The evil killer laptop~



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

That one place with the trees, mountains and snow

Ember Power Mercenaries [EMP]


My laptop doesn't like me anymore (probably because I had it turned on 5 days straight) so it gave me a nasty shock. -.-

Like honestly aren't those things protected to prevent such things?
I still have the warranty and stuff so I guess I could get a new one but it pisses me off because this is the second laptop that hates me (and thus shocks me).



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

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It gave you a shock? Bloody hell, warranty or not, have that right back to the manufacturers for a full refund/replacement.

Must ask, though - was it a full-on jolt as if you had touched a bare cable, or was it more akin to a static shock? Much more plausible, much less lethal.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

That one place with the trees, mountains and snow

Ember Power Mercenaries [EMP]


I got a mild shock a few minutes before the big one, I though it was nothing because my keyboard is made out of some silly stuff that feels pretty weird.

I touched the keyboard (left Ctrl key) and got a rather big shock that made my hand pull away instantly, and my pinky finger retracted, all that within half a second but still hurt a bit afterwards.

I guess me and electricity don't go along that well.



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Join Date: Apr 2006




I would send this:

Dear (insert company name here),
I have recently purchased (insert make and model# here). While I believe this to be a superior product, by a superior company, I have a problem. The above mentioned product is shocking me through the keyboard. This does not appear to be some sort of static discharge, more like an electrical current. The last 1 was pretty powerful. It caused my fingers to contract.

I do understand a fair amount; on computers (list any relative info here).
I do frequent technical forums and would hate to have to post my experience with this product, in order to warn others about the possibility of electrocution. I am also a little distraught as I am currently afraid of my laptop. I look forward to resolving this issue in a timely fashion, as I mentioned above, from a superior company.

(Your name and contact info here.)

It is possible to get free stuff, free stuff is good.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

That one place with the trees, mountains and snow

Ember Power Mercenaries [EMP]


Was kind of planning to go back to the store where I bought it and slam the laptop in someone's head, but your method works as well. >.>

And free stuff is most of the time some usb stick. I have too many of those. n.n



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Join Date: Apr 2006




Since 90% of laptops are "prebuilts" I would send that letter to the actual manufacturer's support teams. I find being polite, persistant, and trying to be reasonable works best, esspecially with support people. Rage on a telemarketer, they suxors anyways.

You can also add in a line about a "class A electrical fire on your lap". That is a scary thought......



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

That one place with the trees, mountains and snow

Ember Power Mercenaries [EMP]


The Toshiba site isn't making much sense, can't find any contact email adresses, just links to stores where you can go and have the thing fixed.

Fril Estelin

Fril Estelin

So Serious...

Join Date: Jan 2007


Nerfs Are [WHAK]


A few years ago, a Toshiba Satellite Pro died on me and Toshiba gave me a new one because it was due to some physical default of the laptop design, so it was their fault (the annoying stick-mouse was above the harddisk and pushing the mouse caused damage on it).

I'd advise you to search the net for similar problems on your laptop model, just in case. Then call the company's after sale/support and present your case.

Or you may be a Cylon/cyborg, which would explain the electricity phenomenons. (more seriously, there are case of people who cause problems to stuff, my mother could not wear a watch, any kind)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2008

Order Of the Pheonix


Yea I have seen this happen... A lot of the Dell XPS M13s had this problem when they first came out, something about a circuit shorting and being redirected into the palm rest. Anyhow definitely get in contact with the manufacturer (Toshiba I am guessing from your last post) or if you got it from a "brick and mortar" store see if they will simply replace it for you.

Hehe don't take it personal some electronic just go bad, no matter who is using them. If you are religious call it predestination



Perfectly Elocuted

Join Date: Sep 2005

I heard of this happening with the M1330's and M1530's from dell. Still, I think that'd be a dealbreaker for me. Are there aluminum inserts around your keys?

Also, I keep my laptop on all the time... is that supposed to be bad for it?

Snow Bunny

Snow Bunny

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Originally Posted by SnipiousMax

Also, I keep my laptop on all the time... is that supposed to be bad for it?
I've heard it is. I've actually heard that over time it will slow your computer down quite a bit.

I hate my laptop :<

Siirius Black

Siirius Black

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Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
I've heard it is. I've actually heard that over time it will slow your computer down quite a bit.

I hate my laptop :<
Wear I supposed.

Originally Posted by Alexandra-Sweet
The Toshiba site isn't making much sense, can't find any contact email adresses, just links to stores where you can go and have the thing fixed.
Was your computer a Toshiba A75???
I believe there was a class action agianst toshiba because of a similar problem.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

That one place with the trees, mountains and snow

Ember Power Mercenaries [EMP]


Originally Posted by Siirius Black
Was your computer a Toshiba A75???
I believe there was a class action agianst toshiba because of a similar problem.
Toshiba Satellite P200-15N
Originally Posted by SnipiousMax
Are there aluminum inserts around your keys?
I think, it's some kind of metal, not sure if it's aluminum.



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Join Date: Apr 2006




Originally Posted by SnipiousMax

Also, I keep my laptop on all the time... is that supposed to be bad for it?
Ok, in a perfect world, no. In reality it also depends on the OS you are running. Linix and I beleive mac (I am not a mac expert) are designed, to be left running indefinatly. Windows, is a different story. Windows OS up to XP (not sure if this was fixed in vista) can not flush its memory, it does this at a shutdown/restart. So, If you never reboot the computer, over time, the memory "fills up" , and this normaly will mean that the paging file will be used up untill it is gone. Then the computer eventually BSoD's and does a memory dump, followed by a forced shutdown and restart. The computers proformance continually deminishes during this proccess. The more ram you have the longer this proccess takes.

This is also the 1st thing any windows "help desk" asks you to do, as a restart does solve alot of issues. It is human nature to not want to wait on your PC. Most people will answer when asked: When did you last do a shutdown and restart? I do that everynight/day.(The sillys do not know that the computer logs this info and you can show it to them.) When did you last run your antivirus, adware, spyware scan and defrag? I do that every week. (Thats why adaware has been last used 186 days ago and needs updates.....) People lie all the time when dealing with computers. As a tech you learn this FAST.

Now we will talk about wasted power. SHAME ON YOU. If you are not using it turn it off. You are slowly killing the planet and your hardware. Fans continue to run and if they burn out from having never had a break and being clogged full of dust,( since you cleaned the comp out the last time you ran your scans..... !)
and noone is around, it will not be long before we see a "My new comp build" thread.

Human nature is a funny thing, as a computer techs we definatly get a good look at the darker side of people, and learn to manipulate it. It all starts with a shutdown and restart.

@OP good luck with your issue.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

That one place with the trees, mountains and snow

Ember Power Mercenaries [EMP]


I gave Toshiba a call and after a long argument I somewhat lost my temper and they decided to no longer offer me support, so I sent an email to the store where I bought the laptop and they are gladly willing to send the laptop back to a Toshiba factory and have it checked, though I honestly hope they will give me another laptop (preferably another model to prevent the same problem)



Perfectly Elocuted

Join Date: Sep 2005

Originally Posted by zamial
Well, I guess my question was more along the lines of:

"Is it okay to have the laptop plugged in, even though it's off/hibernating/sleeping and not being used?"

Rather than:

"I waste power, don't do virus scans and never restart my computer when it's feeling laggy, is it okay to leave my computer on without power options, etc?"

Originally Posted by Alexandra-Sweet
they decided to no longer offer me support
Sorry to hear that... Seems like something like: "My laptop is trying to kill me" would avoid the normal "must be the user's fault, and isn't covered by the warranty" talk that people usually give. I totally understand that it usually IS something that the user did, or does, or can fix with a reboot and green mind () but this is something entirely out of the ordinary. Seems like they should have been more helpful considering they won't sell many laptops to user's that fry themselves from touching the ctrl key.



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


Hehehe - exactly how badly did you lose your temper?

I wouldn't mess with you



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

That one place with the trees, mountains and snow

Ember Power Mercenaries [EMP]


First they put me on hold with some retarted elevator music to keep me occupied for 20 min~

Then I get some nerd on the phone that goes through a list of basics like, have you tried restoring your laptop to factory default, have you tried another power cable, are any other metalic parts of your laptop electrified (honestly I'm NEVER touching that laptop again), did you spill water on your laptop.

So I was pretty much wasting time on this person so I told him I would put his face on the keyboard and slam the lid close on him if he wouldn't send someone to pick the damn thing up and have it fixed, that's when he told me he would no longer offer me support.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2008

Order Of the Pheonix


Originally Posted by Alexandra-Sweet
First they put me on hold with some retarted elevator music to keep me occupied for 20 min~

Then I get some nerd on the phone that goes through a list of basics like, have you tried restoring your laptop to factory default, have you tried another power cable, are any other metalic parts of your laptop electrified (honestly I'm NEVER touching that laptop again), did you spill water on your laptop.

So I was pretty much wasting time on this person so I told him I would put his face on the keyboard and slam the lid close on him if he wouldn't send someone to pick the damn thing up and have it fixed, that's when he told me he would no longer offer me support.
Lol well thats one way to do it
try another tactic next time though and see what happens
nerds are to sensitive for that type of talk.



Technician's Corner Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by Alexandra-Sweet
So I was pretty much wasting time on this person so I told him I would put his face on the keyboard and slam the lid close on him if he wouldn't send someone to pick the damn thing up and have it fixed, that's when he told me he would no longer offer me support.
Frankly, I don't blame him for refusing to provide support. You were rude and there was no need for that. Next time just ask for the supervisor if they start doing the 20 questions bit.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

That one place with the trees, mountains and snow

Ember Power Mercenaries [EMP]


I know how people at the helpdesk work, sending a technician is the last thing they will do.

I've finished a first year ICT course and that guy thinks girls know nothing of computers so I have all the right to insult him back.

Sure I might have jumped straight to the point where I want the laptop to be sent back and skip the basic patern of the helpdesk but professionals should be thinking alike, it would have saved us both a lot of time, not to mention the phone bill.

Fril Estelin

Fril Estelin

So Serious...

Join Date: Jan 2007


Nerfs Are [WHAK]


Originally Posted by Alexandra-Sweet
Iso I have all the right to insult him back.
You have absolutely no right to insult him, no right at all. He didn't think about your "first year ICT course", how could he know? He didn't think about you being a girl, he's simply doing a job which requires him (i.e. he'll get fired if he doesn't do it) to do the question list. You could have used a bit more tact to make him understand that you did most, but maybe you forgot to do one of the things that is on the list?

Dark Kal

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006

Originally Posted by Alexandra-Sweet
I told him I would put his face on the keyboard and slam the lid close on him if he wouldn't send someone to pick the damn thing up and have it fixed
And you wonder why your laptop is trying to kill you

Seriously, why bother with tech support at all? Just send it back.

Tamuril elansar

Tamuril elansar

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2007


tech support never helped me in my entire life, i once called my ISP because our internet went slow(couldnt even load a page), he told me that my processor was causing slow internet page loading. i told him i had a very nice dual core processor, he told me ''internet doesnt scale to dual core'', wich is where i hung up on him.

honestly, you should return that laptop, especially if its trying to kill you.

Black Strobe

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

You really can't get a real shock from a notebook. Think about it - there is a line with mostly 12v/5A max. to your Notebook. And 5A is the max. - which won't be used in practise, since most Notebooks use more like 20-30W - which means more like 2-3A.

So i guess more you use some strange chair (sofa?) and get the normal effect like you would get with rubbing a baloon on your cottonshirt. In short: Your problem is selfmade, IMO.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

That one place with the trees, mountains and snow

Ember Power Mercenaries [EMP]


Originally Posted by Black Strobe
You really can't get a real shock from a notebook. Think about it - there is a line with mostly 12v/5A max. to your Notebook. And 5A is the max. - which won't be used in practise, since most Notebooks use more like 20-30W - which means more like 2-3A.

So i guess more you use some strange chair (sofa?) and get the normal effect like you would get with rubbing a baloon on your cottonshirt. In short: Your problem is selfmade, IMO.
Right... so after 8 months I suddenly start to get 3 static shocks (in 3 different pain levels) in a row from my laptop? And I use a standard desk chair on a laminate floor

Black Strobe

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Originally Posted by Alexandra-Sweet
And I use a standard desk chair on a laminate floor
See, there we have it, laminate floor! Have you changed you boots?

No srsly, Notebooks have not "3rd-line" which means they are not grounded, which means, if you run around with let's say woolsocks on laminate, you will get loaded up and get "shocked" if you touch anything. I guess EVERYONE has expierienced this some times in it's life.

Hm, maybe - do you have some external stuff connected on your laptop which uses external power? That could be a reason aswell. I mean - basicly everthing that gets physical connected to your notebook and is connected (again physical) to something else (i.e. your LAN connection etc).



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

That one place with the trees, mountains and snow

Ember Power Mercenaries [EMP]


I only had the power cable connected, and an usb mouse.

And static shocks occur when you touch something, not when you were touching something already and then get a random shock.

And I was wearing nylon tights and nothing woolish.



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Join Date: Apr 2006




The 1st person you talk to is a moron. Don't tell them that! These are people that read a script/flow chart and they have to do it. They also have to correctly respond to a informational statment like,"Hello, I need to speak to your supervisor." See how easy that was. They put you on hold and transfer you to someone that can tell a ram stick from a battery. This is the person to start the call off. (If you have no knowledge let the script monkey do its job) Explain to this person that you are a computer tech and have done extensive trouble shooting on your end. Then politly ask them to put you in contact with 1 of there techs, if they are to busy to assist you (which they are not, as you are a valued customer).

The people you are speaking to did not:
-screw up your computer.
-build your computer
-design or market your computer.
They are TRYING to support your computer and more than likely have had to talk to 20+ other angry, irrate, people that really have "no clue".

After bypassing the 1st person, now it is time to jump through the hoops. If the tech asks you to do something, just do it. They are trying to help you. If they can not, the end result can be a free replacment or a express warranty service, ect. BUT you have to jump through the hoops.

BE NICE ALL THE TIME. You called and it is you that need the help. I do not care if your IQ is x2 that of Einstein's, your daddy built the internets, or you have uber "leet" computer skillz. You are asking for help, your product is defective, you are incapible of solving the problem your self. Do not be donkeys back side. You will catch more flies with honey than vinager. If you loose your cool with the person on the other end, YOU are only hurting yourself and as we see above, that did not get the issue resolved. This can also lead to a call back, which is actually more on the phone bill then getting it done the 1st time.

Make sure you have the time to work on the issue when you call. If you are in a hurry, call it in later. This will lead to a less stressful call.


Lord Sojar

Lord Sojar

The Fallen One

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Time to sue.

Dark Kal

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006

Originally Posted by Black Strobe
5A is the max. - which won't be used in practise, since most Notebooks use more like 20-30W - which means more like 2-3A.
I wouldn't want 2-3A running through my body. Seeing as how 10A is extremely lethal. Due to the low voltage the current from a laptop most likely won't kill you but you would most definitely feel it, a lot. Static electricity feels a lot less painfull and won't make your muscles contract.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

That one place with the trees, mountains and snow

Ember Power Mercenaries [EMP]


Zamial, if I had a problem with my video card and I needed troubleshooting I would listen to any option given, but like our Rat with a fetish for blue glowy things already stated, the laptop needs to get to the factory a-sap and that is what I asked the person on the phone, to have my laptop picked up (or an adress where I can send it) and have it fixed.

Wrath O war

Wrath O war

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Actually 1 amp can be lethal... i'm an electrician by trade and thats all it takes for heart stoppage

Dark Kal

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006

Meh, 10A is lethal for the majority of humans.