Cyborg Command Unit



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2008

Our Titles are [SiCK]


I was making a visit to the local Best Buy and saw the Cyborg Command Unit game pad. I was interested in it because I'm left handed, and thus have to remap my movement to the num-pad, leaving me to click on my skills with the mouse (can't interupt for anything ). With this I can remap my keys so everything is close together, however my question is can I use the joystick on the side as a mouse?

A quick search around teh interwebs didn't reveal much about the joystick, so does anyone know if it can be programed to act as a mouse? If not, does anyone know of any other products that could fill that function in a similar price range?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



I use third party keyboard/mouse emulation software to play GW with a gamepad, so yes, that is certainly possible. No idea if that particular device has software to do it for you, but like I said, it can easily be done with other software.

I use "joytokey," and I think "xpadder" may also work, and padder has a friendlier gui. Both are freeware; you can find them easily with Google. Just map mouse movement to the actions that Windows detects in the game controller's device properties of your control panel. Joytokey has an option to increase the mouse cursor speed, which is why I use that program. I don't know if xpadder has that feature.

Short answer: Yes, you can use the joystick as a mouse if Windows recognizes it.

Lord Sojar

Lord Sojar

The Fallen One

Join Date: Dec 2005




The cyborg product line is nice from I hear. When my blue G15 kicks the bucket, I am planning on getting the Saitek Cyborg keyboard, provided Logitech doesn't make the next gaming keyboard a lot better (the orange G15 SUCKS)



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2008

Our Titles are [SiCK]


Ok thanks, looks like I'm gonna get it then