Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Actually, if you use the search, you'll find that there are at least two suggestions made about that.
Get rid of US and European districts.
Originally Posted by Free Runner
I like the Euro districts. They are alot more calmer than the American districts. |
i agree with DarkNecrid
Smurf Minions
Oh yeah, i can intterupt woh with 400 ping kthx
Just keep it as it is............
Sai Rith
/notsigned. I stay away from American RA Districts- too many W/Mo scrubs and Sin who think their Naruto and rush in.
No way. The ping is much lower to play on a local server than a foreign one. This means everyone would have ~400ms ping except probably americans since the servers would be located there, and they're not the only ones in the world playing.
Ate of DK
No thnx,
American districts are full of flamers and noobs.
I also like my average 32ms ping instead of the ~500ms I get in American districts.
American districts are full of flamers and noobs.

I also like my average 32ms ping instead of the ~500ms I get in American districts.
Originally Posted by cthulhu reborn
Since European and American players can interact freely, I've noticed that a lot of players go to the US districts since the English population or even the general population is higher. This started for trading reasons and for finding people to play with at odd hours here in Europe.
Now, since the HoH has no bonuses for continents anymore, it seems that the point in having US and European (and even Asian I might add) districts. Why not just have language districts? If a lot of the European English speakers are going to the US districts now you may aswell accept it and it saves you on selecting districts. Also, I would think that in the US there may be a fair amount of Spanish speakers who may be interested in a Spanish speaking district without having to travel to the European districts. So there's my idea. |
Bad Joe
Language districts killed the european servers. They have to remove european language districts, and leave english only. It's so hard to find groups in europe, because the players are separated to 7 language districts... So 4-5 players in each. If they would be in one dis, the party making would be more easier.
In america, there are no districts for languages. The ppl are in same dis, even if they speak spanish, portugal, french or something else. The party making is easy as hell. Thats why europeans going to us districts.
Language districts killed the european servers. They have to remove european language districts, and leave english only. It's so hard to find groups in europe, because the players are separated to 7 language districts... So 4-5 players in each. If they would be in one dis, the party making would be more easier.
In america, there are no districts for languages. The ppl are in same dis, even if they speak spanish, portugal, french or something else. The party making is easy as hell. Thats why europeans going to us districts.
i like being able to avoid immature americans and not having loads of lag as i'm sure every other european player would.
i like being able to avoid immature americans and not having loads of lag as i'm sure every other european player would.
Jae Onasi
My guild tends to use the int'l district because we have members from all over the world, and that district seems to have the least lag in general when we play together.
I like the American district(s) for trading, however.
Putting all the English-speaking groups onto one server would make the lag a lot worse, I think, so I agree with some of the other posters here that doing this wouldn't necessarily benefit the community, and might make connectivity worse.
I like the American district(s) for trading, however.
Putting all the English-speaking groups onto one server would make the lag a lot worse, I think, so I agree with some of the other posters here that doing this wouldn't necessarily benefit the community, and might make connectivity worse.
/not signed. Enough lag already.
Ever thought of network latencies?
Because I have a Dutch ISP the pings within the Euro districts are far better than when I play in the US. As long as the latency issue is not addressed it is not wise to unite them imo.
Because I have a Dutch ISP the pings within the Euro districts are far better than when I play in the US. As long as the latency issue is not addressed it is not wise to unite them imo.