn't mean some of the components aren't heating up. But, if you've run heat tests on it, then we'll try and pin in down to something else. But you may want to keep the heat issue in the back of your mind, just in case.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006

Mancland, British Empire

I think it's the overheating issue as well. The 5700LE does have a fan, right? Apart from updating the driver and testing etc. Open the case and get it out, give it a clean, do a bit of dusting inside as well while you at it.

That card is really cOld.