Originally Posted by Stev0
Maybe the Team Leader should have real powers. Being able to mute/kick underlings in the group he has put together.
If someone starts to abuse his communication priviledges ... they can be muted. If later on down the road they get into trouble and cannot call for help. Thats THEIR problem. Thing is ... this game should run with player reputations in effect. When some people get bad reps and they become shunned by other players then it will be a point for others to think about. Reputations can be either through word of mouth or through how many times that person gets muted by their leader vs. missions taken. This way. Keep from being muted/kicked and put in strats and info that retain your good standing. When people see your rep based on interaction with other teams, they will know what they are dealing with. Word of mouth is only as good as how far it travels. I'm not innocent of this because 1 or 2 times in a random group I have drawn a happy face on the map on purpose and when adventuring with a friend of mine I have drawn (. Y .) ... well you know. |
Hmmm intriging idea but 2 things come to mind,
First what if you do missions and quests with the same people all of the time, like guildmates or a select group that you meet with 1 or 2 times a week to play?
Second IF and it would be a big IF, there was a way to create and impliment a rating system then it could be tied to your Fame rating and situations that would happen outside of PvP would also help or hinder ones Fame.