Our idea was to broadcast us playing matches of HA and GvG live on stickam, so other users could watch and listen WHILE the action is going on and discuss it with one another, and so new players if so interested could watch to maybe learn a thing or two.
"Well durrr just watch observer mode" - This would differ from observer mode quite a bit. For one it would be playing realtime, and all the sound from ventrilo would also be recorded and played in the chat room. Also this will allow users to actually talk about what's going on, because even though observer mode has a chat, let's face it, there's not much chatting going on there. Also this would just be a cool thing to do for my friends who have either played Guild Wars in the past or are looking into playing Guild Wars in the future.
Here's how the room would look like:

So what would people think about this? Good idea, bad idea? It'd just be a fun thing for me and my friends to do, almost like a 100% more interactive observer mode.