Having done the 4 quests, I was looking for a Mallyx party in GoA English district 1.
I joined one, we were ready, then the party leader wrote in the party chat:
"Player <name> hasn't killed the 4 bosses"
Immediately after that, we were in the mission.
Knowing about the exploit for which some player have been banned, I stopped fighting and asked:
"How is possible that we're here if someone hasn't completed the 4 quests?"
- XD
<leader> Sry my mistake
- ^^
Well, we went on and Mallyx killed us
But I remain with my doubts.
I want to know: is there a possible exploit around?
Is it safe to join a Mallyx PUG without running the risk to be involved in some kind of hack/trick of which a casual player is unaware, with the result of being banned?
Is it possible to play this game just relaxing after work?