Darcy's Dye Giveaway
THREAD CLOSED - Find me in game for pickups.
This week (ends July 18) I will give away 10 each of the following dyes:
orange x 5 left
yellow x 5 left
purple x 0 left
blue x 0 left
red x 0 left
green x 0 left
brown x 0 left
silver x 0 left
No, I am not giving away any black or white dye.
Spike Treasoner
gamblor monk
Spicy Jigong
yakumo f
Irish Fuz
Lee Nimblefingers
aljaz the warrior
Riana Galadon
King Swift
Flaming Hot chilli
DO NOT request more than 5 dyes total.
I am GMT -4 (US Eastern)
This week (ends July 18) I will give away 10 each of the following dyes:
orange x 5 left
yellow x 5 left
purple x 0 left
blue x 0 left
red x 0 left
green x 0 left
brown x 0 left
silver x 0 left
No, I am not giving away any black or white dye.
Spike Treasoner
gamblor monk
Spicy Jigong
yakumo f
Irish Fuz
Lee Nimblefingers
aljaz the warrior
Riana Galadon
King Swift
Flaming Hot chilli
DO NOT request more than 5 dyes total.
I am GMT -4 (US Eastern)
can i get 4 red?
5 reds
ign - yakumo f
ign - yakumo f
hooded player
can i get 5 blue dyes plz
Chaotic Lime
Can i get 1 red and 4 silver please?
IGN: Spike Treasoner
IGN: Spike Treasoner
5 Silver
IGN: Lee Nimblefingers
IGN: Lee Nimblefingers
May I have 4 blues and 1 silver pls. IGN: gamblor monk
I'll take 5 green dyes. Thank you very much.
IGN: Spicy Jigong
IGN: Spicy Jigong
4 purple would be great
thanks very much
thanks very much
May i get 5 purple dyes? Thanks alot =D
IGN. Daggers Sin
IGN. Daggers Sin
nvm just saw u didnt have any left.
Wnx Mreslayer
4 reds please
IGN: Original Playa/Agile Assarrow
Much <3
IGN: Original Playa/Agile Assarrow
Much <3
paktreger powah
brown x 10 left 5 pls .......aljaz the warrior
I would like 5 green or yellow, please.
IGN - Steve the Vengeful.
IGN - Steve the Vengeful.
Could you please give me 5 brown dye ?
IG : Manu La Fripouille
Could you please give me 5 brown dye ?
IG : Manu La Fripouille
king swift
5 orange dye por favor IGN- King Swift
The Super Chilli
Could i have 5 yellows please. IGN Flaming Hot chilli or Heavenly was I
I'd like the last blue if it's still available.
~Thank you.
~Thank you.
I Phoenix I
Can I get 5 Purple Dyes please?
IGN: Crystalline Phoenix
IGN: Crystalline Phoenix