Now, we all know that there is no in game direct reference to Arachnia, and that Arachnia, an ancient, now-dead spider-god, is only truly found in the .dat file. However, I am bringing up my thoughts on this spider-god that came to me while exploring the Realm of Torment for known and unknown landmarks that are mentioned on the official wiki.
Arachnia and the Realm of Torment “Landmarks.”
The first mention of Arachnia would be the landmarks that are not all completely found (I have been looking for them all, at this point in time; have yet to find seven of twenty-three). The landmarks that relate to Arachnia are: Arachnia Plateau, Harvestman's Lair, The Spider's Heart, and Vale of Shadows. These four areas all have a reference to Arachnia directly, or to spider-like things.
Aside from that, the Gate of Fear and the Domain of Fear are riddled with spider legs and spider webs. Also, in that area, I have noted the most likely places to be the “Vale of Shadows” and the “Harvestman’s Lair.” It seems to me, that when/if Arachnia existed, the now Domain of Fear was its main home/realm.
There is also the description of the Domain of Fear that was found in the gw.dat file:
Domain of Fear Repository of fears of primitive men at the time Abaddon was imprisoned. May indicate the power of a previous, spider or dryder-like race in the world. |
With knowing that Arachnia is a dead god, and that the Domain of Fear is at least based off of it, we can assume some more things about it. In addition to how the Gate/Domain of Fear look, and with the landmarks in there being mostly related to Arachnia (possibly all the Arachnia landmarks are in the Domain of Fear, and I have yet to spot the rest), as I said, it is highly possible that the Domain of Fear was Arachnia’s home. Now, another thing to look at is the Apostate. Everyone who has looked into Abaddon and lore should know the quest reward dialogue from The Apostate. For fast reference, here it is (and I bolded the important part, and underlined the very important part):
Originally Posted by Apostate
Thank you for protecting me. And for your help, I shall now fulfill my end of the bargain.
You may have wondered why I was being chased so vehemently by Abaddon's hunters, and I believe it is as simple as this: I do not believe Abaddon to be an eternal god. There were other gods before him, before he was imprisoned here. And I believe that while the power he uses cannot be destroyed, he may be supplanted, as he supplanted his predecessor. Use this knowledge for your benefit. |
Arachnia’s minions/followers.
With the idea that Arachnia was Abaddon’s predecessor – and its main home was the now Domain of Fear – set in place, the next thing to look at is Arachnia’s past minions. I’m sure many will disagree with this part (if not the whole idea in this). I believe that the Terrorweb Dryders, Torment Claw and Grasps of Insanity, possible the Scythes of Chaos and Wrathful Storms, were originally Arachnia’s minions. My main reasoning is that they (excluding Wrathful Storms and Scythes of Chaos) have a spider-like look. Dryders are obvious, and the Claws look like giant spider legs. Grasps have been noted to have bug-like features in the past, and the Wrathful Storms and Scythes of Chaos also have somewhat bug-like features, although those two are the least dominant of the group. My second reasoning is that those groups all appear in the area I’ve noted to most likely be the Harvestman's Lair, which is the “swamp-like area” in the south east corner of the Domain of Fear. If these demons were originally Arachnia’s minions, then started helping Abaddon, Dhuum, and Menzies, that could explain why the Lightbringer title does not affect those demons (excluding the Torment Claws from the group for this).
I am also leading to believe, although I have absolutely no support for this, that Arachnia is the origin of all hostile bugs in GW. My reasoning for this is that 1) Arachnia is older then the “True Gods,” 2) Arachnia was a spider (and therefore a bug), and 3) Arachnia was evil (evidenced by “The Spider’s Heart” description).
Possible Arachnia concept art. Looks convincing enough to be Arachnia to me at least.
Something that may or may not deal with Arachnia, found in Nightfallen Jahai:
None of this can really be proven, or even be truly liable, until ANet confirms or denies that Arachnia was a thrown out concept or not. These are just some thoughts, and a little support, that I had while looking over the Landmarks of the Realm of Torment and the idea of Arachnia from the .dat file.