Were do you believe Elitism lies the most in GW..
Polgara Val
As the title suggests,
I find PvP to be somewhat more Elitist personally then other forms of GW such as "must be Ursan Rank xx" etc.....
Just a little friendly discussion here ladies and gents, lets not get to heated..
I find PvP to be somewhat more Elitist personally then other forms of GW such as "must be Ursan Rank xx" etc.....
Just a little friendly discussion here ladies and gents, lets not get to heated..
This is a joke right?It's obvious to 99%of the population that pvp has the most elitest, becase quite frankly PvP is the best thing about gw. PvE doesnt matter because its easy
It depends where you are. Heroes' Ascent is where almost all the elitist lie within the game. The other forms of PvP are pretty good. In PvE it's elite areas because if you don't have rank x+ then you're not going.
Sarevok Thordin
HA is the most elitist without a doubt.
Ursan rankers are gonna get a big kick in the chops with the update so I wouldn't care about them, they can't "play" anyway.
Ursan rankers are gonna get a big kick in the chops with the update so I wouldn't care about them, they can't "play" anyway.
Gin Cometh
Thats why 75% of players play PvE?
May not be exact # but i bet its close ,maybe even more play PvE only.
With the resent nerfs to farming etc i cant stop thinking ANET are trying to focas those PvE #s to play PvP
That was @ Jiggles where he /she said PvP is that best thing in GW
May not be exact # but i bet its close ,maybe even more play PvE only.
With the resent nerfs to farming etc i cant stop thinking ANET are trying to focas those PvE #s to play PvP
That was @ Jiggles where he /she said PvP is that best thing in GW
The most elitism lies in my friends list. You need to be a GWAMM and have at least champion r6 and zrank 5 to be my friend.
Killed u man
Originally Posted by Polgara Val
As the title suggests,
I find PvP to be somewhat more Elitist personally then other forms of GW such as "must be Ursan Rank xx" etc..... Just a little friendly discussion here ladies and gents, lets not get to heated.. Pol |
PvP is all about elitism. HA rank means nothing (but experience), and I'm guilty of commiting this form of elitism. (Always form R10+, but I NEVER take people without a guild and/or I know are bad)
GvG is the highest form of elitism you can get. Whereas a casual player CAN get into a R10+ HA-group (Because they drasticly need somebody), a top GvG guild will NEVER, EVER pug. (I'm talking about actual pugs, not QQ-forum people who still have some clue what GvG is)
It's understandable from one point of view:
PvE = non serious + repetitive (IF you fail, you can always retry, and failing in PvE is hard)
TA = lower form of PvP, yet is mostly Build Wars, dominated with gimmicks, thus the only skill needed is being able to button-bash. (Very few discrimination, even tough some R5+ glads believe it takes skill to run a Corrupt bar, or ANY bar in that matter in a format that only has 4v4 one-dimensional fights)
HA = higher form of PvP, also dominated by gimmicks BUT where knowledge + experience will get you somewhat further than unranked people can get. This doesn't mean rank = better player, and people often confuse this with rank = skill, thus alot of Elitism finds place here.
GvG = read top. Highest form of PvP, and thus you won't find more elitism anywere else than here...
Karate Jesus
In my pants.
Do you mean the people who think they're the most elite? Or the people who actually are the most elite?
Do you mean the people who think they're the most elite? Or the people who actually are the most elite?
Gun Pierson
Outside the game, more specifically here on the forums. All kind of elitists gather here to 'debate' their view. Though most of the time it gets ugly.
One has to be very cautious and aware what you post, as dozens are ready to take any opportunity to make you feel like a fool.
This is a sh1t place to be, yet I find myself attracted to read and post here every day. Ow the irony.
One has to be very cautious and aware what you post, as dozens are ready to take any opportunity to make you feel like a fool.
This is a sh1t place to be, yet I find myself attracted to read and post here every day. Ow the irony.
Polgara Val
Killed you man: "must be ursan rank" isn't elitst. A higher ursan WILL be better, as he will do more damage; and thus you have a larger chance of completing the area faster."
I agree with most of what you have said, I even agree about the Ursan theory however I have seen people ask for Ursan rank 10 and one rank 9 was not accepted (keep in mind they needed 1 more player 7/8 for example) dispite the fact the difference between rank 9 and 10 are well minimal.
To Karate Jesus: I mean elitism in GW regarding players in specific parts of the game, for example HA or The Deep etc
I agree with most of what you have said, I even agree about the Ursan theory however I have seen people ask for Ursan rank 10 and one rank 9 was not accepted (keep in mind they needed 1 more player 7/8 for example) dispite the fact the difference between rank 9 and 10 are well minimal.
To Karate Jesus: I mean elitism in GW regarding players in specific parts of the game, for example HA or The Deep etc
only RX++ allowed
no room for PvE'rs like me there
only RX++ allowed
no room for PvE'rs like me there
*whistles nonchalantly as he glances through the thread*
I've been away for 2 months, and we're still whining about elitism?
Polgara Val
Originally Posted by Zinger314
I've been away for 2 months, and we're still whining about elitism?
Which does most elitism lie?
Definitely GWGuru.
Nobody can do right for doing wrong. PvPers bash PvEers and vice versa. Imbagon abusers bash Ursan users. The mods are trained by Soviet Russian textbooks.
Definitely GWGuru.
Nobody can do right for doing wrong. PvPers bash PvEers and vice versa. Imbagon abusers bash Ursan users. The mods are trained by Soviet Russian textbooks.
Dr Strangelove
Waaaaaaa, I'm too incompetent to form my own groups, and nobody wants to babysit me! Waaaaaaah! When you got picked last in dodgeball, did you complain about elitism there too?
elitism is an attitude that is often found in those who do not deserve to show it.
Gun Pierson
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
Waaaaaaa, I'm too incompetent to form my own groups, and nobody wants to babysit me! Waaaaaaah! When you got picked last in dodgeball, did you complain about elitism there too?
Perfect example to illustrate my above post though.
Excuse me if I missed the 1337 humor there.
Burst Cancel
Ideally, elitism would be inherent in the game. Unfortunately, GW is closer to socialism than meritocracy.
Frank Dudenstein
There is no "elitism" in areas where you can still win with morons.
In areas where morons cause you to lose .. there will be a way to weed them out.
Draw your own conclusions...
In areas where morons cause you to lose .. there will be a way to weed them out.
Draw your own conclusions...
Polgara Val
Originally Posted by Burst Cancel
Ideally, elitism would be inherent in the game. Unfortunately, GW is closer to socialism than meritocracy.
Ive been kicked out of more ursan groups for being r9 and not r10 than HA groups im one or two ranks under...
I see it more as... in pve rank actually numerically matters, whereas you can have a skilled player be a lower rank because they just dont like HA much (i dont mean r2/3, i mean they have real experience). I dont like PvE much, yet i get kicked for not being the max rank. If you dont like HA much, but you have a champ title, ive seen groups be quite lenient, same with friends (as an r2 i got into some nice r8+ halls teams)
anyways to answer the question: RA has the most elitist people. i swear.
I see it more as... in pve rank actually numerically matters, whereas you can have a skilled player be a lower rank because they just dont like HA much (i dont mean r2/3, i mean they have real experience). I dont like PvE much, yet i get kicked for not being the max rank. If you dont like HA much, but you have a champ title, ive seen groups be quite lenient, same with friends (as an r2 i got into some nice r8+ halls teams)
anyways to answer the question: RA has the most elitist people. i swear.
Burst Cancel
Originally Posted by moriz
elitism is an attitude that is often found in those who do not deserve to show it.
In short, elitism in GW would be the belief that better players deserve better rewards/treatment/etc. Whether or not you happen to actually be one of those better players is an entirely different question.
The behavior most people perceive as 'elitism' is really just a simple combination of ignorance and arrogance.
Malice Black
Elitism doesn't exist. It's a word created by bad people so they can blame their short comings on other people.
Zahr Dalsk
I like playing with the AI. It means I never have to worry about elitism or whatever.
Everywhere. Guild Wars is starting to have a worse community than Runescape these days.
Malice Black
My title has what to do with this exactly? I paid for a subscription to guru, the title is part of that. Your point is worthless.
Sin City Gamer
Originally Posted by Malice Black
My title has what to do with this exactly? I paid for a subscription to guru, the title is part of that. Your point is worthless.

Btw, I actually do very much commend your financial support of the website. Any offense was unintended and stupid on my part.
Easy, that would be the GWG forums.
Malice Black
Originally Posted by Sin City Gamer
Sorry, I realized that after I posted. you got in before I could delete my post...
![]() Btw, I actually do very much commend your financial support of the website. Any offense was unintended and stupid on my part. |

It used to be the Hero's Ascent groups that had the most elitism due to your lack of rank, but ever since Ursan made it's appreance ever since 'Eye of the North', I believe that thats where the most elitism is being held now due to that you have to be r10 when, actually, it doesn't really matter.
I don't really care whether there is elitism or not. Words are merely words if you've thick skin, and as long as you're motivated to continue to get better instead of letting people put you down while making an extreme effort you'll come out slightly successful. The most elitist area I would say is all around the game.
PvE vs. PvP debates, rank discrimination (Although this is quite reasonable, since rank often indicates experience in that particular field. This doesn't apply to PvE though as most of the grind titles carry a benefit), people saying X profession sucks at everything, people claiming to know stuff when they just steal words from other people's mouths, but when it comes to the end they screw up and people claiming money = good at the game. The list goes on, but there is elitism in every game. The most I can say to people who don't like it is "Welcome to the internet".
PvE vs. PvP debates, rank discrimination (Although this is quite reasonable, since rank often indicates experience in that particular field. This doesn't apply to PvE though as most of the grind titles carry a benefit), people saying X profession sucks at everything, people claiming to know stuff when they just steal words from other people's mouths, but when it comes to the end they screw up and people claiming money = good at the game. The list goes on, but there is elitism in every game. The most I can say to people who don't like it is "Welcome to the internet".
Diddy bow
HA is pretty much exclusivly elitist.
Most guilds generally let you in so long as your a nice enough person, PVE, well you just need the build. TA is either friends guilds or randoms.
Most guilds generally let you in so long as your a nice enough person, PVE, well you just need the build. TA is either friends guilds or randoms.
romeus petrus
Elitism is alive and well in both PvE and PvP. Although now as the game is getting older, and PvE getting dryer every day; it is getting hard to be an elitist in PvE.
Honestly, I think the root of elitism is grounded in players who fear "losing" much more than they enjoy "winning". This definitely isn't isolated to PvP, but is more prevalent there because of the inherently competitive nature of that game.
Elitism in PvE generally resides in the elite areas (pun intended) where 1+ hours of someone's time is at stake, so elitism allows those players who fear "losing" that time to minimize their risk.
Elitism in PvE generally resides in the elite areas (pun intended) where 1+ hours of someone's time is at stake, so elitism allows those players who fear "losing" that time to minimize their risk.
In people like me who didn't read the page and a half before me just so I could make a snide remark about the incorrect spelling of "where" in the thread title.
Grammar > u
Grammar > u
Sarevok Thordin
PvE elitism is just silly.
I've been known to sneak into DoA groups with r4 ursan (I really wanted to finish that area ok? I didn't want to spend weeks trying to find a REAL group among all the sheep ._.) and still outperformed the others. To which I was subjected to torrents of rage whispers when I revealed my actual rank after doing it. All because I got some nicer drops than them.
But I'm not going back there again
I've been known to sneak into DoA groups with r4 ursan (I really wanted to finish that area ok? I didn't want to spend weeks trying to find a REAL group among all the sheep ._.) and still outperformed the others. To which I was subjected to torrents of rage whispers when I revealed my actual rank after doing it. All because I got some nicer drops than them.
But I'm not going back there again
Tender Wolf
I don't think there is any "elitism" in the game to be honest. Wow, you have God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals. Ooo you have rank 10 Ursan. Yay you've completed Hero's Ascent 100 times. Sure it's cool but does that make you elite/better than everyone else? Personally I think not.
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
I don't think there is any "elitism" in the game to be honest. Wow, you have God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals. Ooo you have rank 10 Ursan. Yay you've completed Hero's Ascent 100 times. Sure it's cool but does that make you elite/better than everyone else? Personally I think not.
Been there done that.
Another PvP vs PvE , Nerf Ursan vs don't Nerf Ursan thread that quickly turns into a flame fest and attracts the trolls.
Another PvP vs PvE , Nerf Ursan vs don't Nerf Ursan thread that quickly turns into a flame fest and attracts the trolls.