The Alliance hosts 9 guilds. The two biggest guilds have close to 80 members, which is why we are recruiting for DOE. We have many beautiful Guild Halls for you to choose from, and of course, DOE has its own cape. CBE maintains its own community forum, where members are encouraged to get to know each other, share items of interest, swap game techniques, and plan events and contests.
We are a Luxon alliance, but do not require faction farming. We are mostly a PVE alliance, but some members are active in the many other aspects of the game. We are all about community, and working together to further our experience.
Our members range in age from 18-80 (well maybe not 80, but they would be welcome to join!). All we ask is that you are willing to join in and help, and if you are new, to learn the game. We have many guildies who are willing and able to help you!
If any of this interests you, send me a PM through this site, and let me know when we can chat. Or PM me ingame for an Invite to the last Alliance you will ever go looking for

InGame name: Sable Wood