Help With Uw Speed Clear (sin Role)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Order of Aralia[Myth]


is there a video somewhere of the perma sin's part of the UW speed clear??
i am not fully understanding how it works

Killed u man

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by SSNILS
is there a video somewhere of the perma sin's part of the UW speed clear??
i am not fully understanding how it works It's idiot proof, really...

Having it done once (pre-nerf, but i'm sure U could still do it with the perma-burning build) I can prolly explain what you need to do.

to get you started and then U can keep on tabbing through video's of whatever part U actually need...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2008

The Rejected Sins [SOF]

The Perma-sin your thinking of isn't used in the UW speedclear.
As for videos, I learnt off of this one.
I couldn't get the proper agro control at first, which was my issue, but this video gives you the choke points, so make sure you use the points on the video. That gives you the choke points for the run to spawn the reaper.
After popping the reaper. *And making sure that you finished off any patrol that would get in his way*:
Take the Restoring Grenths Monuments & Unwelcome Guests quests.
You do the GUests quest.
That bit's easy, just round up the Terrorwebs & the keeper of the group, and put them all in a ball, then just use common sense to kill them, repeat the process for all 6 groups, and your done. Easy as pie, you could either go help out, farm, or relax after that (=

Hope this helps.

Edit: If you still need help with it, PM me ign and i'll give you a tutorial, *But you pay for the Essence, coz that's the only bit I need :P*