*Reduce Guild Lord standart HP to 1250hp
*Grant him additional +50hp per NPC still alive (50hp*12npcs = 600hp)
*NPC's must be killed before the Guild Lord walks toward the Flagstand (20min.)
*After the 20min. mark, he's HP will be locked.
*Morale boost = 10%
This will encourage people to focus more on killing NPC's. The Guild Lord will start of with 1850hp.
Instead of this TA like 8v8 degen wars we are facing now, people will have a chance of granting themself an advantage when the Guild Lord walks towards the flagstand.
Killing all the NPC's will also make the Guild Lord more vulnerable against Gank teams, whom might actually have a chance of killing him - if the opposing party doesn't pay attention to their base.
All damage taken by the Guild Lord throughout the game will get added up, and the team who dealt the most damage to the other teams Guild Lord will win after 28min.
VoD Tweak suggestion
*Increase Guild Lord standard HP to 1900hp
*Take away 50 maximum health per Archer killed, and 100 for Knights and the Bodyguard.
*NPC's must be killed before the Guild Lord walks toward the Flagstand (20min.)
*After the 20min. mark, his HP will be locked.
*Flag stand = same as it is now.
This gives incentive to both splitting, as well as keeping the flagstand under control.
Also, make the bodyguard do something besides sit there and die.
*Take away 50 maximum health per Archer killed, and 100 for Knights and the Bodyguard.
*NPC's must be killed before the Guild Lord walks toward the Flagstand (20min.)
*After the 20min. mark, his HP will be locked.
*Flag stand = same as it is now.
This gives incentive to both splitting, as well as keeping the flagstand under control.
Also, make the bodyguard do something besides sit there and die.
Lady Raenef
...guild lord to 1 HP. This would give the incentive to running and having the fastest attack for the offensive and blocking for the defensive. Also, GvG matches would finally be shorter than 20 minutes a piece.
Skye Marin
Give the bodyguard +5 regen, heal area, and 600 HP. I like the idea of lowering the Guild Lord's health with NPC deaths.
I would enjoy a way to display who is ahead on the balance, and by how much, and perhaps make a limit to how much damage one team can have over the other. For example, a display bar that fills with blue or red with damage to the guild lord from either team, and the opposing team's damage makes the bar move back down. Bar limit is ~5000 damage.
I wonder how something like shield of absorption works with the damage, because it seems the best strategy to me is to chain that skill from two monks.
Crazy idea:
Perhaps a work-around would be to create an off-screen dummy that experiences the same offensive skills / conditions / hexes against it as the guild lord does, but not the buffs, and use that for the tiebreaker. This way, DPS is key for victory, while utility is still needed for splits and keeping your team alive. For example, a Prot Spirit'd fireball would deal full damage, but a blocked or blinded attack wouldn't connect to the dummy.
I would enjoy a way to display who is ahead on the balance, and by how much, and perhaps make a limit to how much damage one team can have over the other. For example, a display bar that fills with blue or red with damage to the guild lord from either team, and the opposing team's damage makes the bar move back down. Bar limit is ~5000 damage.
I wonder how something like shield of absorption works with the damage, because it seems the best strategy to me is to chain that skill from two monks.
Crazy idea:
Perhaps a work-around would be to create an off-screen dummy that experiences the same offensive skills / conditions / hexes against it as the guild lord does, but not the buffs, and use that for the tiebreaker. This way, DPS is key for victory, while utility is still needed for splits and keeping your team alive. For example, a Prot Spirit'd fireball would deal full damage, but a blocked or blinded attack wouldn't connect to the dummy.
how about once VoD or tie-breaker has started the Guild Lord's death is irrelevant, and the first death will decide the win/lose.
but, still make the NPC's rush middle.
but, still make the NPC's rush middle.