Originally Posted by Dark Kal
Your idea is much more exploitable than mine. All I have to do is buy one starter dedicated miniature which I can never sell, then I just always buy two dedicated miniatures, undedicated one and resell both. As long as the price of two dedicated miniatures is cheaper than one undedicated miniature (as there are some now) I can keep abusing your system. Therefor your system would have an economical impact, mine would not. Also your system would need an additional way of telling which miniatures can be used to undedicate and which can not, making the system even more complex. For these reasons I can't support your idea.
What? You didn't understand what I wrote. Read it again.
If you buy one dedicated miniature, you can't dedicate it. You must have already dedicated miniatures.
Once the monument becomes account wide, the system would count how many of them were in the account, and save that.
Then, you'll be able to remove the surplus ones:
You had 3 Hydras, can un-dedicate 2:
- Undedicate 1, you have 1 remaining.
- Undedicate another one, you can't undedicate anymore, the third hydra stays in the monument of devotion no matter what you do.
So you can't do anything 'always'.
Dedicate one miniature, get two undedicated and you can't do ANYTHING.
Get 2 non-dedicated. Dedicate them both and you can only undedicate ONE.
And after the monument of devotion ecomes account wide, you woulld be able to recover the extra ones, like if only one miniature of each type had bee dedicated to the monument.
The monument is not account wide (now):
- You have 3 hydras not dedicated.
- You dedicate the 3 hydras with 3 different characters to their respective monuments.
- You can't undedicate any.
- You end up with 3 dedicated hydras items, and 3 hydras dedicated in 3 different monuments of 3 different characters.
- Now wait for the HoM update
The monument becomes account wide (after the update):
- The system counts how many hydras were dedicated in the account.
- The system counts 3.
- Since there can be only 1 hydra dedicated per account, you can recover now 2 hydras.
- You undedicate 2 hydras by giving away 2 dedicated hydras to the monument.
- You can't undedicate any more hydras. Since there are no more 'surplus' over 1.
- You can't dedicate any more hydras. There is already one in the account. You'll have to sell, give away, discard, trade to other account the other 2 miniatures, or just keep them in the storage. Whatever you like most..
- You end up with 1 dedicated and 2 undedicated hydras items, and 1 hydra dedicated for the whole account.
My idea would make things like should have been since the release of EotN. It would a 'refund' like with the gems in the Anguish. You won't create anything. You'll recover the ones you won't have dedicated if the monument was account-wide from the startay.
So my idea affects only those that have dedicated the same miniature with more than one character, and those ONLY.
If you just want to remove any dedicated miniature without conditions at all, sorry, but NO. If you had just one miniature, you should thing through before dedicating it, and if you mistook the character, after such an update, it won't mind which character dedicated the miniature, it would have been account wide, so there won't be any reason to remove the last miniature from the account.
I would only accept a refund, only for the surplus of miniatures and only if the monument becomes account wide.