Video Cart Update.

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

The Netherlands, Noord-Brabant

Mu-Tants [MU]


Hey guys,

I got a problem, i alway got around the 10-12 ping. But i see that you can update your videocard. I got a VIA/S3G UniChrome Pro IGP. But first i was going to Rata sum, with The ??? Asura quest, from the outside i can come in. But when i logged out and the next time i wanted to go further, it says my videocart is not good enough. But how can i come in there then? I hope you guys can help me!



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


That was an upgrade? My god - what was your old card?!

That is very, very much a bad card. I'm surprised it got you to Rata Sum at all.

Could you post your full system specifictions, please?

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

The Netherlands, Noord-Brabant

Mu-Tants [MU]


I know my card sux @ all.. but i'm dutch and bought this comp in Germany because it was cheaper XD so dont know evrything :S But hatez my card, but how can i find a update or something?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2007


You have to buy a new more expensive card. Really really soon.

Tamuril elansar

Tamuril elansar

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2007


by posting your computer specs, processor, motherboard etc, we can help you futher with choosing a vid card.

Lawrence Chang

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2007

United States



Judging by your vid card, I can see your comp is VERY old. Not to worry, they still make PCI cards. A GeForce 6200 PCI - Version could do the trick. However, please post your entire specs. As judging by your card, you probably need to upgrade/buy a new pc.

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

The Netherlands, Noord-Brabant

Mu-Tants [MU]


Yeah but the problem is i am dutch, and only 14 years old. But i cant ready german. So but, maybe my bro knows the specifics better, but i need to open my computer to see if i can buy a new video card maybe it is at the motherboard than i cant click a new one in. I will say the specifics tomorrow, coz my bro isnt here atm

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

The Netherlands, Noord-Brabant

Mu-Tants [MU]


I was try to find it. Than i saw this:

Pentium (R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
2.80Ghz, 960 MB RAM

I see 2 processors at my hardware.
Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz

Netzwerkadapter (germans) Dont know what it is.
Realtek RTL8139-Familie_PCI-Fast Ethernet- NIC

Plug And Plan-Monitor

Laufwerke: (dont know what is is :S)
Generic Flash HS-CF USB Device
Generic Flash HS-MS/SD USB Device
Generic Flash HS-SM USB Device
WDC WD25 00JS-00NCB1 SCSI Disk Device

And some other things but i dont know what that is :S

That i saw,
My Vid card is:
VIA/S3G UniChrome Pro IGP

(In the name of my Vid Card you see 'Pro' But it isn't 'Pro')

I hope you guys know what this is and then you can help me

Evil Genius

Evil Genius

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006



Hmm, it would be good if you could tell us what your motherboard is. Unfortunately I can't tell the socket from the processor, since Intel has released 32 different 2.8Ghz Pentium 4s, some socket 478 and some 775.
I'm no German but "Netzwerkadapter" would be network adapter and "Laufwerke" would be disk drives.

As far as I can tell, you probably don't have a graphics card as such but a VIA chipset onboard video, such as:
VIA PM880 (IG)
VIA PM800 (IG)
VIA P4X533
VIA P4X400
VIA P4X333
VIA P4X266
VIA P4M266 (IG)

Hopefully you have an AGP slot rather than an PCI slot.

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

The Netherlands, Noord-Brabant

Mu-Tants [MU]


But i cant find my motherboard If i know i will tell you guys

Evil Genius

Evil Genius

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006



Originally Posted by
But i cant find my motherboard If i know i will tell you guys
Download CPUZ from Go to the "Mainboard" tab in the program. It will tell you - then tell us or provide a screenshot of the program running.

Obviously there are other methods of ascertaining this information, but this is probably the easiest.

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

The Netherlands, Noord-Brabant

Mu-Tants [MU]


Here it is hope i did it good

Evil Genius

Evil Genius

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006



Originally Posted by
Here it is hope i did it good
Yep you did good. From those screenshots I can see you have this motherboard, which has an AGP 8X slot. Look at getting a AGP video card like:
Budget:BIOSTAR GeForce FX 5200
Mid range:SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 2600PRO
Highend (highend AGP - lol): SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 3850 AGP 4X/8X

You probably don't have access to Newegg though in the Netherlands. Just ask at the local computer store if they have any of those cards. Brand (Sapphire, BFG, XFX, Biostar) doesn't really matter as most manufacturers stick to reference designes from Nvidia or ATI. Remember to specify you are looking for a AGP 8X video card.

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

The Netherlands, Noord-Brabant

Mu-Tants [MU]


Okay, tyvm, In the netherland we have Alternate, their you can design your own computer. You can buy parts also i go look there.
Tyvm for your help!

If i need to choose from the cards that you finded for my i should use that SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 3850 AGP 4X/8X

Evil Genius

Evil Genius

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006



Originally Posted by
If i need to choose from the cards that you finded for my i should use that SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 3850 AGP 4X/8X
It is the best AGP card available, and most likely the best AGP card to be released ever. However, keep in mind your CPU will bottleneck its performance and there are no Vista drivers: you cannot use this card with Vista. It may also be advisable to check your power supply before buying this card: this can be done by taking a side panel off the case and looking at the stick on the PSU. However, if that is in German you will face a few more problems. Sapphire recommends: "450Watt or greater power supply with 30Amps on 12 volt with 2x4 power connector recommended." That's leaving quite a bit of room left I imagine (comparatively I'm running the power hungry Ultra on 520 watts) I read two reviews, one at Guru3D Forums, the other at the Inquirer. Here's the summary of both:
+ HD3850 AGP gives a new breath to AGP systems
+ This card is freaking fast
+ Easily Overclockable
+ Good cooling
+ Stable @ 70C even when overclocked and 43C when idle
+ DVD or Blue Ray movie quality is outstanding!

- Bottlenecks with ANY old socket 478 CPUs (needs dual core CPU)
- Expensive and its full power will never be unleashed due to CPU bottleneck
- Bad driver support from ATI
- Waste of money on an old interface
- Huge card (might hit your HDDs)
- Cuts the airflow in PC Case
- Requires additional Power Dongle from PSU
The question remains, however. If you have an ailing AGP system, should you buy this card or not? Well, if you have no plans on buying a new PC until the end of the year, we’d say the HD 3850 PCS AGP 512MB is a sure bet – it’ll get you up and playing the current generation of games at resolutions and image quality you’ve never experienced before on your system. It’s a tad bit expensive, though – and you don’t get much out of the box, software-wise.

Just remember, this is about all ATI’s partners can do to improve your performance, short of you going out and buying a modern PC. The HD 3850 AGP gives your midget Pentium something to stand on in a world of Core2/Athlon/Phenom giants. If you are one of the latter, do not mock the 3850 on AGP, it scores 900% better than our old Geforce FX5900 and almost 800% better than our Radeon 9700Pro. You can rest assured your AGP rig has a year's worth of gaming left in it.

The Good
Enough performance to play today’s games, ZeroTherm fan is way better than your old AGP dustbusters, HDMI with HD Audio out.

The Bad
Big card, pricey.

The Ugly
No Vista / DX10 support.
If anyone else knows stuff about AGP feel free to add; I haven't had an AGP system for a very long time.



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


It's going to make a massive difference to what he has. The complications will arise in explaining how to disable the on-board graphics adapter via the BIOS when the new AGP is fitted, I fear.

Can't see the damn CPU-Z screenie - blocked at work as usual.

Oh, I've just noticed that that Sapphire has two DVI ports and an S-video. That is very likely going to involve the use of a DVI to D-sub adaptor.

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

The Netherlands, Noord-Brabant

Mu-Tants [MU]


I saw a great vid cart on a sort of Newegg but then dutch(alternate) and it cost 60 euro's but i dont need to have 60 ping or something but it has around 30-55 ping when i got that one. But for that card you need 400 RAMDAC, but i dont know what i got, i thought i got 350 but i dont know for sure. Do you guys know where you can see that?

But already thank you that you guys helped me!

PS: I got Windows XP



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


The 960MB RAM intrigues me - is that a full Gigabyte that Windows has stolen 64MB of? Or, god forbid, is it a combination of a 512, a 256, a 128 and a 64MB stick? That's exactly 960MB...

You're getting things confused, by the way. A video card is not going to affect ping (that's the time it takes a signal to travel from your PC to a remote location and back). The 30-55 you're quoting is likely FPS, or frames per second, ie how fast your video card can update the graphics on your screen.

A RAMDAC is not something you need, it's something that a video card has. Don't worry about it.

And finally, if you saw a video card for €60, you can bet your life it's not going to be "great"

[edit] bah - back home now, and I can see the CUP-Z screeny. He's got one stick of 1024 - greedy Windows :/