Guru now blocked?



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


I think that this is likely a problem my end, but just in case:

Back story - as you are probably aware, a very large proportion of Guru-goers access Guru from work/school etc., and in most places, it is the only Guild Wars site available through the usual corporate net-nannying software. I have no idea why this is; several people have mentioned that they can get Guru at work, whereas both wikis are blocked along with

When I logged on at work today, I was greeted with the saddening sight of "You are unable to access this site due to its categorization as GAMES."

Now the crunch: has anything changed you end? Have the metatags (or whutever) been updated?

About 75% of my Guru time is while I'm supposed to be working (I'm a slacker - shoot me ) - this will be a major loss to me.

Please say it ain't so



Site Contributor

Join Date: Dec 2004


probably nothing changed on our end, net nanny software etc and other filters get their lists from directories and what not or do their own categorization. Its hard to not categorize this site under Games. A letter to the head of your company might do the trick

Shadow Kurd

Shadow Kurd

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006


Scouts of Tyria




Join Date: Nov 2005

A lot of these programs are either group updated (single resource that tags sites and passes info to subordinates). Or an admin notices traffic to a site and flags in manually.

Most of the updates are done manually somewhere, someone reports it etc.



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


Wow - input from real technicians (and me old mate Kurd )!

Thanks for the bad news, guys - I thought that might be the case.

And Kurd - every proxy on the planet is blocked where I work. They got wise to that pretty quick.

Damn, what did they think I was going to be doing between 1am and 5am? Driving their damn trains empty?




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

That one place with the trees, mountains and snow

Ember Power Mercenaries [EMP]


Originally Posted by Snograt
Wow - input from real technicians (and me old mate Kurd )!

Thanks for the bad news, guys - I thought that might be the case.

And Kurd - every proxy on the planet is blocked where I work. They got wise to that pretty quick.

Damn, what did they think I was going to be doing between 1am and 5am? Driving their damn trains empty?

Bah I used to be on a school where there were two internet connections, one was for the students and was protected with some silly filter program, the other was for the teachers/administration and was unfiltered, whenever I went to Internet Options > Connections > and uncheck the "Use a proxy server for your LAN (bla bla bla)" I would somehow end up on the unfiltered network and do whatever I wanted... those were such fun times. Unfortunatly I'm now homeschooled (is that even a word?). n.n

Unlucky Slayer

Unlucky Slayer


Join Date: Apr 2006

Sitting at The Guild Hall 2, being happy.

Nerd Clan [NK]


You could always be glad you even get a computer to use at work. I'm not even allowed to have reading material at work. =(



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Communistwealth of Virginia



Yes, Websenseless where I work finally started blocking Guru this past weekend as well. Bastages! I flew under the radar for 3 years, though, so I can't really complain.

There IS a way to bypass (cough peacefire cough), but security (network and otherwise) is a huge deal where I work, and I'm not going to risk losing my job to read this site.