A little background on me. I've been playing Guild Wars for the past 19 monthes and have at least some experience in playing all the professions. I've playing Guild Battles, Alliance Battles, Team Arena, Random Arena, Zaishen Challenge, Zaishen Elite and others... But for today my main concerns are with Competitive Missions- mainly Fort Apsenwood and other similar places where characters will often find themselves having to fight without the aid of their allies. More importantly the usage of blocking stances. This brings up an often overlooked facet of Class Balancing. Sure when it comes to team play like Guild Battles, everything is organized and everyone has a role but in PUG games most characters will have to rely on their own profession and skill sets to survive. Now I don't mean to offend any players

Comparing the Warrior's stances to Ranger's stances
Warriors are "the tank" according to the guildwars instructions manual; therefore, it would make sense that being the tank, the warrior would have the best defensive stances. However, sadly this is not the case. You see each and every warrior defensive stance have shortdraws- things to balance them out and make them fair; however, only a few of the many ranger blocking stance have such a thing. For instance, Bonetti's Defense, Defensive stance and Wary stance ends when you use a skill... Disciplined stance ends when you use an adrenaline skill... Shield stance one of the few warrior stances that do not end whilst using a skill; however, it snares you by 33% movement speed which is critical for melee oriented professions to catch running foes and requires you to wield a shield making it unusable for hammer warriors... Finally, most warrior stances require Energy! Warriors are a profession built around the use of adrenaline, hence their low energy and energy regeneration. In Fort Aspenwood conditions and hexes are spread like wildfire and when warriors must use what little energy they have on stances then they will be timid about bringing any hex or condition removal to keep themselves alive. In Fort Aspenwood, especially playing as a Luxon your chances of getting a monk are about 1 in every 4 games so most players bring condition/hex removal skills along to keep themselves alive. Warriors are viewed in most cases as easy prey for rangers and spellcasters because they rarely have a way of unsnaring themselves and the only heals they have are a 2.0 second cast and one that requires you to hit enemies in melee to build adrenaline first. Kiting is a common method of easily killing, dispiriting and frustrating melee characters in Fort Aspenwood. This is fine, it is part of the fantasy RPG theme- ranged and spellcaster classes fight from range!
However, what has become increasingly distrubing to me in the past few weeks are my awareness of how most Rangers are able to kill warriors in melee! They do not even bother to kite because they know the warrior is helpless to their superior and many long blocking stances and blinding skill. They are even resilient to any conditions with the new update to Antidote Signet- which now removes any one condition along with all blindness, poison and disease. What frustrates me the most is how a ranged profession, commonly declared the best profession (sometimes "pimpest") in the game can out melee a warrior. This hardly seems like balanced professions. To specify all warrior stances last 10 seconds or less with 12 Tactics. Meanwhile Whirling Defense (a common "perma blocking" skill) will last for 18 seconds with 12 expertise, cost about 5 energy and even has a possitive effect (unlike the warrior stances which all have downsides to them) of dealing 10 damage to all adjacient foes whenever you block a projectile attack. Hmm... lets take a look at some of the other ranger stances shall we? Lightning Reflexes not only gives you 75% block for 10 seconds (and does NOT end when you use a skill) but also increases your attack speed by 33% for the duration! So wait!? It is Frenzy (without downside) + Bonetti's Defense (without downside)? Escape not only grants the user a 75% block rate but also increases movement speed by 33%! I though a skill like escape would be meant to give a ranger an escape rather than a perma blocking skill that allows hims to gun down enemies in melee. The only defenses against it that warriors have in their possession are Warrior's Cunning (which costs a whopping 10 energy for the already energy depraved warrior profession and Wild Blow which drains them of all their adrenaline and damage capabilities once their blocking stance goes down. In which case the ranger will almost always have a second stance handy. Now you get the point.
The way I see it Rangers are a ranged profession and should therefore use their stances for kiting and getting away from melee range. If you want stances that allow you to fight from melee then your secondary profession should be warrior. I propose a few skill changes:
Defensive Stance:
Requires 6 Strikes of Adrenaline
Cooldown: 6 seconds
(1...7 seconds) You have a 50% chance to block.
Changes: Defensive Stance no longer ends when you use a skill- similar to that of the current rangers stances, however to balance it, it grants only a 50% chance to block instead of the 75% and no longer grants the extra +24 armor bonus. Its cooldown is the same as "Fear Me!" and requires adrenaline to more realistically match the warrior's other skills.
Disciplined Stance:
Requires 6 Strikes of Adrenaline
Cooldown: 6 seconds
(1...5 seconds) You have a 50% chance to block and +24 armor.
Changes: Disciplined Stance no longer ends when you use an adrenaline skill; however, its blocking rate has been lowered to 50% to make for more fair gameplay and it retains its +24 armor bonus to make up for its smaller duration than Defensive Stance.
Shield Stance:
Requires 6 Strikes of Adrenaline
Cooldown: 6 seconds
(1...7 seconds) You have a 50% chance to block. No effect unless you have a shield equipped.
Changes: Shield Stance drops the snaring effect because it is too high a price to pay for a melee profession who is constantly chasing down fleeing foes. This skill still requires you to equip a shield.
Deflect Arrows:
Requires 5 Energy
Cooldown: 10 seconds
(1...7 seconds) You have a 50% chance to block projectile attacks.
Changes: no longer ends when you hit with an attack, its blocking has been lowered to 50%. The only warrior blocking stance that required Energy to use. This skills is built directly to fight ranged professions and therefore manytimes under the effects of snares (especially against cripshot rangers) you will never get the chance to build adrenaline to use skills so energy is vital to this skill's success.
Bonetti's Defense:
Requires 8 Strike of Adrenaline
Cooldown: 6 seconds
(5...10 seconds) You have a 50% chance to block. Gain 1 energy for each melee attack blocked.
Changes: the energy gain from the previous Bonetti's Defense is too high as it allows a character (not necessarily a warrior) to regain their full energy bar in a matter of seconds. This skill no longer ends when you use a skill but its blocking rate has been lowered to a solid 50%.
Notes: even though most warrior skills now require adrenaline they will not be able to be spammed with "For Great Justice!" and skills of that sort because whislt in cooldown, skills do not gain adrenaline. So you must wait the full 6 seconds before you can start building that stance up again.
And now time for the Rangers...
Requires 5 Energy
Cooldown: 12 seconds
(1...7 seconds) You move 33% faster and have a 75% chance to block. Ends when you use an attack skill.
Changes: True to its name it is meant as a kiting stance. It allows the ranger to block and increases movement speed at the same time! It even allow them to use non attack skills like Troll Unguent, traps, and Touch skills. You can still attack while its on; however, ends when you use an attack skill and its block rate has been kept the same to make up for it because it is an Elite.
Lightning Reflexes:
Requires: 10 Energy
Cooldown: 30 seconds
(5...10 seconds) You attack 33% faster and have a 50% chance to block. Ends when you target a foe with a skill.
Changes: What was arena net thinking making this an IAS and Blocking skill at the same time with no down side?! This skill still allows the use to attacks even increases the attack speed by 33% but its blocking rate has been lowered to 50% and ends when you use an attack skill or any skill that targets a foe (such as Vampiric Touch and Vampiric Bite) to balance it. This skill was extremely unbalanced and could only effectively be used by the Ranger profession because it requires expertise. It allowed Rangers to sit and spam Burning Arrow and Distracting Shots at a helpless melee professions in Fort Aspenwood.
Whirling Defense:
Requires: 10 Energy
Cooldown: 60 seconds
(8...18 seconds) You have a 75% chance to block. Deals 5...10 damage to adjacient foes whenever you block a projectile attack. Ends when you target a foe with a skill.
Changes: It still lasts for its extremely long duration and keeps its high block rate and AOE damage; however, has been changed to end when you target a foe with a skill. This is to balance out the Touch Rangers who will be nearly unaffected by the changes to the other two above stances. In addition is still allows for the use of skills that do not target foes such as troll unguent and gives you a solid blocking shroud to run to your allies or tank a mob of melee professions like Luxon Warriors.
Zojun's Haste/Dodge
Requires: 5 Energy
Cooldown: 30 seconds
(5...10 seconds) You move 33% faster and have 27...65% chance to block projectiles. Ends if you attack or if you target a foe with a skill.
Changes: It is already fairly balanced for what a ranged profession is expected to do however, like Whirling Defense it too ends with the targeting of a foe.
Dryder's Defense
Requires: 5 Energy
Cooldown: 60 seconds
(5...10 seconds) You gain 50% chance to block attacks and 34...55 armor against elemental damage. Ends when you target a foe with a skill.
Changes: This skill is powerful in that it not only gives you superior defense to melee but also superior defense to most spellcasting. But because of its average duration and long cool down it should still allow the use of normal attacks. It will end with the use an offensive oreinted skill.
Natural Stride
Changes: None whatsoever. It already has a balanced presentation by not granting an impossibly high block rate and ends when become hexed or enchanted. Meanwhile its one of the few ranger stances that can be utilized effectively by other professions.
Final Notes: It is in my opinion that a 75% block rate is too high. With this ratio it would seem that a melee character (or any other for that matter) could land a blow in 1 in every 4 or so tries but this is rarely the case. Characters will often go six, seven even as high as ten swings without landing a single blow. This is devastating for warriors as they cannot use one of their heals or any skills without adrenaline and is especially devastating to hammer warriors whose attack speed is one swing every 1.75 seconds. Rangers will still be very adequate in taking of melee classes as they still have kiting skills such as Pin Down, Crippling Shot, many movement inceases and blocking stances as well as Throw Dirt for a blind. They even have antidote signet to remove crippling/bleeding/deep wounds from themselves. It is in my opinion that very few skills should have as high as 75% chance of blocking. This is very overpowering even to Assassins who might never be able to get off an attack chain.
The other day our PUG (pick-up-group) in Fort Aspenwood complained that we had 3 warriors. They stated that warriors are a crutch unable to do much of anything in PvP. And then went on to declare we would lose and even a couple players left. They cannot deal large amounts of damage like Elementalist. They do not have to Blocking or Survivability of Rangers. They have practically no defense against any condtions or hexes (blindness from steam is become ever more common in the game today) and must run up into a large crowd of enemies to do damage which in most cases prevents them from being able to take out mines, turtles, or gates by themselves. I feel as if you could at least look over the changes I suggested and considered them I would mean a lot to me and many of the frustrated warriors playing the Luxons I know in Fort Aspenwood.
I thank you sincerely for your time and patience.