Just a quick question I want to download the latest drivers (8.7) what do I download?
Do I download the hot fix only is that what I need? Its 64.8Mb
Or do I need to download both the driver and the hot fix?
ATI HD 4870 and drivers
The Muffen Man
the hotfix is actually an entire driver package. it should include catalyst control center.
the 8.7 drivers are beta drivers, and is not the hotfix.
the 8.7 drivers are beta drivers, and is not the hotfix.
The Muffen Man
Originally Posted by moriz
the hotfix is actually an entire driver package. it should include catalyst control center.
the 8.7 drivers are beta drivers, and is not the hotfix. |
ATI released 8.7 today its on their site.
yeah, i just saw it a few minutes ago.
go with the 8.7 driver, since, the hotfix is actually 8.6 i believe.
go with the 8.7 driver, since, the hotfix is actually 8.6 i believe.
The Muffen Man
Originally Posted by moriz
yeah, i just saw it a few minutes ago.
go with the 8.7 driver, since, the hotfix is actually 8.6 i believe. |
I used to have nvidia Gfx cards before so I am a little confused with ati drivers.
Also how come nvidia have like driver #176 or something like that and ati only 8.7?
ATI follows a different naming convention, and are less prone to huge version number jumps (in other words, they go up with .1 increments).
the hotfix was released to fix a few stability issues, and was not considered "official" drivers.
the hotfix was released to fix a few stability issues, and was not considered "official" drivers.