Zaishen Tournament Predictions: Good or Bad?
So far I've been seeing people in the week or so after reward points are added selling keys in 100-250 groups. Assuming that they got it from Tournament Predictions, I think 450k is a bit too big a prize for dumb luck. I say reduce the point rewards so that you can't make tons of cash for spending 4 mins on a website just clicking random stuff.
What is your take on this?
What is your take on this?
i think most are from ATs
because u dont get much or not as wealthy, doesnt mean u have to qq
because u dont get much or not as wealthy, doesnt mean u have to qq
i think its still have to predict right to get a lot of points so imo its fine as it is...
People actually pvp, you know.
Unless they have several accounts I doubt people would be getting 250 keys from Zpoints, its likely people will be getting them from actually participating in ATs etc.
I get roughly ~100 points each month, so thats ~100k if I decide to sell them 20 keys. And yes, those are from a pint of dumb luck and a spoon of my own observations during GvG's.
I don't think people are able to get 200 keys just by predictions. At least not by dumb luck. They would need a lot of accounts that way, all racking in about 20-25 keys each.
However, if they are spot on with their predictions and do get 100+ keys on 1 account, well, that isn't dumb luck anymore isn't it?
I don't think people are able to get 200 keys just by predictions. At least not by dumb luck. They would need a lot of accounts that way, all racking in about 20-25 keys each.
However, if they are spot on with their predictions and do get 100+ keys on 1 account, well, that isn't dumb luck anymore isn't it?
get your facts straight.
The absolute maximum you can get from predictions is 250 reward points, equalling 50 keys or 250k.
However, the chances of getting that much are close to none since to requires you to guess all 8 spots correctly.
Usually it averages out at around 100k as Arduinna pointed out. That's just fine imo, taking it's only once a month and you can get the exact same points by doing 2 ATs (or AFKing 7).
The absolute maximum you can get from predictions is 250 reward points, equalling 50 keys or 250k.
However, the chances of getting that much are close to none since to requires you to guess all 8 spots correctly.
Usually it averages out at around 100k as Arduinna pointed out. That's just fine imo, taking it's only once a month and you can get the exact same points by doing 2 ATs (or AFKing 7).
I like free money. Who doesn't? It's better than wasting time farming ectos with SF, and easier too.
Oki I officially need to start caring about this crap.
100k-ish per month would finance my AFK-addiction quite nicely!
100k-ish per month would finance my AFK-addiction quite nicely!
I've never heard of a Zaishen Tournament, but I like the Xunlai Tournament House.
Originally Posted by Risus
I think 450k is a bit too big a prize for dumb luck.
You do know every item drop in the history of item drops that was sold to another player is a product of dumb luck? How is this any different?
If anything, it's more intelligent and interesting, as well as promoting interest in following PvP.
Very good, no better way to get Zkeys for noobs like myself who only RA.
I think they are Good just the way they are.
I pwnd U
I think it is fine. They probably got them from PvP'ing, I highly HIGHLY doubt they got them just from predictions unless they had multiple accounts.
Then again, the OP might not be able to predict the outcome and thus thinks it's discriminating against him, and thus it's in need of removal or a nerf :O!!
Q_Q moar.
Q_Q moar.
I likez it the way it is
I'm not really an active player anymore and I really hate farming / doing anything else that requires me to actually do stuff in the game to get money.
And this way I get about ~80k a month by the predictions, which is good for buying some stuff =]

I'm not really an active player anymore and I really hate farming / doing anything else that requires me to actually do stuff in the game to get money.
And this way I get about ~80k a month by the predictions, which is good for buying some stuff =]
It's fine.
I think that what you are seeing is the result of this :
I think that what you are seeing is the result of this :
Originally Posted by GuildWarsWiki
Increased the number of tournament reward points awarded for Monthly Automated Tournaments to 4,500 for GvG, and 1,500 for 1v1
Jongo River
Not another engining nerf request! FFS, why are members of this community so hung up on what they *think* other players are getting?
There's not even a bloody trader for Z-keys - so it's not new money coming into the gaming, it's just money moved between players. And some of us actually just use those keys! If we don't find it easy to get 5-10 Crème Brûlées a month, it's not worth the effort of going to the site.
There's not even a bloody trader for Z-keys - so it's not new money coming into the gaming, it's just money moved between players. And some of us actually just use those keys! If we don't find it easy to get 5-10 Crème Brûlées a month, it's not worth the effort of going to the site.
T. Drake
It is our own fault that we pay ~5K for a key.
Convince the community that they should be worth 1K or something and we don't need a reduction in reward points.
... lol, let's see if thats gonna happen.
Convince the community that they should be worth 1K or something and we don't need a reduction in reward points.
... lol, let's see if thats gonna happen.
Ate of DK
Dumb luck?
If you knew more about PvP then you can easily get more than half of each mAT right. The only thing that bothers me is that Anet messes up the points you actualy get.
If you knew more about PvP then you can easily get more than half of each mAT right. The only thing that bothers me is that Anet messes up the points you actualy get.
Originally Posted by Risus
So far I've been seeing people in the week or so after reward points are added selling keys in 100-250 groups. Assuming that they got it from Tournament Predictions, I think 450k is a bit too big a prize for dumb luck. I say reduce the point rewards so that you can't make tons of cash for spending 4 mins on a website just clicking random stuff.
thats maybe an extra 15k a day whiel the more average is more like 100-200, 3-6k a day and thats if they sell the keys alot of people use them and jsut get creme and firewater so there possibly 100k investment is not work around 5k
What is it with people whining about Anet actually giving us something nice every once in a while. Jeez, it gets to the point where it's not even funny anymore.
They are fine as they are.
What is it with people whining about Anet actually giving us something nice every once in a while. Jeez, it gets to the point where it's not even funny anymore.
They are fine as they are.
Originally Posted by tehlemming
People actually pvp, you know.
I think it's fine the way it is. In fact, I wish I could get more of the darn keys to feed the addiction (ahem, I mean: fun) of opening that chest.
romeus petrus
It is mostly luck and some minor amount of observation, but ya it is an easy way of making money.
Neo Nugget
People might have multiple accounts, and registered them.
I say it's fine, it helps me with my zaishen rank
(except this month i did really crappy, because i voted too early -.-)
I say it's fine, it helps me with my zaishen rank
(except this month i did really crappy, because i voted too early -.-)
Anet giving you a free 5k a month might be considered "bad". However, they aren't. Keys have little intrinsic value, other players are the ones willing to dish out 5k for them. 5k flowing from the richest players to every joe shmoe that can put up some predictions seems fine to me.
ppl are complaining for free money now WHAT COMES NEXT? :S :S :S
Originally Posted by T. Drake
It is our own fault that we pay ~5K for a key.
Convince the community that they should be worth 1K or something and we don't need a reduction in reward points. ... lol, let's see if thats gonna happen. |
Blame the community who buys ebayed gold and then buys titles.
Really, the best way to lower z-key price is to get more people to use the Xunlai House, since that would lead to a larger supply of z-keys.
Edit: And yes, people can complain about free money, because after all, it does have economic implications. However, since the z-chest doesn't create a lot of gold (just that of items sold to merchants), just transfers it from people to people, it doesn't cause that much inflation.
Ate of DK
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Blame the community who buys ebayed gold and then buys titles. Really, the best way to lower z-key price is to get more people to use the Xunlai House, since that would lead to a larger supply of z-keys. |
Divine Xan
Originally Posted by Risus
I think 450k is a bit too big a prize for dumb luck
Originally Posted by Ate of DK
Dumb luck?
If you knew more about PvP then you can easily get more than half of each mAT right. The only thing that bothers me is that Anet messes up the points you actualy get. |
Snow Bunny
Zkeys are good
dont like it just sell them
easy money, easy title since all u gotta do is open a chest.
people who dont pvp can still get the goods and the ones who pvp get even more.
The only thing that you can do to exploit it is with multiple accounts but all the power to them since someone had to pay for it anyways right? anet doesnt care
dont like it just sell them
easy money, easy title since all u gotta do is open a chest.
people who dont pvp can still get the goods and the ones who pvp get even more.
The only thing that you can do to exploit it is with multiple accounts but all the power to them since someone had to pay for it anyways right? anet doesnt care
My guess is that the OP is crap at predicting and never gets any points. So, clearly, it needs to be nerfed for the rest of us who pay attention

It gets PvE players interested in what's going on in PvP. At least in my alliance, we look forward to the tournaments and watch them on obs. Then we get rewarded for it.
You're seriously complaining about free money? Really?

It gets PvE players interested in what's going on in PvP. At least in my alliance, we look forward to the tournaments and watch them on obs. Then we get rewarded for it.
You're seriously complaining about free money? Really?

Pure Disasta
So how can i get into this zaishen tournament prediction stuff? Is there anyone who offers like free predictions I can go with if I'm lost myself.
Any help would be appreciated.
Any help would be appreciated.
Originally Posted by holymasamune
I like free money. Who doesn't? It's better than wasting time farming ectos with SF, and easier too.
Originally Posted by T. Drake
It is our own fault that we pay ~5K for a key.
Convince the community that they should be worth 1K or something and we don't need a reduction in reward points. ... lol, let's see if thats gonna happen. |
Originally Posted by Ate of DK
Dumb luck?
If you knew more about PvP then you can easily get more than half of each mAT right. The only thing that bothers me is that Anet messes up the points you actualy get. |
About the second part of the quoted post, I got screwed out of my RP's in May. I was supposed to get about 80 from what I figured, and I just never received any, I was pretty bummed. That's the only time that's happened to me so far though, so I'm guessing there are many people who've had it worse off than me.
Dante the Warlord
Yea i just recently got into predictions. I suck, but i got 30 points on my first try. Im pretty busy with life, and TBH i really don't want to merchant anymore, so this is a great way for me to make moeny by simply looking arounf the GW community and either sell or try my luck with the chests.
Oh, if anyone wants to give me pointers, that might be good, i tried out vote for the asians/euros second, but then i realized that some american/euro guilds use asian characters... /sigh
Oh, if anyone wants to give me pointers, that might be good, i tried out vote for the asians/euros second, but then i realized that some american/euro guilds use asian characters... /sigh