Experience Title
I saw the thread on the suggestion for an emote system based on total character experience, I was hoping for some support in trying to get a simple title system going for players with high experience. I feel that my 7.2 mil xp monk deserves something to show for it.
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(Closed to prevent random thread resurrection. Please PM a mod if you wish to open this thread.)
No, your monk doesn't deserve anything.
Because you should get an emote for solo farming?
Bad idea... getting several million exp is far to easy with methods like HFF so basically the title would be pointless.
/not signed
/not signed
No. Why reward more grind? If you've been farming on your 7.2mil xp monk, you've already found something that benefited you (whatever you made off farming, etc.) If you've been playing through the campaigns, etc, there are other titles to show what you have achieved.
there are titles for farming other kind of experience why not experience in general, and i know for a fact that it is not that easy to get 5mil+ xp
no tearz, not an emote, a title
lolz im sensing a failed attempt at making his e penis huger
The thing is, when you farm stuff - HFFF, Norn, Asura, Vanguard - for those titles, you also get exp from killing all the stuff. If you farm for drops, you're getting the benefits from that. Maybe you did play through the games without doing things like farming Norn, Asura, SS, LB... fair enough, you've got 7.2mil xp to show what you did.
On the other hand, if you've spent this long on your monk, I should think you'd have more to show for what you did than need a generic experience title. My monk has 6.5mil xp - fairly significantly less than yours - but I've done enough stuff on her that I have other things to show besides an xp title.
The other thing, of course, is that once you start a title track, where would it end? All our GW titles so far have caps. R10 Norn. R10 Asura. R8 Lightbringer. Protector of Tyria/Cantha/Elona. How do you cap off an experience title?
On the other hand, if you've spent this long on your monk, I should think you'd have more to show for what you did than need a generic experience title. My monk has 6.5mil xp - fairly significantly less than yours - but I've done enough stuff on her that I have other things to show besides an xp title.
The other thing, of course, is that once you start a title track, where would it end? All our GW titles so far have caps. R10 Norn. R10 Asura. R8 Lightbringer. Protector of Tyria/Cantha/Elona. How do you cap off an experience title?
Actually i could list a lot of titles that alot of people would feel are completely pointless. Your players total xp shows how experienced your character is, hence it being called experience points, and with the smorgasbord of other titles available, why not have one that players can display which actually pertains to how experienced the player is overall?
Well glacial the point of the title would not simply be a personal reward as much as proof that your player is experienced in the game, and as you said about your 6.5mil xp monk, you have done plenty of stuff on her, so that goes to show that ppl with high experience have done quite alot with there characters and are probably quite good at the game, why not give them a title to prove that they have done alot?
Because there are already titles for that. I've gone doing HM missions with my guild, and as a result I have the Guardian titles to show. I've done a lot of things in GWEN - vanquishing, HM dungeons, HM quests, etc. - and as a result I've got the Master of the North title to display.
I'm not slamming your monk or your playstyle or anything, because you definitely need to have spent quite some time on your character to get him/her over 7mil xp. In general, if you have done a lot on your character, you'll have stuff to show for it. This may not necessarily be a title - if you've farmed ectos on your character, you'll have plenty of ectos (or whatever you've got off selling said ectos) to show for it. If you're good at the game (which, by the way, increasingly doesn't correlate to exp, courtesy of certain titles), then you should be able to prove - without the need for a title - that you're good at the game.
EDIT: Sorry, I just noticed your previous post up there - I was looking at your last one. The other issue is, of course, that people delete and remake characters - and thus the characters' xp would not be indicative of how experienced the player is. Say I create an ele, and I finished three campaigns on her - then I decided that the slot could be better used for something else, or I simply don't like the look of my ele anymore. I delete the ele, and I create a new one, possibly in a different campaign. This ele is not going to have anything near the xp of the old ele, but it doesn't make me any less experienced at playing an ele.
I'm not slamming your monk or your playstyle or anything, because you definitely need to have spent quite some time on your character to get him/her over 7mil xp. In general, if you have done a lot on your character, you'll have stuff to show for it. This may not necessarily be a title - if you've farmed ectos on your character, you'll have plenty of ectos (or whatever you've got off selling said ectos) to show for it. If you're good at the game (which, by the way, increasingly doesn't correlate to exp, courtesy of certain titles), then you should be able to prove - without the need for a title - that you're good at the game.
EDIT: Sorry, I just noticed your previous post up there - I was looking at your last one. The other issue is, of course, that people delete and remake characters - and thus the characters' xp would not be indicative of how experienced the player is. Say I create an ele, and I finished three campaigns on her - then I decided that the slot could be better used for something else, or I simply don't like the look of my ele anymore. I delete the ele, and I create a new one, possibly in a different campaign. This ele is not going to have anything near the xp of the old ele, but it doesn't make me any less experienced at playing an ele.
Well the end logic to your response glacial can be used against all titles in general. Why have titles? What is the point of a title? It's to show off, its to have something to work for. True, I did say such a title could prove to people that your character is good, well, ur right that is not neccasarly proof, but for most people, 7 mil xp is a sign that your are good with your character. You could use that logic against any title as well, your vanquishing title, maybe you just had people do most of the work for you as you sat back and let them do the work, its a long shot, but im just trying to prove a point. Whats the point of having 7mil xp besides skill points which by now have become basically useless on my character? I dont think asking for a title is really that outlandish.
True, but that is your personal loss in deleting the character. Also, if you delete your monk who has the vanquishing titles, and create a new monk and lose the title, that doesn't mean you are any less capable of vanquishing with a monk...
Looking at some of the other titles out there like sweet tooth, a title for total experience points seems pretty fair game. And for all the people using the solo farmer arguement, there are alot of other ways to gain large amounts of xp, and regardless of how you do it, 7mil xp takes quite alot of work.
Posting 10x in your own thread isn't going to make people agree more. Plus, there are countless other threads about the experience title. A simple search will do.
lol i have like 15 million exp so i dont see how it hard to get to 5 million
Originally Posted by sonofthort
there are titles for farming other kind of experience why not experience in general, and i know for a fact that it is not that easy to get 5mil+ xp
Holymasamume i'm simply replying to posts and trying to generate interest in the topic. Also, a simple search only revealed the experience emote suggestion thread. But you dont really care what i have to say u just felt like burning someone.
SmokingHotImolation: I dont know what your definition of casually is, but if you feel that 5mil+ is easy to earn, then maybe the title system should go well into the 20mil xp+ realm, or whatever you feel is a "hard" amount of xp to earn. Also i could make a list of titles which are very "easy" to achieve a few ranks in, but just because they are "easy" does not mean they shouldn't be titles.
Personnaly I dont think there should be a title for experience. If it was created it would just cause people who are going for GWAMM to grind even more for it. My warrior has 13 miillion experience. He isn't even my main farmer he does the campaigns, elite missions, etc. For example I have an ele. He didnt beat a single campaign. All I did with him was equip him with a load of skills and used him for farming purposes. Right now hes at ratasum farming raptors. didnt even do anything in eotn just got run there and started farming raptors. He has over 5 million experience. Sure he could get that title, but its not rewarding him for his accomplishments in the game (He did nothing). Its rewarding him for just farming and grinding alot. There are already other titles that are symbols of experience such as Legendary Survivor, kurzick/luxon titles, and the new eotn titles as well. Those are symbols of playing the game and character experience
Personnaly I dont think there should be a title for experience. If it was created it would just cause people who are going for GWAMM to grind even more for it. My warrior has 13 miillion experience. He isn't even my main farmer he does the campaigns, elite missions, etc. For example I have an ele. He didnt beat a single campaign. All I did with him was equip him with a load of skills and used him for farming purposes. Right now hes at ratasum farming raptors. didnt even do anything in eotn just got run there and started farming raptors. He has over 5 million experience. Sure he could get that title, but its not rewarding him for his accomplishments in the game (He did nothing). Its rewarding him for just farming and grinding alot. There are already other titles that are symbols of experience such as Legendary Survivor, kurzick/luxon titles, and the new eotn titles as well. Those are symbols of playing the game and character experience
Lycan Nibbler
Sorry, but x mil Exp does not show anything about your char. You could have got no further than Bergen Springs in Proph on a monk to get several million XP just farming. I have a ranger who has over 25 Mil and maybe 15 Mil + of that is from HFF (both sides before they nerfed the Lux supplymaster) and AB etc. She has only been into UW a couple of times.
sorry /notsigned.
sorry /notsigned.
my ele is nearly to the 30 mil mark and gods honest truth she hasnt been to all that many places or accomplished squat. exp is fun to look at.. thats about it.
All you ppl that say you have high xp characters that haven't accomplished squat still have to admit that you are pretty fricken kickass with that character and you have worked hard farming/pvping/quested whatever to earn that much xp, i dont see how total xp is completely meaningless, it has to be worth something, just like eating alot of candy is
Zahr Dalsk
lol xp farming
Lycan Nibbler
XP is a side product from doing other things/titles in GW, like getting fat is a side product from eating lots of sweets :P
stupid idea, you get around 10k xp from 1 raptor run - that takes 2 mins.
20 mins = 100k xp
just another way to promote grind, and title to make GWAMM easier.
just leave the titles how they are, we don't need more.
stupid idea, you get around 10k xp from 1 raptor run - that takes 2 mins.
20 mins = 100k xp
just another way to promote grind, and title to make GWAMM easier.
just leave the titles how they are, we don't need more.
Shayne Hawke
Go back to farming.
Icy The Mage
Uhh, close for early bump? Pretty sure you can't post in your own thread more then once every 24 hours for any reason at all, you can edit your previous posts or send PMs to reply to others (afaik)
Anyways, spending 4 weekends doing hardcore raptor farming (16+hours/day) and obtaining 20 mil+ exp in 2 months (only about 1/4 of that actually playing my ele) is not deserving of a title, as it'll mess up the KoABD title (unless it's as hard or harder to get then R10 Kurzick) and anyways, the only reason you have that exp is because you farmed for ITEMS not EXP. You can't honestly tell me you go out and farm for the sole reason of attaining experience points.
Anyways, spending 4 weekends doing hardcore raptor farming (16+hours/day) and obtaining 20 mil+ exp in 2 months (only about 1/4 of that actually playing my ele) is not deserving of a title, as it'll mess up the KoABD title (unless it's as hard or harder to get then R10 Kurzick) and anyways, the only reason you have that exp is because you farmed for ITEMS not EXP. You can't honestly tell me you go out and farm for the sole reason of attaining experience points.
ok whatever i had no idea anet was stupid enough to allow for 20mil+ exp in 2 months through raptor farming hence destroying the possibilty of such a title
listen man, this isnt personal at all. the ele i have with 30 mil is exp in one way. solo farmin. ill say i know every trick there is to get targeted aggro EVERY time soloing bosses i know how to pin bosses so they dont scatter. but thats it for that char. its not because i tried and failed to progress and get the mapping title, its simply i made this lady for farming only. she was my sugar momma! either way if you have 20mil from doing titles and mapping and PVP then you have accomplished alot. just take pride that youve done it. you dont need some cheesy assed title to get your daily self affirmation.
Originally Posted by Miss Drops Az
Sorry, but x mil Exp does not show anything about your char. You could have got no further than Bergen Springs in Proph on a monk to get several million XP just farming. I have a ranger who has over 25 Mil and maybe 15 Mil + of that is from HFF (both sides before they nerfed the Lux supplymaster) and AB etc. She has only been into UW a couple of times.
sorry /notsigned. |
Originally Posted by sonofthort
i know for a fact that it is not that easy to get 5mil+ xp
i dont see the point. we already have soooo much e-pen in this game we dont need more.
Rick Thene
Originally Posted by sonofthort
Actually i could list a lot of titles that alot of people would feel are completely pointless.
Also, christies, edit your friggin posts.
Sorn Xarann
this is a funny thread. lol exp
I have 20 mil exp. I want title. I grind all day and it only helps me get money. No title? Let's go make a thread and complain. Oh wait...
Dwarf Teh Guru
Damn, sonofthort, can't you just quote everything in 1 post? Instead of posting 2x in a row, another 2x and then 3x? wtf? The post count title doesn't show up in your HoM if that's what you're trying to do.
Anyway, 5milexp (okay, +2.2) is fairly easy to get, you get about 250.000 exp per DoA run, 200.000 per fow/uw run, and it doesn't take too long to complete those runs.
Anyway, 5milexp (okay, +2.2) is fairly easy to get, you get about 250.000 exp per DoA run, 200.000 per fow/uw run, and it doesn't take too long to complete those runs.
ive been playing on my monk ever since GW came out, and i have never farmed on him, all i have been doing is clearing "elite" areas, vanguishing, and HM missions(the last 2 once they were available). Over the course of the past three years my monk has 38mill xp, without farming a single spot. So a title to show your characters experience would be nice, but a title based on xp is a bad idea. Anet made titles for missions, and vanguishing areas to show how "leet" and experienced you are. so stop making posts about new titles, we dont need any titles based on xp.
Duncan Idaho
(Farming, HFFF/FFF, FoW/DoA ursan ...)
(Farming, HFFF/FFF, FoW/DoA ursan ...)