My guild is new to higher forms of PvP, and I'm looking to set up a GvG team.
I have currently 4 core members and need four more (at least). If possible I would like to get two teams so that we can be GvGing a good amount.
Vent is a must.
PvP experience is also required. Doesn't have to be a lot, but someone completely new to all forms of PvP wont work out well.
UAX is good, but not necessary. But all campaigns are required
If possible I'm looking for a few people who will help me sort out builds, who have a good idea of the meta, and can help get things settled down (if they are willing to do that, I'll give officer status).
Looking for Front/Mid/Back/Runners
basically everything ^^
If you are interested, please PM me in game and I can answer any questions. IGN - Cassandria Black
Real Eyes Realize Real Lies [Tree]