PVE Autopilot
Phantom Flux
Anet should create a new system for players who wish to put their characters on auto pilot while.
That player could be on a long mission/quest and suddenly real life stuff happens ( maybe too serious) that the player would have to go afk.) This is where he turns on auto pilot. The Character acts as a hero. The autopilot open would be available if that player is on a team with real people. This way no one feels they can waste anyone's time in regards to going afk.
The downfall, hopefully the hero understands your build very well.
That player could be on a long mission/quest and suddenly real life stuff happens ( maybe too serious) that the player would have to go afk.) This is where he turns on auto pilot. The Character acts as a hero. The autopilot open would be available if that player is on a team with real people. This way no one feels they can waste anyone's time in regards to going afk.
The downfall, hopefully the hero understands your build very well.
lol i think its a good idea as long as it acts like a hero. I wouldn't mind watching myself play lol. But seriously if you had 2 ppl in a group and one acts like a hero I don't see why this could be harmful.
Artisan Archer
I saw the title and I thought, not another Ursan whine thread...
I was wrong, not that this is much better tho.
I was wrong, not that this is much better tho.
No botting or leeching in the game, please.
You're not serious, right?
This kind of thing is fine for single player games, but GW is multiplayer.
You're not serious, right?
This kind of thing is fine for single player games, but GW is multiplayer.
So... what you suggest is, Lazy people can afk all they want, but there wont be any /ragequits cause they get replaced by a hero who in 90% of the cases wont be able to run the build they're using.
Fantastic, no really.
>_>, There is enough leeching as it is.
Fantastic, no really.
>_>, There is enough leeching as it is.
pumpkin pie
Anet: WTS 100000k + 10000ectos, accounts with 100 characters fully completed including all titles.

Silly idea, not worth wasting time even discussing.
Silly idea, not worth wasting time even discussing.
Killed u man
Ye, that way people can sell themselves as a Hero + 3 additional heroes...
PvE is already a joke. Abandoning ANY area at any point will mean that, at most, you've lost 3 hours of work. Worse even, you can't call it work anymore, with all the Ursan', Swayways and other already PvE-autopilots...
So you're suggestion we can now afk vanquish?
2 friends with 6 heroes. Both real players have a PvE bar, such as SY.
both hero teams form some sort of Auto-Pilot, such as Sabway. The one with SY goes into autopilot, whilst the other one just goes on "auto pilot" for the first hour. The the second hour, they switch.
Or they could simply not switch, and "pay" the guy for a vanquish (Which already is being done anyways, but it would make it more effective)
/Notsigned because it will get abused more than it will get used.
PvE is already a joke. Abandoning ANY area at any point will mean that, at most, you've lost 3 hours of work. Worse even, you can't call it work anymore, with all the Ursan', Swayways and other already PvE-autopilots...
So you're suggestion we can now afk vanquish?
2 friends with 6 heroes. Both real players have a PvE bar, such as SY.
both hero teams form some sort of Auto-Pilot, such as Sabway. The one with SY goes into autopilot, whilst the other one just goes on "auto pilot" for the first hour. The the second hour, they switch.
Or they could simply not switch, and "pay" the guy for a vanquish (Which already is being done anyways, but it would make it more effective)
/Notsigned because it will get abused more than it will get used.
Axel Zinfandel
We have autopilot, it's called Ursan.
It would certainly be convenient on some occasions BUT the potential for abuse would be far greater than any advantages gained, so I have to vote for
Now, if they could make it so that you can temporarily play one of your heroes while your actual avatar switches to autopilot (i.e., into hero AI mode) then I'd be signing all over the place ... the utility of heroes is very much limited by coarse controls and weak AI and the ability to switch POV while playing would be godsent to anybody who likes micromanaging their team.
Now, if they could make it so that you can temporarily play one of your heroes while your actual avatar switches to autopilot (i.e., into hero AI mode) then I'd be signing all over the place ... the utility of heroes is very much limited by coarse controls and weak AI and the ability to switch POV while playing would be godsent to anybody who likes micromanaging their team.
Ate of DK
What a stupid idea.
I want to play the game myself, I allready dislike all the heroes and henchman around because I rather played with people. But to put them on autopilot and go AFK... Guess someone doesn't want to farm himself some norn points...
I want to play the game myself, I allready dislike all the heroes and henchman around because I rather played with people. But to put them on autopilot and go AFK... Guess someone doesn't want to farm himself some norn points...
Originally Posted by Phantom Flux
The downfall, hopefully the hero understands your build very well.
I can't believe you even suggested this. What is the point of playing a game if you're not playing the game?
Originally Posted by pamelf
I can't believe you even suggested this. What is the point of playing a game if you're not playing the game?
How about if instead of judging the idea on our high morals - we judge it on the state of the game?
If too many people leech - I can always leave.
Which is what I'd do now.
/notsigned. silly idea. everybody would just go afk and have others do their hard work (dungeons, HM missions etc.)
Such a system would be very susceptible to abuse / leeching. Sorry, but play the game yourself, or don't bother. I agree with pamelf.
Such a system would be very susceptible to abuse / leeching. Sorry, but play the game yourself, or don't bother. I agree with pamelf.
/signed for the idea of getting 7 heroes this way ;-)
Actually the reallive while playing thing happens to me a lot.
Actually the reallive while playing thing happens to me a lot.
GW goes more and more AFK friendly (Boardwalk lucky/unlucky, Dragon Festival'08 presents, ATs afking) I expected THIS to be the next step - Autofarming!
Turn on your godmode build, aggro stuff and go afk-mode, the ai will do the killing for you!
Next step - let them also pick up drops, /resign, merch crap, and go again.
Oh, it shouldn't end here, we can go even further: Give us 7 heroes limit, let heroes equip and use PvE skills and improve the AI so it can run around areas autonomously. Autovanquishing!
Fantastic idea, it's the beginning of new age of gaming - enough with GW being a single player online rpg, it's time for a zero-player game!
Turn on your godmode build, aggro stuff and go afk-mode, the ai will do the killing for you!
Next step - let them also pick up drops, /resign, merch crap, and go again.
Oh, it shouldn't end here, we can go even further: Give us 7 heroes limit, let heroes equip and use PvE skills and improve the AI so it can run around areas autonomously. Autovanquishing!
Fantastic idea, it's the beginning of new age of gaming - enough with GW being a single player online rpg, it's time for a zero-player game!
Interesting idea, but as other said, it would most likely get abused more than used properly. Also, if something major did happen in real life while you were playing the game, I would think that would be far more important than anything going on in a game = log out and take care of the important things in life.
isamu kurosawa
Originally Posted by Guild Chat
Hey guys i am going to go vanquish X with h/h. Wanna auto-pilot your chars for me so you get loot instead of heroes?
I believe Dwight was leeching in Aspenwood before Al Gore invented the Internet.
PvE with H/H is pretty much autopilot already, except they won't move along. But anything with stationary objectives will go just fine even if you do go out.
PvE with H/H is pretty much autopilot already, except they won't move along. But anything with stationary objectives will go just fine even if you do go out.
Originally Posted by MisterB
No botting or leeching in the game, please.
You're not serious, right? This kind of thing is fine for single player games, but GW is multiplayer. |
Shayne Hawke
Originally Posted by Phantom Flux
That player could be on a long mission/quest and suddenly real life stuff happens ( maybe too serious) that the player would have to go afk.) This is where he turns on auto pilot.
+, ANet does not like bots, and this would be stupidly good with certain farms.
Better idea would be if the player leaves, his character is then controlled by a hero.
Effectively just a bot. titles become worthless.
romeus petrus
Although I must admit it's a funny idea. Almost felt like you are suggesting a game that plays itself..
Although I must admit it's a funny idea. Almost felt like you are suggesting a game that plays itself..
Breakfast Mc Rit
No. If some real life things come up, forget about Guild Wars and go take care of what needs to be taken care of. It's just a game, you know, the sort of thing you do in your leisure time.
No. If some real life things come up, forget about Guild Wars and go take care of what needs to be taken care of. It's just a game, you know, the sort of thing you do in your leisure time.
Too much potential for abuse. A better suggestion would be if I have to quite the game the AI takes over my character and acts like a hero, that way when real life happens you leaving has less of an affect on the game, and you cant use this as a way to leech off other players since you have to leave the party.
For those cases we have the /afk emote.
English Warrior
go uninstall please if u are gonne do a mission u check if u have time first.... /notsigned
I think we should take this one step further....
Why not have the option to have the game automatically log you on when you turn on your computer, select a certain character, map into a certain area, and use this PvE autopilot feature!
Man, that would be sweet...you could enjoy the game to its fullest by never having to lift a finger (other than pressing the "power on" button, but I'm sure we could find a way to automate that)! I mean, nowhere on the package does it say that you actually have to PLAY the game, does it? Why should someone else's playstyle affect my decision to play the game by not playing it?
/sarcasm off
Why not have the option to have the game automatically log you on when you turn on your computer, select a certain character, map into a certain area, and use this PvE autopilot feature!
Man, that would be sweet...you could enjoy the game to its fullest by never having to lift a finger (other than pressing the "power on" button, but I'm sure we could find a way to automate that)! I mean, nowhere on the package does it say that you actually have to PLAY the game, does it? Why should someone else's playstyle affect my decision to play the game by not playing it?
/sarcasm off
I am hoping for something like this for gw 2
Real life does happen and when it does and I am solo or with heroes it doesnt matter in fact under those conditions a pause key would be more usefull.
With parties it's only important to preserve your rep with other live players and to have the computer take over as a bot is a fair solution.
However your account gains nothing from this by way of xp items or opened up locations etc.
Real life does happen and when it does and I am solo or with heroes it doesnt matter in fact under those conditions a pause key would be more usefull.
With parties it's only important to preserve your rep with other live players and to have the computer take over as a bot is a fair solution.
However your account gains nothing from this by way of xp items or opened up locations etc.
If it's that important, people will understand, and those who don't are usually shouted down by those who do. I saw someone threaten to report a woman who said she had to go feed her baby just before the AB match started (her baby was crying), and the other 10 people in the team exploded with outrage and said that none of them were going to report her for leeching because, y'know, real life > game?
If you're playing solo, I don't see the problem - just go AFK.
If it's that important, people will understand, and those who don't are usually shouted down by those who do. I saw someone threaten to report a woman who said she had to go feed her baby just before the AB match started (her baby was crying), and the other 10 people in the team exploded with outrage and said that none of them were going to report her for leeching because, y'know, real life > game?
If you're playing solo, I don't see the problem - just go AFK.
Bowstring Badass
All this would support is inhouse botting just have a guildie take you along. /notsigned for the reason stated
Wow.... this idea is bad enough that I'm considering the cat pictures already. Leeching made easy.
Tender Wolf
It would be way too easy for someone to abuse this feature. "Oh I'm tired of fighting in this stupid mission, this group knows what they're doing, I'll kick on autopilot and let them do it all."
Truthfully there are enough noobs in the game without adding a feature that would cause more.
It would be way too easy for someone to abuse this feature. "Oh I'm tired of fighting in this stupid mission, this group knows what they're doing, I'll kick on autopilot and let them do it all."
Truthfully there are enough noobs in the game without adding a feature that would cause more.
auto pilot for pve? ow comon ... guildwars doesnt take that much time to play right most missions only take like 30 min or less why do you need auto pilot then?
and if you have real life issues dont play mmo's then
nuff said
and if you have real life issues dont play mmo's then
nuff said
they already did its called HEROES
I am torn between thinking this is a hilarious idea and wanting to beat my head into the wall.
Closed for madness.
Closed for madness.