Looking for a basic paragon build for PvE and support
sup guys I am looking for a basic PvE paragon build, Ether for Damage/Support or Support/Damage, I don't really care which is done better....so long as it can do one of the 2 great or both some what decent. It would be nice if this build was only using Nightfall skills as well..I have access to the Eye of the north Skill trainer but thats in In The expansion...so For now I can't really use many EoTN skills. Id like to stick to nightfall until I finish that game. Here is a build I got so far...that i am considering but I am not sure if it is what i am looking for.
Keep in mind that when you run support for a paragon you go two flavors of it: damage reduction/healing or damage/conditions.
The build you linked to is the ultimate paragon support build. However, PvXwiki has a craptastic version of it. The reason the PvX wiki is bad is because you want all your adrenaline going into [[save yourselves] so it's up 24/7.
Basically it's something like this:
[build prof=p/w spear=11+1+2 leadership=11+1][focused anger][save yourselves][theres nothing to fear][for great justice][aggressive refrain][optional][optional][optional][/build]
You also need to put 8+1 into either Command or Motivation-doesn't matter which cause your two optional spots are for Spear attacks. Recommended ones are [swift javelin], [vicious attack] and [spear of lightning]. It honestly doesn't matter which one so long as it's energy. For blind heavy areas, [spear of redemption] is a nice one to use. It's only 3 adrenaline, which won't be missed much.
For the third spot, another PvE skill wouldn't go amiss. Since you're not far into EotN, you can use a rez there or another spear attack. Once you get some PvE skills, I'd recommend [you move like a dwarf], [finish him] or [ebon battle standard of honor].
When you get out to the area, use Agressive Refrain+For Great Justice. Once you have enough energy for There's Nothing To Fear, just spam that on recharge and you'll keep AR up.
If this build isn't your kind of thing, a nice Cruel Spear build is pretty sweet.
[build prof=p/ spear=11+1+2 leadership=11+1 command=8+1][cruel spear][spear of lightning][vicious attack][there's nothing to fear][go for the eyes][anthem of flame][aggressive refrain][signet of return][/build]
You can drop the rez for another PvE skill if you want. The spear attacks are pretty flexible-I just added in my two favorites. You can also switch out [[anthem of flame] for [[anthem of weariness] for some weakness.
Some will say find a req7, AL 15 shield. If you do that you can drop more points into spear. But you can also use a nice req9, and stick with a major spear rune. You're a midline fighter, so you won't be getting hit much, and when you do, most likely it's Fire AoE (hence why many recommend the +10 vs. Fire shield inscription). If you don't like using majors, a minor will work just as good (I like using a major spear, hence why the builds I supplied use one ).
The build you linked to is the ultimate paragon support build. However, PvXwiki has a craptastic version of it. The reason the PvX wiki is bad is because you want all your adrenaline going into [[save yourselves] so it's up 24/7.
Basically it's something like this:
[build prof=p/w spear=11+1+2 leadership=11+1][focused anger][save yourselves][theres nothing to fear][for great justice][aggressive refrain][optional][optional][optional][/build]
You also need to put 8+1 into either Command or Motivation-doesn't matter which cause your two optional spots are for Spear attacks. Recommended ones are [swift javelin], [vicious attack] and [spear of lightning]. It honestly doesn't matter which one so long as it's energy. For blind heavy areas, [spear of redemption] is a nice one to use. It's only 3 adrenaline, which won't be missed much.
For the third spot, another PvE skill wouldn't go amiss. Since you're not far into EotN, you can use a rez there or another spear attack. Once you get some PvE skills, I'd recommend [you move like a dwarf], [finish him] or [ebon battle standard of honor].
When you get out to the area, use Agressive Refrain+For Great Justice. Once you have enough energy for There's Nothing To Fear, just spam that on recharge and you'll keep AR up.
If this build isn't your kind of thing, a nice Cruel Spear build is pretty sweet.
[build prof=p/ spear=11+1+2 leadership=11+1 command=8+1][cruel spear][spear of lightning][vicious attack][there's nothing to fear][go for the eyes][anthem of flame][aggressive refrain][signet of return][/build]
You can drop the rez for another PvE skill if you want. The spear attacks are pretty flexible-I just added in my two favorites. You can also switch out [[anthem of flame] for [[anthem of weariness] for some weakness.
Some will say find a req7, AL 15 shield. If you do that you can drop more points into spear. But you can also use a nice req9, and stick with a major spear rune. You're a midline fighter, so you won't be getting hit much, and when you do, most likely it's Fire AoE (hence why many recommend the +10 vs. Fire shield inscription). If you don't like using majors, a minor will work just as good (I like using a major spear, hence why the builds I supplied use one ).
The focused anger paragon is really the best by far, though you really dont need for great justice. Theres the motivation variant too:
[spear of lightning][spear of fury][go for the eyes][song of restoration][ballad of restoration][there's nothing to fear][save yourselves][aggressive refrain]
[spear of lightning][spear of fury][go for the eyes][song of restoration][ballad of restoration][there's nothing to fear][save yourselves][aggressive refrain]
I think ade gain caps out at 100%. FGJ is okay to use while FA is recharging, but I think you should try to get a little more out of that slot.
For Great Justice is to be used when Focused Anger wears off-without it you have a 15s downtime with your adrenaline gain. With it, you have a double adrenaline for as long as you need it.
If you have a high Kurz/Lux rank, you could get away without it and take something like [[anthem of flame] or [[anthem of weariness].
If you have a high Kurz/Lux rank, you could get away without it and take something like [[anthem of flame] or [[anthem of weariness].
[[aggressive refrain] is your IAS. Removing this from your bar isn't a good idea. It's basically free. If using consumables, use [[drunken master] instead.
[[anthem of weariness], [[anthem of flame] or [["we shall return] should be on your bar if you have Aggressive Refrain. [[ballad of restoration] to be used if going [[song of restoration], cycle through them to keep AR up.
[["watch yourself!"] or [["go for the eyes!"] should be stapled to your bar, serving as energy management. If going Imbagon, you'll be using [["save yourselves!] so it's not mandatory.
An attack skill such as [[vicious attack] or [[spear of lightning] is a nice addition to your bar, as it increases damage output to your already broken spear. If using [[stunning strike], [[barbed spear] is a nice addition. I also like [[blazing spear] alot.
Elite slot. [[cruel spear], [[stunning strike], [[defensive anthem], [[focused anger] (For Imbagon), [[song of restoration], [[song of purification], [["incoming!"] are all good choices.
Basically, a commn decent Paragon bar looks like this:
[defensive anthem][vicious attack]["go for the eyes!"][anthem of flame][aggressive refrain][no skill][no skill][no skill]
The last two skills should be support skills, like from other professions. Often higher energy skills, since a Paragon can manage it's energy with it. [[cry of frustration] and other skills that require little attribution for a half decent effect. [[enfeebling blood] for extremely strong anti-melee defense in one skill for very little energy.
I generally like this myself:
[defensive anthem][vicious attack]["go for the eyes!"]["we shall return!"][aggressive refrain][cry of frustration][no skill][signet of return]
The skill not in use varies. [[Bladeturn Refrain] for areas with heavy slashing damage, [[Never Surrender] for a nice pressure relief skill in general, [["brace yourself!"] against knockdowns, [["fall back!] if I want a speed boost, [[spear swipe] for a generic daze, maybe an enchantment removal from the Mesmer line or a hex removal, or even another interrupt.
If I go /N I take [[enfeebling blood] at 5 spec and take something like [[rend enchantments].
Please note: I am deliberately missing out PvE-only skills.
[[anthem of weariness], [[anthem of flame] or [["we shall return] should be on your bar if you have Aggressive Refrain. [[ballad of restoration] to be used if going [[song of restoration], cycle through them to keep AR up.
[["watch yourself!"] or [["go for the eyes!"] should be stapled to your bar, serving as energy management. If going Imbagon, you'll be using [["save yourselves!] so it's not mandatory.
An attack skill such as [[vicious attack] or [[spear of lightning] is a nice addition to your bar, as it increases damage output to your already broken spear. If using [[stunning strike], [[barbed spear] is a nice addition. I also like [[blazing spear] alot.
Elite slot. [[cruel spear], [[stunning strike], [[defensive anthem], [[focused anger] (For Imbagon), [[song of restoration], [[song of purification], [["incoming!"] are all good choices.
Basically, a commn decent Paragon bar looks like this:
[defensive anthem][vicious attack]["go for the eyes!"][anthem of flame][aggressive refrain][no skill][no skill][no skill]
The last two skills should be support skills, like from other professions. Often higher energy skills, since a Paragon can manage it's energy with it. [[cry of frustration] and other skills that require little attribution for a half decent effect. [[enfeebling blood] for extremely strong anti-melee defense in one skill for very little energy.
I generally like this myself:
[defensive anthem][vicious attack]["go for the eyes!"]["we shall return!"][aggressive refrain][cry of frustration][no skill][signet of return]
The skill not in use varies. [[Bladeturn Refrain] for areas with heavy slashing damage, [[Never Surrender] for a nice pressure relief skill in general, [["brace yourself!"] against knockdowns, [["fall back!] if I want a speed boost, [[spear swipe] for a generic daze, maybe an enchantment removal from the Mesmer line or a hex removal, or even another interrupt.
If I go /N I take [[enfeebling blood] at 5 spec and take something like [[rend enchantments].
Please note: I am deliberately missing out PvE-only skills.
I usually play with a imbagon guildie so I usually go with this:
Leadership 11+1+2
Spear Master 10+2
Command 8+1
Curses 6
[Plague Signet]["Theres nothing to fear"][Wearying Spear]["They're on fire"]["go for the eyes"][Aggressive Refrain][Signet of Return]
I go with ["They're on fire"] because I usually always have a fire ele in the group, and the last spot is optional, I usually go [bladeturn refrain] or [hexbreaker aria]
Pretty decent damage from [wearying spear], you send the weakness and cracked armor to target with [plague signet].
["Theres nothing to fear"] With another paragon you can keep it up easily
I played with an ursan build for a short time but went back to this cause it was much more fun to play
Leadership 11+1+2
Spear Master 10+2
Command 8+1
Curses 6
[Plague Signet]["Theres nothing to fear"][Wearying Spear]["They're on fire"]["go for the eyes"][Aggressive Refrain][Signet of Return]
I go with ["They're on fire"] because I usually always have a fire ele in the group, and the last spot is optional, I usually go [bladeturn refrain] or [hexbreaker aria]
Pretty decent damage from [wearying spear], you send the weakness and cracked armor to target with [plague signet].
["Theres nothing to fear"] With another paragon you can keep it up easily
I played with an ursan build for a short time but went back to this cause it was much more fun to play
So all of my guild has told me the only decent paragon build is Imbagon. Honestly I hear so much about it That I wanna try something else. Its like overworked imo. There has to be another good build for paragon/support out there, Do you guys know any? By the way I am considering your build Tulkas.
If the only decent build for Paragon is Imbagon, why are they still used in PvP and why are they arguably the most imbalanced class in Guild Wars?
As for a non-Imbagon bar, there are several.
[song of restoration][ballad of restoration][aggressive refrain]["watch yourself!"][vicious attack]["shields up!"][mending refrain][signet of return]
Might need a bit of tweaking since the SU change. SoR for Song of Purification and Ballad / SU for Anthem of Flame.
[cruel spear][vicious attack]["go for the eyes!"]["never surrender!"][cry of frustration][anthem of flame][aggressive refrain][signet of return]
Can swap Cruel Spear for Stunning Strike and something else for a condition inflicting skill. Can also swap Cruel Spear for Defensive Anthem, or "Incoming!".
PS: Wow, I posted advice on builds twice here. Please view the other post for workable builds.
As for a non-Imbagon bar, there are several.
[song of restoration][ballad of restoration][aggressive refrain]["watch yourself!"][vicious attack]["shields up!"][mending refrain][signet of return]
Might need a bit of tweaking since the SU change. SoR for Song of Purification and Ballad / SU for Anthem of Flame.
[cruel spear][vicious attack]["go for the eyes!"]["never surrender!"][cry of frustration][anthem of flame][aggressive refrain][signet of return]
Can swap Cruel Spear for Stunning Strike and something else for a condition inflicting skill. Can also swap Cruel Spear for Defensive Anthem, or "Incoming!".
PS: Wow, I posted advice on builds twice here. Please view the other post for workable builds.
I like Song of Restoration bar... I think im going to go with that one, How does one go about using it in a party? Im guessing you use them in the order they are posted lol. And its a buff/slight damage build.
The thing i really like about your builds is that I don't have to spend weeks farming kruzick rep for them to work well lol
The thing i really like about your builds is that I don't have to spend weeks farming kruzick rep for them to work well lol
SoR and BoR for keeping AR up, basically.
Basically for the SoR build all you do is use Song and Ballad on recharge. And spam spear attacks. If you're in a team with alot of shouts going off, [[chorus of restoration] is a nice addition. But if it's only you, then you're better off with another skill.
It's a pretty basic build that does take some of the pressure off your monks.
It's a pretty basic build that does take some of the pressure off your monks.
Rhamia Darigaz
Originally Posted by la_cabra_de_vida
[spear of lightning][spear of fury][go for the eyes][song of restoration][ballad of restoration][there's nothing to fear][save yourselves][aggressive refrain]
Originally Posted by Winterclaw
I think ade gain caps out at 100%. FGJ is okay to use while FA is recharging, but I think you should try to get a little more out of that slot.
both pretty bad advice. ["for great justice"] is used so you can keep ["save yourselves"] up 100% of the time. you can't really get a little more out of that slot than a skill to let you use sy more because if you're playing an imbagon you have one job: keeping sy up constantly. see Richardt's post, its pretty much the optimal imbagon.