Originally Posted by Winterclaw
I'd rather mesmers be given an elite form of backfire and empathy as two seperate skills than SS.
Spiteful Spirit Clone for Mesmer
Da Rk Bl Ad E
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Of course, but even Monks have AoE damage dealing skills.
That's because in GW each single profession has a bit of everything. There are no professions without self-heals. There are no professions without an AoE damage-dealing skill. |
Anyhow, this discussion was relevant two years ago. If mesmers started with SS as their elite it would have solved most of reasons for them being PvE outsiders.
Anet had their chance three times:
Anytime during prohecies vanilla to add "missing" elite skill. SF was perfect opportunity as it gave new area for caps, as for mesmer outsiderness and SS coolness and SS being messie skill were both apparent.
It could have been one of factions elites. Or NF elites. Considering generall lameness of mesmer elites in those chapters, 1:1 clone of SS woudl have been fresh air of originality.
They *still* have ongoing change to add that missing elite but its pointless now, mesmer problems were brute force solved year ago *cough*they became bearable*cough*
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Necros are Anets pets, and mesmers their whipping boys. That's been the case for at least two years.
There needs to be an easy mode in every game.
Soul Reaping.
[enfeebling blood]
[reckless haste]
It's not the shitty elites that hurt the mesmer - it's the crappy non-elites/primary.
Not signed - since the effect of Assassin's outclasses everything that this skill could be. So it doesn't make sense to add it.
Originally Posted by Winterclaw
I'd rather mesmers be given an elite form of backfire and empathy as two seperate skills than SS.
If A.net really wants to help mesmers , give them a FC or insp elite with a nearly identical effect to AP. Lyssas' promise or something.
Originally Posted by upier
Not signed - since the effect of Assassin's outclasses everything that this skill could be. So it doesn't make sense to add it.
Secondary profession elite that does not do damage and is from assassin class (!!!) does not really help with that.
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
There needs to be something for scrubs to go OMGADDZORTEHMEMEROORTOTEHPARTYZOR, click invite to party button and refrain from clicking kick one.
Secondary profession elite that does not do damage and is from assassin class (!!!) does not really help with that. |
Originally Posted by kostolomac
If A.net really wants to help mesmers , give them a FC or insp elite with a nearly identical effect to AP. Lyssas' promise or something.
LP would then give SR like e-gain which combined with chaos nukes and the ability to abuse secondaries could really do wonders for mesmers.
Da Rk Bl Ad E
Anet don't need to "help" mesmers, they are already very powerful in both pve and pvp. And what's with all this "Mesmers can't get groups for stuff in pve" QQ nonsense. Here's a tip..Don't pug, and even if you did you'll have no problem getting a group as a mesmer for general pve as most people know that they can do well. People are just making it sound like a bigger deal that it is.
Numa Pompilius
Yeah, that's why, uhm, they nerfed the N primary attribute, they removed energy gain from spirits, they removed pets leaving corpses, and uh... |
The changes to pets and spirits was because before the necro didn't even need to kill enemies and make minions to get those 10 pips of e-regen.
The infinite energy of necros is the whole basis of the two most effective PvE H/H builds right now, Sabway and, uh, Discordway: make lots of cheap minions which die and give your necros those +10 pips of energy so they can spam skills on recharge with reckless abandon.
Originally Posted by N1ghtstalker
[empathy] [insidious parasite]
compare them first please |
Miska Bow
SS: Great for farming snowman; but until they come out with a skill that gets foes to bunch up in pve i'll use [Icy Veins]
Maybe Anet could make the missing elite for mesmer just that:
Mob group Hug: For the next 3...10 sec all hostile foes bunch up for a group hug so SS can be usefull in pve.
That '' forgot elite skill'' for mesmer could be soooo much better then SS.
Maybe Anet could make the missing elite for mesmer just that:
Mob group Hug: For the next 3...10 sec all hostile foes bunch up for a group hug so SS can be usefull in pve.

That '' forgot elite skill'' for mesmer could be soooo much better then SS.
Cherng Butter
I generally enjoy mesmers that run gimmick builds with Sig of Illusions, CoP, Ebon Vanguard Sin, AP, Finish Him!, etc... Ursan not so much :P
You missed hex eater vortex and shatter hex from the AoE mesmer skill lists.
Originally Posted by Da Rk Bl Ad E
out of interest how would you go about making backfire elite? It's already pretty powerful in PvE imo anymore and it might get a bit silly
Most of the naysayers seem to be missing the point. In PvE hexing or interrupting a single target usually kills that one target, but then you have a soft target in your party that not that useful as they wait for energy or skills to recharge.
Why hex something with Empathy for 16 seconds when the target is going to be dead in 4 seconds? Guess that is what wands are for... /sarcasm.
Mesmers simply dont make sense in PvE because 1) FC is useless in PvE (or generally), 2) Powerful Mes skills are overshadowed by other classes who do MORE and do it Better (BHA + Epidemic + Volley + 80/100 armor = No Mesmer Need Apply), 3) Mesmer "AoE" is mostly niche or farming skills (SV, Archane Connundrum).
Why hex something with Empathy for 16 seconds when the target is going to be dead in 4 seconds? Guess that is what wands are for... /sarcasm.
Mesmers simply dont make sense in PvE because 1) FC is useless in PvE (or generally), 2) Powerful Mes skills are overshadowed by other classes who do MORE and do it Better (BHA + Epidemic + Volley + 80/100 armor = No Mesmer Need Apply), 3) Mesmer "AoE" is mostly niche or farming skills (SV, Archane Connundrum).
There's only a couple skills that are useful in PvE that is Mesmer AoE based.