In towns they should add this where if you stand near a person and type /theif_them_now your character will make it look like his hands slowly goes around the other characters pocket area and then if the other person doesn't move when you do this you take 1 platinum and you can do this up to 5 platinum per person
Why would people want to do this you ask? To keep people on their toes and it would help make towns more alive with people constantly moving instead of standing in one spot like a statue that birds take poos on
and its like hot potatoe but people need to be careful and this would introduce the theif class, if you steal a total of 100 platinum your character gets a cloak and looks sort of suspicious
vendors also would sell spray cans and these can be used as another a funny prank where if people have their armor dyed in black you could go up to them with say a green spray can and if they are too slow to move from your spray can their armor changes to green instead of whatever color it was, it would be another fun minigame and can break the ice with people this way
Last is pancing people like sometimes i've seen some teenage kids pass by the house with their backside regions out of their windows...its a funny gag also people do to lighten the mood even if its sort of gross but it might work
pranked!! spraypaint, pancing people and stealing their money
Kinda a good idea. either stay in your GH or have no money. But do you really think they would put this in the game?
Lady Raenef
I would become rich. Extremely fast. Maybe 1g.
Tha Dukk
Originally Posted by Lady Raenef
Maybe 1g.

This has to be one of the worst suggestions I've ever seen on guru.
I mean, really. You want to encourage people to move by letting others steal gold from them if they don't? So basically if I'm in Kamadan trying to buy something and have 100k, and I hear the door ring, I have to log off so I don't lose all my money? That's just dumb, and it will kill in game buying/selling.
Also, your spray paint suggestion is quite bad too. I don't want people to piss me off by redying my armor for absolutely no reason.
Pantsing people in game..I don't think dumb and pointless are strong enough words.
I mean, really. You want to encourage people to move by letting others steal gold from them if they don't? So basically if I'm in Kamadan trying to buy something and have 100k, and I hear the door ring, I have to log off so I don't lose all my money? That's just dumb, and it will kill in game buying/selling.
Also, your spray paint suggestion is quite bad too. I don't want people to piss me off by redying my armor for absolutely no reason.
Pantsing people in game..I don't think dumb and pointless are strong enough words.
This is a joke.
I think I need to re-read this one... its hard to express in words how dumb this idea is.
This suggestion isn't going to help anyone. It will breed bad feeling throughout the game. People will be scared to go AFK and new players will just get completely shafted out of hard earned (or begged) cash.
I don't think this is the sort of idea we want to be promoting.
Not to mention that threads with "a few ideas" are against this forum's guidelines.
I don't think this is the sort of idea we want to be promoting.
Not to mention that threads with "a few ideas" are against this forum's guidelines.