Satanic Servants
New Guild Founded in 14 july 2008
all Guilds with any amount of members are welcome as long as they willing to recruit
Faction Points NOT REQUIRED ..
We are Kurz Guild .. and we do some AB & we have hfff runner's
but we base on PVE
we do all the pve stuff .. from normal quest & mission to Hard Mode missions ,DoA , UW , FoW, Vanq, Titles , etc
even the ferrying & Run's
we have very experienced officers & members .. "since the beta guild wars" who like to help anyone who need help ..
we looking for Active Guilds
speaks English (even if it 2nd language),friendly
we take the game easy way so no need for extra anger in there
we are not racism .. we welcome ppl for every where ..
for more info or invite's .. send me msg or PM anyone of the following
X Sakaliet X
X Cozeman X
Stone Cold Dreamer
our testing forum ..
our Wiki
have fun..
Satanic Servants [SS] : Starting New Alliance..