After reading a post in Q&A, I thought this made sense.
The Xunlai House currently only lists a guilds name, not it tag. Since tags are not unique and can be repeated, that makes sense (ie, there could be two RAWR guilds). However, it can be confusing since many guilds are more well known by their tag then their actual name. So, simple suggestion, have both the guild name and the guild tag on the Xunlai house prediction page to make it easier to recognize, find, and discuss guilds.
Xunlai House - Guild Names and Tags
If the tag is famous, the guild name is famous too.
Though it wouldn't be bad to add the tag, I don't think it's a must.
Though it wouldn't be bad to add the tag, I don't think it's a must.
I think I know guilds more by their tags than their names. For example, I couldn't come up with rYi's guild name for the longest time despite knowing their tag. It would help, but if I really needed to figure it out I could go to the ladder and look it up. Anet hates doing work, and this is just extra work

I remember many guilds thanks to their tags.
One example is The Spearmen.
One example is The Spearmen.
Tender Wolf
Yeah I know that feeling. Sometimes to make my predictions I'll watch some battles but I always get confused about which tag goes to which guild. Been a while since I've done this as well, but I see no problem with this idea.
Necessary? No, you can look it up on the ladder if you really need it.
Useful/wanted? Yeah, makes my life easier. I'm all for that. Not to mention new people often see something like Baby or dR mentioned and have no idea what the guild name is since there's no obvious connection.
Useful/wanted? Yeah, makes my life easier. I'm all for that. Not to mention new people often see something like Baby or dR mentioned and have no idea what the guild name is since there's no obvious connection.