Sorry if this is in Wrong Section, Mods please move it if I'm wrong.
I am trying to make my own blindfold through Texmod
This is how it is so far:
My question is: How do I make it more detailed/thicker looking? I've done this all through paint so far. I know I have a photoshop around here somewhere.
Also, as you can see. You can still see they eyelids, any way to get rid of it?
Blindfold Texmod style?
own age myname
Are you putting the blindfold over the skin texture? (ie the texture with the face and arms and underwear) Or on the armor texture? Either way you might want to try maybe making it a bit darker or fiddel with the alpha channel. And ya, dig out your photoshop, you can do so much more with it than you can with paint. Keep us updated, this sounds like a nice painless way of getting the blindfold for those of us who couldn't be bothered with collecting the chalices.
Joe Fierce
thickness of an items texture is dictated by the skeleton set forth by the structuring that the texture is stretched across, so basically, the only way to make a blindfold that's as thick as the blindfold, is to get a friggin blindfold.
own age myname
I just got my Photoshop installed on my CP.
And yes I'm putting it over the face texture. This is what it looks like now:
I'll try to put more textures into the blindfold with my Photoshop
And yes I'm putting it over the face texture. This is what it looks like now:
I'll try to put more textures into the blindfold with my Photoshop