Types of classes are irrelevant know ?
I camed back after 2 years and every one needs for fow only r10 ursan ? I mean where are "normal" b/p, monks, etc... ? In other places is not difirent ? This "ursan" has completly "killed" character based classes for gw in general ?
Sry about my opinion, but this is gw not some bear type game.... lol
I know i will get flamed, but hey! We got "classes" it doesnt only exsist "ursan".
What is your opinion ?
Sry about my opinion, but this is gw not some bear type game.... lol
I know i will get flamed, but hey! We got "classes" it doesnt only exsist "ursan".
What is your opinion ?
Ate of DK
Please use the search function and post that in one of the 200 QQ threads about Ursan Blessing that are around allready.
Sarevok Thordin
This weeks update will kill it. move on.
First of all, be ready to have started a flame war.
BAck on topic, yeah. As far as PuG and Elite area/HardMode are together, there are 3 kind of character : Monks (obviously), (near-)r10 Ursan and the other ursan (with title too low to be taken).
Only way you have to play elite area with non-ursan humans is to join a guild who will play something else than ursan (and be sucessful). Or find a way to Hero it with a friend.
That was kinda their point with Ursan, allow every classes to access elite areas. Now we can judge if they really suceeded.
BAck on topic, yeah. As far as PuG and Elite area/HardMode are together, there are 3 kind of character : Monks (obviously), (near-)r10 Ursan and the other ursan (with title too low to be taken).
Only way you have to play elite area with non-ursan humans is to join a guild who will play something else than ursan (and be sucessful). Or find a way to Hero it with a friend.
That was kinda their point with Ursan, allow every classes to access elite areas. Now we can judge if they really suceeded.
lol double post
Originally Posted by farmerfez
lol double post
Use search, this is discussed and done, etc etc yada yada yada.
Use search next time.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by AncientLord
This "ursan" has completly "killed" character based classes for gw in general ?
The point of ursan was to be a "must have" skill to make players buy the Eye of the North expansion, and as GW:EN sales peeter out the skill will hopefully be adjusted to be less ridiculous, game-breaking, and anti-everything-GW-used-to-be.
Rumor mill has it that it may even happen this week.
With any luck some other almost-as-ridiculous PvE skills get adjusted too. But I'm not holding my breath.
Why does everyone blame just Ursan?
My ritualist and mesmer BOTH run FH!, Assassin, YMLD! + AP.
The rest of the skills are pretty much fillers when something happens to not die after I unleash those 4 skills.
AP gives SR-like e-management for all classes - so pretty much we're at the most balanced point in this game.
You select your class based on what armor you like best.
My ritualist and mesmer BOTH run FH!, Assassin, YMLD! + AP.
The rest of the skills are pretty much fillers when something happens to not die after I unleash those 4 skills.
AP gives SR-like e-management for all classes - so pretty much we're at the most balanced point in this game.
You select your class based on what armor you like best.
Oooo an Ursan thread!
Robbert Monga
Originally Posted by Sarevok Thordin
This weeks update will kill it. move on.
Originally Posted by Steps_Descending
That was kinda their point with Ursan, allow every classes to access elite areas. Now we can judge if they really suceeded.
Commander Ryker
Already tons of threads QQing about Ursan. Search FTW!