When I say reward factor I am talking about the achievments you do in the game and the amount of goodies you get for doing them. I think this question could be said about almost any MMO, although the last MMO I played was runescape, but that like 4 years ago when I was like 11. Most crtisism of the game that isn't from the community, is about the amount of reward you get for the time you spend playing on it, but once again this criticism is targeted at a lot of mmos.
Apparently the reward factor in the golden age of prophecies was quite good because almost perfect weapons and such were worth using and worth selling, but that probably because everything felt so new. Eye of the Noth, has a different form reward factor compared to the other campaigns, by questing you can obtain unique weapons rather than just repetedly farming, but these weapons aren't that great. After completing a dungeon, that take an hour an a half on a dungeon I don't want weapon that costs 300g, I want I weapon which make me go 'cool', why the hell would I want a staff mode that has '13+damge against undead'. Don't get me wrong pve is easy, but it's long and tedious with little reward, I just thing what's the point.PvP reward system works quite well because you can spend reward points on the items you want rather than just doing tedious farming. Elite areas has a good reward factor, but I don't like this ideology that just because something is hard doesn't mean you have to make it long. I have no interest on going on guild wars for around 2 hours on the trot to get something nice.
All lot of the problem with Anet's ideology of weapons and armour being all flash, I love/hate Anet's concept of weapons and armour being all flash, because it works so well in pvp but I also belive it doesn't work so well in pve, there just isn't anything that just cool when fighting enemies, it's 'all flash' and nothing else. Pve skills are nice in that way because they powerful in pve and the fact that you unlocked them, but Ursan was step too far, not to mention that pve skills are far too easy to get and that there are loads of them which makes the specianess lof them not so special.
That why I love action rpgs , the more you progress, not farm, progress, the more cool stuff you get. I don't take it as if I am an Anet hater, I just feel like I am not rewarded with the progress I make in the game. And I hoping that GW2 will be more like an action rpg like diablo(or what I have seen of diablo.
look at this, look at what happens when he opens that chest, isn't that just awesome, the full set of armour is probably is to demonstrate the game but it's so awesome.