Cannot make gold :(
I've taken a break from PvP'ing and I'm trying to make some gold on my PvE characters. There is rank discrimination even in pve, with the ursan crap demanding that you be level 9/10. I cannot find any groups that don't ask for ursan, and don't know alot of people to pve with. Me and a rl friend have been wanting to buy voltiac spears for a while now, but there is practically no way to make gold without having to grind a ursan r10 (which i really don't want to do, seeing how its so hated)
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
Icy The Mage
do slavers runs and get yourself a voltaic spear from the chests.
Go back to pvp and trade your zkeys for 5k ea
Yeah continuing to pvp get some zkeys to sell and maybe with the money buy a runner to do fill HM dungeon books for you max your norn out and booyah? Or just sell the zkeys till you get it =P
Edge Martinez
Did a PvP dude just complain about PvE rank discrimination?
I tried doing slavers exile like 20 times, with 2 people and the rest heros. Getting wiped everytime.. and no other people in Grotto want to do NM, especially if we aren't doing just duncan.
Yeah, either z-keys for cash, or start doing Hero Fast Faction Farming.
hero fast faction farming? what is that?
Gun Pierson
Why do you need an Ursan team in the first place? UW run isn't worth the trouble, same with DoA unless you can join experienced ursan teams who can play a full run HM. Double the gems that way.
Anyway some ideas:
Farm materials for con sets like feathers in Nahpui.
Solo or Duo farm ectos.
Trade in faction for Z-keys as well as tournament predictions.
Farm zasihen elite.
Farm fow (spider cave) for shards, oldskool style. Either solo or in a 4 men team.
Visit the farm forum.
HFFF is a boring grind, but will net you a couple of millions if you bring people with you for 100g a run each. Check the wiki for what it stands for.
Anyway some ideas:
Farm materials for con sets like feathers in Nahpui.
Solo or Duo farm ectos.
Trade in faction for Z-keys as well as tournament predictions.
Farm zasihen elite.
Farm fow (spider cave) for shards, oldskool style. Either solo or in a 4 men team.
Visit the farm forum.
HFFF is a boring grind, but will net you a couple of millions if you bring people with you for 100g a run each. Check the wiki for what it stands for.
i find it surprising you dont have any money from pvping and u cant do slavers with heroes 20 times, u cant learn from your mistakes or u just fail.
Originally Posted by Edge Martinez
Did a PvP dude just complain about PvE rank discrimination?
yeah, i just fail. show me how you beat slavers exile (the entire quest) with heroes and ill bow to you
as for the money from pvp, i bought me and my friend prestige armor.

Edge Martinez
Originally Posted by M1h4iL
Now he knows how it feels.
My advice to the OP is to check out the PvX. There are some easy to run builds for beating the great destroyer, shiro, etc. You can do those runs for cash. Or run people around Kryta/Northern Shiverpeaks/Ascalon. Also check out some of the boss farming builds and just try and go after 1 or 2 bosses with good drops, and sell greens. And don't forget your free buried treasures in nightfall.
Originally Posted by Winds
I tried doing slavers exile like 20 times, with 2 people and the rest heros. Getting wiped everytime.. and no other people in Grotto want to do NM, especially if we aren't doing just duncan.
Did a mighty PvPer just say that there is something in PvE that he can NOT do!??!
Maybe you should try it blindfolded with one hand tied behind your back - with Frenzy/Mending and auto attack skills only. That's the advice I always get from the PvP crowd regarding PvE.

lol mighty pvp'er? take it easy, not mighty at all. i don't run around ranking people and could give two craps less about what the rank of my teammates are, as usually are good friends ive made over the past couple months anyways. and yeah, theres alot of pve things i cannot do, like doing slavers exile or clearing UW.
Originally Posted by Winds
lol mighty pvp'er? take it easy, not mighty at all. i don't run around ranking people and could give two craps less about what the rank of my teammates are, as usually are good friends ive made over the past couple months anyways. and yeah, theres alot of pve things i cannot do, like doing slavers exile or clearing UW.


(Thanks for being a good sport about it!

Okay first thing ignore that daft stuff Winds, some folk get a flaming from PvP'ers and then think if they now flame you it makes them just as 'leet'; and if leet translates to stupid then indeed it does
Now OT:- It really depends on what you play and where. Personally I'm never short on cash and I do that simply by playing the game in HM.
I'm not big on PUGs so I tend to avoid DoA, FoW and UW, and as you say r10 Ursan is a must for those.
However there are much easier options that will still allow you to make a bit. Look into wurms, there are a few areas that will pay out okay and you can take 4/8 with hero's. You may only make 5-10k a hour, but it is stress free and straight forward.
Do HM pretty much anywhere and you can make a bit.
Those are just some easy options off the top of my head; look in the farming section and you can easily find a farm that suits you and won't require r10 anything.
HTH and good hunting.

Now OT:- It really depends on what you play and where. Personally I'm never short on cash and I do that simply by playing the game in HM.
I'm not big on PUGs so I tend to avoid DoA, FoW and UW, and as you say r10 Ursan is a must for those.
However there are much easier options that will still allow you to make a bit. Look into wurms, there are a few areas that will pay out okay and you can take 4/8 with hero's. You may only make 5-10k a hour, but it is stress free and straight forward.
Do HM pretty much anywhere and you can make a bit.
Those are just some easy options off the top of my head; look in the farming section and you can easily find a farm that suits you and won't require r10 anything.
HTH and good hunting.
Red Sonya
Originally Posted by Edge Martinez
Did a PvP dude just complain about PvE rank discrimination?

PvP'ers make gold out of Zkeys mainly as i have thought
they go for 5k each and are very wanted
and ursan isn't that profitable, for an UW run you can get a few ectos in an hour or so
just do something else cuz ectos aren't that good anymore
your best bet is to sell zkeys if you earn loads of baltha faction
or check out some of the popular farms that are going on and look profitable to you
they go for 5k each and are very wanted
and ursan isn't that profitable, for an UW run you can get a few ectos in an hour or so
just do something else cuz ectos aren't that good anymore
your best bet is to sell zkeys if you earn loads of baltha faction
or check out some of the popular farms that are going on and look profitable to you
Rothan Celt
Learn to run a Dungeon and you will have millions in days. no joke so many ppl come along on a dungeon run and they never take 'that' long to do.
*still voting for GoS nerf so no more solo for sin in UW zzzz give back economy please ;o
Depends on what your main is aswell, I cna easily make 10k an hour with my monk or ele, jsut harder with my war or ranger or w/e
Depends on what your main is aswell, I cna easily make 10k an hour with my monk or ele, jsut harder with my war or ranger or w/e
Originally Posted by Winds
yeah, i just fail. show me how you beat slavers exile (the entire quest) with heroes and ill bow to you
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firstly profession?
2ndly take monk with WoH and prot spirit and some other healing/prot smeg
ele nuker with SH / liquid flame and mark of rodgort
then the 3rd is pretty meh....I use razah with channeling and [skill]frozen soil[/skill] and that urn skill that rezes all nearby allys!
hench -!
your profession is irrelevent as this build works for most!
<<<<well its what I use running as a ranger (no ursan or cons)
Solutions for making coin
If you combine farming with trading you will make more gold. My wife plays trader and I farm stuff for her to sell. Since there is two of you one do the farming and one do the trader thing. In one day you will have enough to buy anything you want for both of you.
Good luck.
- Ursan Teams: If you want to join the ursan teams, bring a HB monk, but be ready to work your butt off trying to keep leeroy inc. alive. Go to where they farm norn points and join a team there to see what you are getting yourself into.
- Trading: Playing Trader in Kamadan, Lion’s Arch, and Keining is a great way to make gold. My wife does this and I am always amazed at the coin she pulls down. I asked her about this and she said, “Concentrate on low end stuff that has a quick turn around such as; tomes, superb charr carvings, crafting material, and little stuff like termite legs. Buy in none peak hours (morning) and sell during peak times (evening).” You will make more money trading than anything else.
- Running: You can run dungeons or cities for people. CoF always has a demand for runners. Since you coming from PvP you should be able to pickup the 600 monk or 600 rit really quickly. It will take a little investment in armor, equipment, and skills but pays off in the end.
- Farming: This is the least productive way to make any gold. You can vanquish a map and not get a single gold drop. I like to 600 / Smite places like Mirror of Lyss and Vehtendi Valley and salvage the ruby mauls, ruby daggers, and jeweled daggers for jewels.
If you combine farming with trading you will make more gold. My wife plays trader and I farm stuff for her to sell. Since there is two of you one do the farming and one do the trader thing. In one day you will have enough to buy anything you want for both of you.
Good luck.
Join a decent guild.
Originally Posted by Winds
I've taken a break from PvP'ing
Just PvP, make a ZKey farming guild, afk some AT's. You'll make more money in a few AT's than you ever would Ursan farming.
Unfortunately, PvE is quite hard, hence the rank requirements.
I suggest you get into scrub PUGs to improve your rank. Once you are r6-8, you'll get into fast Ursan farming groups, and from there, you're almost at r10.
And no, Ursan does not mean skill. It's just that it gives at least a slightly higher chance that people with high rank will have at least some experience, or will at least know how to press 1,2,3 in sequence.
And due to double rep weekends, r3 Ursan doesn't mean anything anymore.
PS: see what I did there?
I suggest you get into scrub PUGs to improve your rank. Once you are r6-8, you'll get into fast Ursan farming groups, and from there, you're almost at r10.
And no, Ursan does not mean skill. It's just that it gives at least a slightly higher chance that people with high rank will have at least some experience, or will at least know how to press 1,2,3 in sequence.
And due to double rep weekends, r3 Ursan doesn't mean anything anymore.
PS: see what I did there?
Sell Z-Keys, don't waste your time with repetitive PvE. PvP makes you plenty of money, and is fun, at the same time.
And too all the PvErs laughing about his situation: Your a bunch of worms, but it's only natural that you lot would scavenge like tramps to find any opportunity to deny your fail and make yourselves feel better than PvPers. Kinda sad.
And too all the PvErs laughing about his situation: Your a bunch of worms, but it's only natural that you lot would scavenge like tramps to find any opportunity to deny your fail and make yourselves feel better than PvPers. Kinda sad.
Clarissa F
A friend of mine just steps outside Beetletun with his rit and can make 100k in a day solo farming. Making money is easy in this game, especially on the PvE side. There are plenty of farming builds out there. Sometimes you will find that areas you don't usually think of as popular gold areas turn out to be very profitable. Things like ID'ing all items(whites can double their value from such) and keeping an eye out for minor runes that are worth something(hi vigor and radiants) will lead you to garnering plenty of cash for your character.
As was said before, check out the farming threads.
As was said before, check out the farming threads.
This subforum isn't for asking for help, and there are plenty of threads on making gold already. Closed.