Ive heard of some other people having this.
Whenever I change or take a piece of armor off,
I turn all silver and shiny. Its nothing big, but quite annoying.
If anyone knows how to fix this pls tell me.
It's because of Bad Moon Rising. You must find the Jade Monkey before last sunset of the month.
Seriously, it could be a graphic card malfunction or data corruption. Reinstall GW if you are ABSOLUTELY SURE your graphic card is working and has at least 128 RAM on board.
Seriously, it could be a graphic card malfunction or data corruption. Reinstall GW if you are ABSOLUTELY SURE your graphic card is working and has at least 128 RAM on board.
Tha Dukk
Is it possible that your are just made of awesome?
Moved to Technician's Corner, since this isn't really a bug.
It's just that your computer, or rather your graphics card is to slow in rendering the new appearance of your character, thus it goes to the default, the shiny silver thing you mention.
I used to have the same problem. New drivers fixed it.