just had an idea i think would really get people playing again
Lions arch, nice city, awesome BUT lonely feeling sometimes
so add some good looking chicks romping around in lions arch, sort of like when girl warriors wear gladiators 15k armor or any female elementalists...others gross
THEN have them walk around lions arch like the guards do and when you talk to them they give you a quest and when you accept a window takes you to the guild wars store to enter credit card info and then after you enter info and pay money a real one that sort of dressed up similar fashions as one you talked to ingame and they come to your house and you can do whatever with them like they can watch you play the game and you can talk about builds together and then she goes home
be a good way to make a new friend in real life
rent a friend for an hour
really stupid idea....
you just put yourself in a flamefest
really stupid idea....
you just put yourself in a flamefest
Squishy ftw
Did you really just suggest to buy real life friends through guildwars ?
Where's that cage for Solange I ordered?
Originally Posted by Squishy ftw
Did you really just suggest to buy real life friends through guildwars ?
Originally Posted by Abedeus
Where's that cage for Solange I ordered?
I'm sick of your sardelac threads. Really, I am.